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"Global Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance"
Draft Programme
2830 September 2009
Time / MeetingRoom / Theme / Organizer / Title of Session/Speakers
Monday 28 Morning Sessions
10:00 / Control and Identification Office / Registration / WTO Information and External
Relations Division / Registration of Participants
10:30 / CR / Inaugural Speech / Inaugural Speech:
12:30 / Plenary Opening / High Level Debate:
Global Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance
**** 12:30 14:00 LUNCH BREAK ****
14:00 / W / Session 1:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / The Evian Group at IMD / The Role of Business Leadership inCreating Better Global Governance for World Trade
Monday 28 September Afternoon Sessions
17:00 / CR / Session 2:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / WTO Agriculture and Commodities Division / International Trade, Speculation and Agricultural Commodity Price Spikes
16:00 / W / Session 3:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / European Commission
DG Trade / Between Negotiations and Litigation: Reinventing the
"middle pillar" in the WTO"
Monday 28 September Afternoon Sessions
16:00 / D / Session 4:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / BUSINESSEUROPE / Is the WTO out of touch with business?
The subjects the WTO needs to address notwithstanding the negotiating stalemate
16:00 / E / Session 5:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / The NorthSouth Institute and The German Marshall Fund (US) / The BRICs at the Doha Round: Comparing crisis-born agendas and strategies
Monday 28 SeptemberAfternoon Sessions (continuation)
18:15 / W / Session 6:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / WTO Economic Research and Statistics Division / Globalized Supply Chains and Trade in Value Added
18:15 / D / Session 7:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / European Services Forum (ESF) and
Foreign Trade Association (FTA) / International Trade in Services: WTO Commitments and
GATS Rules in the Context of the Current
Financial and Economic Crisis
18:15 / E / Session 8:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / FriedrichEbertStiftung (FES) / The Universe of Standards: Legitimate Protection, Sophisticated Protectionism or Potential Development Opportunity?
**** 18:15 20:15 RECEPTION CR LOBBY ****
Tuesday 29 September Morning Sessions
12:00 / CR / Session 9:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / WTO Information and External Relations Division / Finance For Trade: Effort to Restart the Engine
11:00 / W / Session 10:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and
Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) / Climate-Change Policies and Trade Rules: Conflict or Coherence?
11:00 / D / Session 11:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / Centre for Democratic Network Governance, Roskilde University / Global Networking to Increase MemberState Capacity Within the Dispute Settlement Process
11:00 / E / Session 12:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Understanding WTO Disciplines on Agricultural Domestic Support
Tuesday 29 September Morning Sessions (continuation)
13:15 / W / Session 13:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / (AmCham EU)American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union / Protectionism - What does it mean for foreign direct investments?
Implications for global governance
13:15 / D / Session 14:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / Federal Competition Commission, Mexico (CFC) / Interaction between competition and trade policy
Tuesday 29 September Morning Sessions (continuation)
13:15 / E / Session 15:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / Programa de Comercio y Pobreza en América Latina (Latin American Trade and Poverty Program); Overseas Development Institute (ODI, UK); Latin American Trade Network (LATN); Economic and Social Research Consortium (CIES,Peru) / Strengthening Global Trade Governance:
Lessons from Latin America
**** 13:15 14:15 LUNCH BREAK ****
Tuesday 29 September Afternoon Sessions
17:15 / CR / Session 16:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / Appellate Body Secretariat / Promoting Global Governance by Strengthening the Rule of Law
16:15 / W / Session 17:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) / A new global contract for food and agriculture:
What can the WTO contribute?
16:15 / D / Session 18:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) / Why global trade matters: World business perspectives on the role of the multilateral trading system and the Doha Round in the context of the current economic crisis
Tuesday 29 September Afternoon Sessions
16:15 / E / Session 19:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / The Graduate Institute's Centre for Trade and Economic Integration / The collapse of global trade:
Avoiding “murky” protectionism in times of crisis
Tuesday 29 September Afternoon Sessions (continuation)
18:30 / W / Session 20:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / DLA Piper UK LLP / Can the WTO instruments provide shield against protectionism in times of crisis?
