A company is considered as EPD member when it has paid its annual membership and contribution.

Please fulfill the and return it to EPD Executive committee

Company identification:

Company’s name: …………………………………… Company registration Number with RDB: …………….

Managing Director/Executive Director: ………….

Office address: ………………………………………………….. P.O.Box: ……………………………………………

Phone office number: ……………………………………… Mobile phone number: ………………………..

Email address: ……………………………………………………. Skype ID: …………………………………………..

Website: ………………………………………………………..

Alternative contact person:

Name of the person: ……………………………………………… His/her position in the company: ………………

Mobile phone number: …………………………………………… Email address: ………………………………………….

Membership fee:

  1. Subscription: 75,000 Rwf
  2. Annual membership fee and category. Please tick to the appropriate category you want:

Diamond member: 2,000 USD (Paid in USD Only)

Platinum member: 1,500,000 Rwf

Golden member: 1,000,000 Rwf

Silver member: 500,000 Rwf

Bronze member: 300,000 Rwf

Orange member: 75,000 Rwf

Please, attach to this form your RDB Registration certificate if not given to EPD before


Membership fee / Platinum / Gold / Silver / Bronze / Orange
Subscription (Paid the first year only when joining) / 75,000 / 75,000 / 75,000 / 75,000 / 75,000
Annual contribution in RWF / 1,500,000 / 1,000,000 / 500,000 / 300,000 / 75,000
General support and advocacy / X / x / x / X / x
Membership certificate / X / x / x / X / x
Event with members only / X / x / x / X / x
Access to EPD information / X / x / x / x / X
Unrestricted access to EDP database / X / x / x / x / x
Right to stand for election as EPD Board member
Technical support from general secretariat
Quitus service / X / x / x / x
Invitation to events with members and other associations / X / x / x / X
Access to training workshops / X / x / x / X
Invitation to National & international events / X / x / x / X
Listing on the EPD website with company logo, a link to company website and a brief company profile / X / x / X / X
Invitation to topical business networking meetings / X / x / X / x
Free branding rights and display of brochures at EPD organized events / X / x / X
Discount to advertize in brochures at EPD organized events / 50% / 25% / 0 / 0
Pull-up banners/brochures at EPD exhibition stand / X / X
Company logo on EPD pull-up banners/brochures in all national, regional and international events organized by EPD or events in which EPD is invited / X / X
Invitation to EPD Networking breakfast/Lunch/dinner / X / X
Access to information on local and International business related matters / X / X
Event with high profile speakers/Government officials/International road-shows organized by EPD / X
Access to top public institutions and PSF executives leaders to ensure timely advocacy on business challenges.
/ X
Logo on EPD’s newsletters / X
Logo on EPD’s online Member Area with link to company website / X


Membership fee: 2,000 USD paid in USD

Services & Benefit:

On top of the above services, a Diamond member will have:

-Free adverts to EPD website (But cost of uploading information to EPD website are paid by company/organization)

-Free space for branding and/or displaying promotional materials at EPD’s events

el: 0788303959/0788302624/ 07849121333

Accounts: 0010093812381701 Rwf 0011093812381701 US$/ECOBANK