March 13, 2014
From the Bishop
Dear Friends,
Here are some additional opportunities for clergy and lay leaders to learn, wherever you may be. The Episcopal Church Foundation is gathering great leadership ideas from around The Episcopal Church on a variety of topics. I hope you will join in on some of these free (but very valuable) conversations.
Grace & Peace,
- Faithful & Trusting Christians: Mission & Evangelism Lessons from South Sudan (March 18, 3-4 p.m. CDT). Using a handful of case studies from Sudanese church history, this webinar draws out lessons for evangelism and church growth and shows that by listening to the experience of our sister and brother Anglicans, we can learn more about what it means to be missional Christians in our own context.
- The American-Born Latino:An Expanding Mission Field in the Episcopal Church (March 25, 6-7 p.m. CDT). This webinar will explore the approaches to reach the English-dominant Latino population, which opens up ministry opportunities for clergy not fully fluent in Spanish but who have the call to minister in this cross-cultural, emerging mission field.
- Walking The Way: Essential Steps in Planning Your Annual GivingCampaign (March 26, 6-7 p.m. CDT). The annual giving campaign serves many purposes, including discipleship formation. This web conference will take you step-by-step through a planning process that integrates best practices in raising funds and raising disciples.
- Leading a Major Change (April 8, 6-7 p.m. CDT). Leading change can be one of the most rewarding – and challenging – aspects of lay and clergy leadership in Episcopal congregations. This web conference focuses on general principles and best practices for leading a change process effectively.
To register or for more information, visit
Save the date – Leadership Academy
The diocese will offer a Leadership Academy for clergy, wardens, Vestry members and other lay leaders on Saturday, May 3 at St. David’s, Topeka.
The event will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 3 p.m.
More information will be available soon!
Play about Bishop Vail’s ministry to be performed across the diocese
2014 marks the 150th anniversary of the election of Thomas Vail as the first bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. To mark the occasion, a play about his life and ministry has been commissioned and will be performed in congregations around the diocese.It has been written by Dr. Phil Speary, an experienced theatre director, playwright and educator.
Performances currently scheduled are (with more to come):
Wichita, St. James’, 3750 E. Douglas:
- Thursday, April 3, 8 p.m.
- Friday, April 4, 8 p.m.
- Saturday, April 5, 8 p.m.
- Sunday, April 6, 7 p.m.
Pittsburg, St. Peter’s, 306 W. Euclid
- Saturday, April 26, 8 p.m.
Topeka, St. David’s, 3916 SW 17th St.
- Saturday, May 10, 8 p.m.
Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for students through college. They can be purchased at the door for all performances.
Need help with your 2013 Parochial Report?
If your congregation has missed the March 1 deadline to submit the canonically required 2013 Parochial Report, help is available. Diocesan Comptroller Jay Currie stands ready to answer questions and help churches get their forms finalized. He is available at , (800) 473-3563 or (785) 235-9255.
Churches need to return the following items:
- parochial report;
- supplement page;
- clergy continuing education report form;
- lay delegate report form; and
- directory update form.
The diocesan office also requests a copy of each church’s most recent parish directory.
The report itself may be filed online, but the signature page still must be returned in hard-copy form to the diocesan office, along with the other forms that were sent.
The link to file the report online, along with worksheets to help with completing the report, is available at
Locally written Lenten meditations are offered online
Two Kansas parishes have made their Lenten booklet of meditations available online for those seeking aids on their Lenten journey.
Grace Cathedral, Topeka, has links to its booklet, written a few years ago by a variety of authors including Bishop Wolfe, available for each week of Lent on the cathedral’s website,
St. Thomas, Overland Park, asked members to write about the spiritual insights they gained through songs, books, quotes or movies. The parish’s 2014 Lenten meditations now are online at
Tocher Lecture speaker will explore emerging churches
Philip Clayton, theology professor at Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, Calif., will offer the next Tocher Lecture on Thursday, May 22 at 7 p.m. at Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave. in Topeka.
His topic will be “Emerging Churches and the Future of Faith.” In it he will explore the changing face of religious faith and observance, as well as the challenges associated with religious pluralism.
