Kelowna Secondary School
Mr. Kruger
Phone: 870-5000 ext 4931
Course Outline
Welcome to Science 10. Science 10 is an introductory course which will give you a general background in the some areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Space Science.
Science 10 can be a challenging course due to the diversity and difficulty of different topics that students will experience by the end of the school year. We will often cover general concepts quite quickly so it is very important for students to commit a little bit of time every day throughout the semester to solidify the ideas in their mind and avoid the “cram and dump” pattern of studying. Cramming may get some students bye during the individual unit tests but will severely backfire when it comes to the larger exams.
Your mark is up to you! If the work hard throughout the year, get help when you need it … you will succeed! However, it will require commitment… once you get behind it is very difficult to get caught back up!
Good luck and enjoy the class!
Course Curriculum & Learning Outcomes & Resources
Along with this course outline you will have access to a copy of the BC ministry of education learning outcomes and vocabulary guide for this course. They are located on my website at…
You can also find class notes, assignments & practice questions to facilitate your learning on the Science 10 page.
Your textbook also has a very well supported website that has a home version of your textbook. Some classroom assignments are also available be here. You will need to use the following password/username to access the home version:
Username: KS23 (must be upper case)
Password: WP23 (also must be upper case)
Grades will be determined in the following manner:
Assignments and Homework35%
Labs, Reports and Projects
Tests and Quizzes65%
Term 1(Chemistry & Earth Science Units)85%
Term 2(Biology & Physics Units)Cummulative
FINAL EXAM or Midterm x 2 15%
Course Expectations:
- Homework, Lab Work & Assignments
- All homework, assignments or lab reports are due at the beginning of class of the due date.
- Tests and Quizzes
- You can expect many quizzes and tests . . . you will be given plenty of advance notice for major tests, however, you can expect small quizzes at any time
- If you miss a quiz or test for any reason, it will be entirely your responsibility to make up the test/quiz outside of regular class time. You will be issued a mark of zero until you have arranged to complete the test.
Attendance and Lates
Arrive to class on time, truancy will not be accepted. Continuously being late is rude and inconsiderate to both me and other students. Science 10 is a difficult course that covers a great deal of information in detail; your attendance is necessary for success.
I encourage you to be proactive if you are absent . . . find out what was covered from me or other students, leave a message via email or voice mail. Pretending or assuming nothing happened while you were away ultimately only hurts your mark.
I encourage parents to keep in touch with me over the course of the year. I am happy to provide you information about the topics we are covering in class and feedback about student achievement.
I can be contacted at any of the following:
- Email: (please be aware your first email to me at this address will likely get caught in the school district spam filter and there maybe some delay in my first response. Once I have cleared your email address those problems disappear)
- Website: Along with materials supporting course, there is a contact form that can used through the website.
- Voicemail: 250-870-5000 ext 4931
- School phone: 250-870-5105
Kevan Kruger