Personal Chakra Discovery Test

Answer the following questions honestly to gain a clear picture of which chakras are balanced and which may be either over or under active. Remember that every day our energies are different therefore it is advised to follow your intuition by using this tool to self-diagnose imbalances.

Root/Muladhara Chakra: Color Red. Sound Lam or Uh. Element Earth. It is the center of survival and our relation to the physical world. When balanced, it brings health, security and prosperity. I Am.

1. Are you disorganized? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Do you eat, drink or smoke excessively as a means of escape? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Did you have some trauma, distress or difficulty between conception and the age of 7? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Do you feel fearful or anxious much of the time? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Are you low in energy and often feel weak, tired or just not well? ___ Yes ____ No

6. Do you have any physical problems in your legs, knees or feet? ___ Yes ____ No

The root chakra is the chakra representing basic substance & survival. If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above then you mayneed to address some of the issues in the questions & concentrate your work on this chakra. If the base chakra is not balanced,the others will also be out of balance to some extent.

Sacral/Svadhisthana Chakra: Color Orange. Sound Vam or OOO. Element Water. It is the pleasure center of sensuality and emotion. When balanced, it brings emotional health, sexual fulfillment and adaptability. I Feel.

1. Do you have difficulty with touch – either being touched gently or being able to touch others? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Do you have problems with your kidneys, bladder or with retaining fluid? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Did you suffer distress or trauma of any sort between the ages of 7 and 14? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Do you feel that your general vitality & stamina are low? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Do you have difficulties with any part of your sexuality? ___ Yes ____ No

6. Do you feel your creativity is blocked or that you are not a creative person? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your sacral chakra needs attention.

Solar Plexus/Manipura Chakra: Color Yellow. Sound Ram or Oh. Element Fire. It is the center of power or will. When balanced, it brings confidence, energy and identity. I Do.

1. Do you have digestive problems, e.g. ulcers, heartburn or recurrent indigestion? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Do you have an aggressive nature? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Did you suffer distress or trauma between the ages of 14 and 21? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Are you easily influenced by others? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Do you sometimes feel powerless or have a low self-esteem? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your solar plexus chakra needs attention.

Heart/Anahata Chakra: Color Green. Sound Yam or Ah. Element Air. It is the center of love and nurturing. When balanced, it brings compassion, peace and love. I Love.

1. Do you find it difficult to love or feel loved? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Are you intolerant, critical, and judgmental? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Do you feel exhausted & drained most of the time? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Are you impatient or the opposite, i.e. too patient & tolerant & others take advantage of you? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Do you have difficulty in saying you are sorry or in feeling forgiveness? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your heart chakra needs attention.

Throat/Visuddha Chakra: Color Blue. Sound Ham or Eye. Element Ether. It is the communication and creativity center. It allows personal and artistic expression and ingenuity when in balance. I Speak.

1. Do you have difficulty with general communication? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Do you have problems expressing yourself with speech, making yourself clearly understood? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Do you have problems listening attentively to other people’s point of view? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Do you have problems with throat infections, thyroid, ears or any sort of neck problems? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Are you shy, quiet, withdrawn? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your throat chakra needs attention.

Third Eye/Anja Chakra: Color Indigo. Sound Om or Aye. Element Light. It is related to seeing-both physically and intuitively.When balanced, it brings clarity of instinct and intellect. I See.

1. Do you suffer from migraines, vision problems or headaches? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Are you unable to visualize your future? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Do you have nightmares? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Do you have a lack of imagination? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Do you have difficulty concentrating? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your third eye chakra needs attention or possibly has not been fully developed yet.

Crown/Sahasrara Chakra: Color Purple or White. Sound Om or Eee. Element All. It is the center of the spirit and consciousness. When balanced, it brings knowledge, connection and bliss. I Understand.

1. Do you feel separated from abundance, spirituality & wholeness? ___ Yes ____ No

2. Do you have difficulty learning new things? ___ Yes ____ No

3. Do you feel uncertain or feel a lack of purpose? ___ Yes ____ No

4. Do you have a fear of death? ___ Yes ____ No

5. Are you overly intellectual? ___ Yes ____ No

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your crown chakra should be balanced or possibly has not yet been fully developed.