You are invited to attend the 2012 meeting of the
9:30 AM –2:30 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ellis Ballroom at Juniata College
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
The Rare Plant Forum is a function of the Vascular Plant Technical Committee of the Pennsylvania Biological Survey, and for over thirty years has served in an advisory role to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for issues related to the conservation of the native flora of Pennsylvania. In addition to discussing proposed changes to the list of Plants of Special Concern in Pennsylvania (POSCIP), there will be a few related presentations. This is an excellent opportunity to connect and work with other botanists, amateur and professional, who share your interest in the flora of Pennsylvania. All people interested in the conservation of Pennsylvania’s native flora are encouraged to attend this meeting.
This year, we would like all attendees of the Rare Plant Forum to register. Registration will help us plan for this and future meetings and determine interest in the field trip, dinner on Friday night, and lunch during the meeting Saturday. A registration form is attached to this announcement.
The proposal form is in an Excel spreadsheet, downloadable at Related documents such as the definitions of the status categories and the minutes from past meetings are also available here. Please start working on your proposals right away, as we will need some lead time to help gather the data. Please submit your proposals by March 4th. Proposals will be posted to the above website shortly after they are received. A summary will be distributed at least a week before the meeting along with an agenda.
Presentations and Posters
You are encouraged to consider presenting on recent work you have done related to the conservation of the flora of our region. We will have wall space and easels/stands for which to display research posters as well. One of the advantages of holding the Rare Plant Forum is the opportunity to share the results of our work.
Breakfast and Lunch during the Rare Plant Forum
The meeting facility at Juniata has a number of options for breakfast and lunch. Lunch can be purchased from one of the many vendors at the Eagle’s Landing Food Court, located right outside the Ellis Ballroom. There is also a small coffee shop that is open in the morning which sells coffee and other drinks, muffins, and bagels. You are, of course, free to bring your own lunch, or make other arrangements.
Field Trip and Dinner on Friday
There can be no meeting of botanists without some botanizing! Please join us Friday for an afternoon excursion to Martin Gap Natural Area in Rothrock State Forest, a favorite natural area in central Pennsylvania. Following the field trip, you are welcome to join us for dinner and a get together at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center. Please indicate your interest for the field trip and dinner on the registration form.
Details on a time and place to meet for the field trip and information about dinner will be provided with the agenda and proposal summary. Please join us for dinner even if you cannot make the field trip – all are welcome!
There are a number of places to stay in the Huntingdon area and a few camping options as well. The link below (from Juniata College’s website) lists a number of nearby options.
Looking forward to seeing you in Huntingdon!
Ephraim Zimmerman
Chair, Pennsylvania Rare Plant Forum
Ecologist, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 586-2319
9:30 AM – about 2:30 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ellis Ballroom at Juniata College
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Registration Form
Please complete this registration form and submit by email to Ephraim Zimmerman () or by post to 800 Waterfront Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 by
April 1, 2012.
General Information
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________________________________
Organization: __________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ State: _________________ Zip: ____________
Telephone: ( ) _____________E-mail: ______________________________________
□ I am interested in presenting my research at the Rare Plant Forum
□ I am interested in bringing a research poster to the Rare Plant Forum
Field Trip/Dinner (Friday, April 20th)
□ Yes, I will be participating in the field trip Martin Gap Natural Area, Rothrock State Forest
□ Yes, I will be joining the group for dinner Friday at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center