18:30 / D / Session 21:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) / Trade and Employment in Times of Crisis
18:30 / E / Session 22:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / CropLife International / Sharing and Promoting Innovative Technology in PublicPrivate
Global Development Partnerships
Wednesday 30 September Morning Sessions
11:00 / CR I / Session 23:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / InterParliamentary Union (IPU) and the European Parliament / Can protectionism protect trade? The legislators' perspective
11:00 / CR II / Session 24:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / European Liaison Committee for the Agricultural and AgriFood Trade (CELCAA); Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of the EU(CIAA); European Meat and Livestock Trading Union (UECBV) / Global Problems, Global Solutions:
Towards Better Global Governance in the agrofood chain
Wednesday 30 September Morning Sessions
11:00 / W / Session 25:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / Food Strategy Group (Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires CSA) Belgium; Canadian Dairy, Poultry & Egg Producers, Canada; Network of West African Farmer and Producer Organisations (Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest ROPPA);Federation of Rural Workers and Family Farmers in South Brazil (Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura Familiar da Região Sul FETRAF), Brazil; Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF), Kenya; Asia AdhraAFA / Regulating Agricultural Markets: A Necessity Made Clear by Crises
11:00 / D / Session 26:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / 3D Trade Human Rights Equitable Economy / Human rights impact assessment (HRIA): A pertinent tool for informing and improving trade governance?
11:00 / E / Session 27:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / University of Windsor / WTO as a Crucial Component of the Global Governance Architecture:
Past Lessons and Future Challenges
Wednesday 30 September Morning Sessions (continuation)
13:15 / CR I / Session 28:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / Oxfam International / Is it time to bury the “Washington Consensus”?
Implications for today's development challenges
13:15 / CR II / Session 29:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) / Labour and Environment Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements: Challenges for the Multilateral Trading System
13:15 / W / Session 30:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / Quaker United Nations Office / Intellectual Property, Sustainability and the Food System:
Trends and New Directions
13:15 / D / Session 31:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC) / Increasing the Transparency of SPS Measures
13:15 / E / Session 32:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation (AITIC) and International Law Institute (ILI) / Developing-Country Safeguards Fly Below the WTO Radar
Wednesday 30 September – Afternoon Sessions
16:15 / CR I / Session 33:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / Global Economic Governance Programme, University College, Oxford and International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) / Strengthening multilateralism in Trade for Sustainable Development: Preparing the WTO for the Future
16:15 / CR II / Session 34:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) / How food security and sustainable agriculture will change the post-crisis agenda of WTO
16:15 / W / Session 35:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / International Trade Centre (ITC) / The Global Economic Crisis and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
16:15 / D / Session 36:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / CUTS International, India and Commonwealth Secretariat, London, UK / New and Old Challenges to Inclusiveness ina RecessionaryGlobal Economic System
16:15 / E / Session 37:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / South Centre and the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University / Multilateralism, Our Global Crises and Strategies for the Future
Wednesday 30 September Afternoon Sessions (continuation)
18:30 / CR I / Session 38:
Sub-theme III: The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing / WTI Advisorsand the World Trade Institute (WTI) / Special and Differential or Equal and Equitable?
Systemic Logic and the Tailored Integration of Developing Countries and Least-Developed Countries into the World Trading System
18:30 / CR II / Session 39:
Sub-theme I:Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance / WTO Trade and Environment Division / Private Environmental Standards: Opportunities and Challenges
18:30 / W / Session 40:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / White & Case LLP / The Global Financial Crisis WTO Rules and the Role of the State
18:30 / D / Session 41:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / Third World Network (TWN) and Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) / How do Agreements on Trade in Services Have a Role in the Financial Crisis and the Measures to Deal with the Economic Crisis?
18:30 / E / Session 42:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / Centre for SocioEconomic Development (CSEND) / Formulating and Implementing Governance on Health: The Case of Access to Medicines in the Developing and LeastDeveloped Countries
Wednesday 30 September Afternoon Sessions (continuation)
16:15 / A / Session 43:
Sub-theme II: The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis / MSF Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines / Controversy at customs: The detention of medicines in transit: what impact on access to medicines?
18:30 / A / Session 44:
Sub-theme IV: The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO / European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) / Fundamental Human Rights at Work and the Role of the WTO: Operational routes