Training Activity

Title / “Dozens” Review Game
When to Use
(check all that apply) /

Group Size / Any number, divided into teams of 3-5 players
Time / TBD by trainer, based on class size
Materials / Approx. 1 dozen category cards (1 set per team)
Copy of handout “How to play Dozens” for each participant
Instructions / Divide class into groups of 3-5 players and seat them at different tables. Place a packet of category cards in the middle of each table, written side face down. Give a copy of the handout to each participant.
Demonstrate game play : walk participants through the steps on the handout ---
ü  Read the category on a card
ü  Choose a player to play the role of “contestant”
ü  You give example of something belonging to the category; contestant responds with another example
ü  Ask all other players to listen carefully to determine whether you or the contestant makes a mistake and loses the round (see handout for rules of play)
ü  Winner keeps the card
ü  In actual game, next person will be the reader; all will take turns until all cards have been used
Get each team started on the game. Walk around the room to observe and clarify rules if necessary.
Debriefing / No formal debrief necessary – determine who has most cards at each table to declare winners. Purpose is simply to encourage review and recall of information.
Application: / Review of material, especially where terms/acronyms are involved
Submitted by: / Lee Blackaby
Source : / The Thiagi Group Newsletter
Date submitted: / 26 May 2010

Handout 1

How To Play Dozens

How Does the Game Begin?

The tallest player becomes the first player. Other players take turns to be the first player in subsequent rounds.

What Does the First Player Do?

The first player picks the top card of the packet. She reads the category aloud and shows the card to the other players.

The first player selects any other player to compete with her. This person is called the contestant.

The first player says an item that belongs to the category.

The contestant immediately says a different item that belongs to the same category.

The two players take turns alternatively supplying another new item that belongs to the same category.

What Do the Other Players Do?

All other players listen carefully to the items supplied by the first player and the contestant. One of these two players loses the round if she commits any of these three errors:

·  Hesitates too long before saying an item

·  Repeats an item that was already said

·  Says an item that does not belong to the category


John hesitates too long because he could not come up with a new example of a country to which US corporations outsource. He loses.

Chris say “Sri Lanka”. During a later turn, Pat says “Ceylon”. Since this is just another name for Sri Lanka, the other players point out that the country was already used. Pat loses.

Roger says “Iraq”. The other players claim it to be an error because no US corporation is using Iraq for outsourcing or offshoring.

When a player loses, the other person wins. She picks up the card and places it front of her.

How Does the Game End?

After each round, the next player (on the left of the previous player) becomes the new first player. The game proceeds as before.

Game ends when all cards are played out. The person who has won the most cards is the winner of the game.