SBCSELPA PIR Review 2017-2018
I. Timeline (√ Check off each step completed within the timeline specified)
September 29, 2017 Signed Assurance Form Due to the CDE
January 31, 2018 (revised date) Improvement Plan for Each Indicator due to CDE
June 30, 2018 All Improvement Plan Activities Will be completed
LEA NameCounty/District Code
Program Administrator
Phone / Email Address
Indicators Not Met 2016-17
II. PIR Steps (√ Check each step when completed)
Step 1 - Stakeholders Identified (see CDE document for required members – a SELPA Staff member is a required member – contact Jarice or Stacy )
Step 2 - Schedule of Meetings Created – must occur during the 2017-18 school year
Step 3 – Reviewed LEA’s current performance on each of the SPPIs not met
Step 4- Current initiatives or plans have been identified – this can include current plans and intervention steps taken to address the SPPI indicators
Step 5 - For each SPPI area not met the planning team has:
Identified the root cause
Discussed and identified strategies to address the “root cause” in each area
Identified specific improvement activities to address the strategies above
Identified required resources (staff, training, or curricula)
Identified persons responsible
Specified dates by which activities will be initiated
Identified methods and standards to measure progress
Aligned methods and standards to LCAP (recommended)
Recorded each of the above strategies on the Improvement Strategies Page in the PIR Improvement Process Packet
Step 6 – Held regular reviews of the process and progress - refined plan as needed
Step 7 – Documented issues identified and submitted LEA’s Improvement Plan to the CDE by 1-30-18 (should include each of the items in #5 above)
Potential SBCSELPA Professional Development Provided in 3 Identified Target Areas Within LEAs:
SPPI Indicator / Professional Development / Date / Location1. Graduation Rate / •Administrator’s Training Series Discipline and Promoting Graduation and Transition / 11-6-17 / SBCSELPA Buellton
Conference Center
3. Statewide Assessments / • UDL Strategies
& Addressing Common Core for SWDs
•√ Writing & tracking IEP Goals / TBD in Late Oct. or Nov.
• 9-28 2pm
•No County TBD
August, 2017
9-6-17 / Hope SD contact Jestin
√held at Buellton
5. Least Restrictive Environment / Antioch / SELPA Collaboration & Co-Teaching Conference / 12-9-17 / Antioch University Santa Barbara
SELPA Inclusion and LRE training available at Individual Districts or presentations to use are available / TBD / Varies by appointment or request