The event is free and open to the public, and a reception and book signing will follow the lecture.
Clergy of the diocese are invited to a special afternoon event with Clayton at 3 p.m., also at the cathedral. He will offer remarks on topics similar to his evening address but in a more informal session.
Those wanting to attend the afternoon gathering need to contact the Very Rev. Andrew Grosso to confirm attendance. He can be reached at r (913) 367-3171.
Do you have an interest in fighting human trafficking?
Bishop Wolfe is seeking people already involved in work with or with an interest in the issue of human trafficking for possible service on a Province 7 network to address this issue.
Those who want to volunteer should contact Sally Russell, Province 7 coordinator, at .
Wichita parish sponsors 85th Old English Tea
St. James’, invites everyone to celebrate spring in high style at the 85th Old English Tea on Saturday, May 3 from 10 2 p.m. at the church, 3750 E. Douglas.
Elegant tea items will be served, including finger sandwiches and the homemade lemon curd tarts for which the tea is famous. Style shows are scheduled at 10:30 a.m. and noon. The tea also will see the return for a second year of the St. James English Toffee.
Other events include a silent auction, collectibles, arts and crafts, a bake shop including gluten-free items, jewelry, door prizes and cookbooks for purchase.
Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children age 4-12, with a free nursery for children from infant through age 4.
Tickets are available at the door or by calling the church office, (316) 683-5686.
Youth news
NewBeginnings priority registration deadline is Monday. New Beginnings will be March 28-30 at Good Shepherd in Wichita, for students in grades 6-8 of the current school year, with high school youth serving on staff. NewBeginnings is a weekend retreat focusing on the two greatest commandments: loving God with all our heart, mind and strength, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The priority registration deadline is Monday, March 17. More information and links to the new online registration and payment is at
Recharge: a retreat for youth workers, to feature Love & Logic workshop. April 25-26 at Upton Hall in Topeka. Recharge is an overnight retreat designed for anyone who works or volunteers with youth. This year’s featured speaker will be Sue Crew, a trained Love & Logic facilitator and the Director of Christian Formation at St. Michael and All Angels, Mission. There also will be time for resource sharing and fellowship with other youth workers. More information and a link to the online registration form and payment via PayPal is available at
Episcopal Summer MegaCamp registrations now are available. Camp is June 1-7 at Camp Wood YMCA. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer. Camp Wood features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. Camp is open to those currently in grades 3-12 and their friends. The cost is $410 for the week; register by May 9. More information and links to the new online registration and payment is at:
Nurse and Female Staff needed for Episcopal Summer MegaCamp. We are looking for a few specialty staff to help us out this year:
- Nurse, Physician's Assistant or Doctor: We are looking for one more person to be present during the week of camp to ensurethat all students receive the appropriate medications at the correct times, and to tend to sick or injured campers. If you know of someone who would be good with youth, contact Youth Missioner Karen Schlabach at .
Want to help, but can't be there the whole week? We'd be willing to pair two people together to serve half-weeks as the camp health care professional. - Female Elementary Counselors: adults 18 and older who will stay in a cabin, with another counselor, with youth in grades 3-5.
To sign up to be a counselor or nurse, fill out the online application:
For more information, see the camp staff web page:
Upcoming classes offered at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, the joint school operated by the Dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas, offers a variety of classes in the coming months.
If you are interested in attending any of these for personal enrichment, contact the dean, the Very Rev. Andrew Grosso, at or (913) 367-3171.
April 5-6: BIBL 210: Gospel Traditions (Dr. David May); THEO 100: Church Dogmatics Survey (The Rev. Ben Varnum); THEO 500: Ecclesiology (Dr. Don Compier)
May 10-11: ETHC 100: Christian Ethics Survey (The Rev. Andrew O’Connor); BIBL 220: Pauline Epistles (The Rev. Dr. Richard McCandless); MINI 600: Parish Administration (The Rev. Gar Demo)
Presiding Bishop calls for prayers for peace in Ukraine
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has joined the heads of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in calling for an end to violence in Ukraine.
