Last Name / First Name
Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) / Referred by (if applicable)
Mailing Address
City / Zip Code
Home Phone # / Cell Phone #
E-mail Address
List other community organizations/programs you are currently involved in:

I would like to join one of the following committees:


Expand XLO Membership to a minimum of 40

Schedule opportunities to learn and network

Service to CEP

Mentoring/Coaching CEP Partners and other local businesses

Hold a Workshop – “How to Market to the Senior Demographic”

Service to Residents

Expand CEP Website to Include Retirement Resources

Build a Workshop – “Welcome to Your New Community”

Service to Relocation

Retirement Requests to CEP Web, Phone & Written

Increase Outreach Calls or Emails to persons interested in relocation to O/MC

Promote our community as a premier place to retire

*Please check one:

¨  I would like to become a member ($75)

¨  My spouse would like to become a member with me ($24)

¨  I am a renewing member ($75)

¨  I am a CEP partner and the Sole Proprietor of my business and am using my Complimentary benefit

¨  I am using CEP Credit or Complimentary based on my company’s investment level

o  Credit

o  Complementary

Method of Payment: (please check one)-Unless Otherwise Indicated Above

¨ Check #______enclosed (payable to: Chamber & Economic Partnership)

¨ Visa ¨ MasterCard ¨ Discover ¨ AMEX

Card Number #:

Expiration Date: Verification Code (on back of card):

Name on card:


Thank you for your support of the Experienced Leaders Ocala Group

*All CEP partners, with an interest in the Senior Demographic, are welcome to become a member of XLO

Please Return this Application to:

310 SE Third Street | Ocala, FL 34471

Or fax to 352.629.7651

Staff liaison: Bart Rowland, Director of Business Services and Staff Liaison to XLO

Email: | PH: 352.629.8051