6-1-2012 / To
Employee Name: / Classification: / Employee Number:
Position Title: / Store Location: / Direct Supervisor:
REASON FOR EVALUATION Probationary Annual Merit Review Quarterly, Special, Explain
TIME IN POSITION: 0-1 Years 1-2 Years More Than 2 Years
INSTRUCTIONS - Evaluate the employee with observation and documentation of performance not hearsay, potential, or personality. Rate the employee's performance for the entire review period, not recent work history. Assess performance against the specific job requirements when considering each factor. In each section:
- Click ONE box next to the statement that most nearly describes the employee's performance.
- Click the shaded area next to “Comments”, and start typing the explanation of your rating, supported with specific examples. Use your own wording in any category as needed, substituting your own phrases as necessary. Do not let your evaluation of one factor influence your evaluation in any other factor.
To arrive at the overall rating, consider the relative importance of each category in successfully performing the complete job. After obtaining your supervisor's approval, review your completed evaluation with the employee. Discuss the employee’s exceptional areas, as well as those in which improvement will be needed, along with goals and objectives to be met in the next reporting period. Be specific on goals, including dates when goals are due, along with when employee will be re-evaluated. It is imperative that you and your employee sign this form.
Needs Improvement
Expert in job; has thorough grasp of all phases of job; possesses and demonstrates the knowledge and skills to handle work of the most complex nature; exceeds expectations.
Satisfactory job knowledge; understands and performs most phases of job well; occasionally requires assistance or instruction; meets expectations.
Limited knowledge of job; further training required; frequently requires assistance or instruction.
Work is proficient; end product has minimal errors or mistakes; fully committed to quality assurance; exceeds commitments; pays attention to detail.
Work is satisfactory; usually error free; meets commitments; pays attention to detail.
Work is noticeably below satisfactory quality; makes frequent errors; does not pay attention to detail; regular review needed on work performed.
Always does more than is expected; always accomplishes objectives on time; seeks out work on own initiative.
Output is satisfactory; work usually achieves expected results; may require assistance in accomplishing objectives on time.
Work rarely achieves expected results; low output of work; rarely seeks out work on own initiative.
Highly reliable, dependable and timely; performs the job as requested; can be counted on to get things done; can be depended upon to fully complete the job regardless of unforeseen obstacles and/or difficulties.
Usually completes tasks on time; work requires minimal guidance.
Sometimes unreliable; requires direction before taking action; satisfied to do the bare minimum.
Displays ingenuity in anticipating and meeting unexpected situations and implements appropriate solutions; excels in creative thinking and problem solving when confronted with obstacles; proposes alternative solutions.
Demonstrates satisfactory initiative and creativity; may occasionally recommend ideas for improvement.
Fails to proceed without direction or seek out solutions outside of routine work; seldom engages in creative thinking.
Is an integral part of the team spirit and maximizes their contributions to achieve team results; consistently maximizes the use of the team members talents; responsive to ideas and/or requests of others.
Participates openly in discussions, changes and/or alternatives; works with others without unreasonable complaining or conflict; usually gets the necessary cooperation to get the job done.
Places greater emphasis on individual contribution without consideration of team impact; may complain and/or cause conflict; is unresponsive to ideas and/or requests of others.
Consistently presents complex or technical information in a clear and thorough manner; written communication is well prepared and organized; listens with full attention seeking to understand; consistently provides feedback, both positive and constructive.
Satisfactorily communicates ideas, thoughts and/or directions; usually listens with full attention seeking to understand; normally provides feedback, both positive and constructive; written communication occasionally needs review.
Generally ineffective due to disorganization of thoughts; written communication is poorly structured or is difficult to read due to inadequate organization; poor listening skills.
Demonstrates a capability to quickly grasp new concepts; proactive to create alternatives in a positive manner; modifies behavior and accepts new roles and responsibilities in response to changing environment; advocates change in a positive manner.
Adapts to change with some encouragement; typically advocates change in a positive manner.
Does not welcome change; reluctant to transition from familiar processes; may attempt to avoid the transition by frequent displays of negativity.
Readily engages in customer concerns; makes necessary judgment calls on issues that may arise; decisions do not need to be reviewed; committed to ensuring that the customer is completely satisfied with final results.
Satisfactory judgment calls on customer concerns; normally demonstrates effectiveness in dealing with customers; resolves customer issues occasionally with some assistance.
Needs improvement on making judgment calls; seldom able to make a decision for resolution; needs to develop a more positive solution plan.
Consistently demonstrates safety awareness; no preventable safety violations.
Is aware of safety procedures and follow them; may need occasional supervision.
Does not consistently demonstrate safe work habits; needs close supervision.
Rarely absent.
Is absent or late occasionally with valid explanation.
Tardiness or absences interferes with job performance.
Employee is able to obtain and exceed goals through effectively setting goals.
Employee is capable of maintaining goals, and expectations of company.
Has difficult time setting and achieving goals, does not manage to goals.
Items 13, 14 and 15 are used for reviewing employees with management or supervisory responsibilities only.
Foresees the consequences of decisions and develops resourceful, appropriate solutions after evaluating the options and their consequences.
Typically demonstrates sound judgment and usually communicates decisions with confidence.
Needs to more thoroughly evaluate the situation; weigh the risks and ramifications of the decision(s) before responding.
Supportive in comments and actions towards company goals; identifies and develops employee skills that support operational needs; readily earns the respect of staff as a trusted leader; promotes harmony and teamwork; consistently reinforces win-now environment.
Satisfactory leadership qualities and skills; typically exhibits good leadership qualities in development of others; supports company goals; may at times need to be reminded of leadership role.
Needs improvement in leadership qualities; requires skill enhancements in the areas of developing and/or motivating staff; does not provide clear direction to staff; shows lack of initiative and or knowledge to lead to a sound choice.
Committed and attentive to budget accountability; effective personnel administration, performance management and safety practices.
Generally demonstrates commitment to succeed in safety, budget accountability, personnel administration and performance management.
Does not meet all aspects of management responsibility; needs improvement in areas of safety, budget accountability, personnel administration and performance management.
16.Describe strengths demonstrated by the employee.
17.Describe, in detail, specific areas in need of improvement.
18.State goal(s) and objective(s) and target completion dates to be accomplished during the next reporting assessment period
I have reviewed this Performance EvaluationEmployee SignatureDate / Supervisor SignatureDate / Second Level Supervisor SignatureDate