Their statement said they were joining the call of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches in calling for an end to military aggression in that country.
They also called for members of their churches to pray throughout the season of Lent for wisdom, peace and justice to prevail in Ukraine.
Their full statement is online at
Alban Institute offers conference for small churches
The Alban Institute is sponsoring a conference designed for congregations with fewer than 150 in weekly worship, to address issues of vitality.
The event, “Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality” will take place May 13-15 at the Doubletree Hotel Downtown in Omaha, Neb.
The cost is $325 per person for those who are not Institute members and $275 for those who are members. Additional people from the same church can register for $225.
The event will feature material specially designed for small congregations, learning modules geared for those attending and information on how to put it all together when attenders return home.
More information is online at
Good Friday Offering will help the church in the Middle East
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has written to all congregations asking them to consider assistance for Jerusalem and the Middle East through the annual Good Friday Offering.
She noted that Christians in the Middle East are a growing minority of the population, and they live amid “social and political pressures and the cycles of violence which continue in Syria, Israel/Palestine and Egypt.” But through it all, they exhibit “great hope and expectation that peace and prosperity are possible.”
Since 1922, Episcopalians have supported the ministries of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East through the Good Friday Offering.
Funds are distributed to the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, which includes the Dioceses of Jerusalem, and Cyprus and the Gulf, all members of the Anglican Communion.
Information and resources for the Good Friday Offering are available at
Task Force on Study of Marriage wants your videos
The Episcopal Church Task Force on the Study of Marriage is looking for videos from Episcopalians that describe a relationship that exhibits the image of God.
Amateur videos – created on a phone or flip-style video camera – work perfectly; professional quality is not needed.
Submitters are asked, in their video, to state their first name and then tell a one minute story about their relationship or one they know well in which they have seen the image of God.
The videos should be sent .
These videos will be used as part of upcoming presentations and reports to the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies.
Nominations deadline extended for Episcopal Church positions, committees, boards
The deadline has been extended to April 1 to submit nominations for various Episcopal Church positions, committees or boards that will be elected during General Convention in July 2015.
Nominations are accepted for the following committees/boards:
- Member, Disciplinary Board for Bishops
- Member, Executive Council
- Member, General Board of Examining Chaplains
- Secretary of the House of Deputies
- Treasurer of the General Convention
- Trustee, The Church Pension Fund
- Trustee, The General Theological Seminary
More information, duties of each position, instructions and nomination forms are available at
Stewardship conference to explore “Walking the Way”
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) has announced that its annual conference will take place June 6-7 at Emory University in Atlanta.
With the theme “Walking the Way, conference information notes that,” Following Jesus is a lifelong journey.Stewardship is a path of discipleship.”It asks, “Are you ready to take the next step in stewardship?Are you looking for ways to help your congregation and diocese discover the joyful path of generosity and giving?Join guides and meet companions who will walk along side in following the Way.”
The event includes keynote speakers Sister Joan Chittester, OSB, Bishop Robert Wright of Atlanta and the Rev. Charles La Fond of St. John’s Cathedral in Denver. There also will be a choice of 16 workshops.
Full details plus registration information is on the conference website,
Want to get news and information from the Episcopal Church via email?
The Public Affairs Office of the Episcopal Church provides a daily recap of links to places where the Episcopal Church is appearing in local news media, called Daily Scan. It also sends out email press releases. You can sign up for either or both of these email lists at
Episcopal News Service sends a daily recap of news it has posted to its website. You can sign up to receive those messages at
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:
March 15: The Rev. Charles Kerschen, St. Mark’s, Lyons and Christ, Kingman, Diocese of Western Kansas (6 years)
March 25: Deacon Barbara Adam, St. Thomas, Overland Park (21 years)
March 27: The Rev. Karen Lemon, St. Mark’s, Medicine Lodge and All Saints, Pratt, Diocese of Western Kansas (15 years)
Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter
You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( – and Twitter – @EpiscoKs.
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, March 27. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, Feb. 25.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.
If you do not wish to receive this publication, you may unsubscribe from DioLog by sending an email to .
DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612.