I am doing research entitled, “Assessment of Stone Soup Course Experience,” to assess how well the Stone Soup assignments and activities have worked and what changes would be appropriate in the future. So I am asking faculty who have used these assignments or activities to complete the attached short questionnaire with this information. It should take 10-30 minutes to complete depending on how much you want to write.

Note that responses will not be confidential. I plan to post responses on the Indisputably blog so that colleagues can read them for themselves. We may disseminate information from the data in other ways as well.

Obviously, you should not include information that could identify any student or subject of a Stone Soup assignment or activity.

There should be no risk to you for participating in this research. You would get the benefit of knowing that you are helping colleagues and contributing to the development of our field.

Your participation would be voluntary. If you refuse to participate or withdraw, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

If you have any questions about this project, you can contact me at . If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you can call the University of Missouri Campus Institutional Review Board at 573-882-9585.

Assessment of Stone Soup Course Experience

This questionnaire is for faculty who have used a “Stone Soup” Project assignment or activity to describe and assess their experience with it. Your response will be posted on the Indisputably blog and may be disseminated in other ways as well. It would help if you would describe specifics of your experience, but do not include information that could identify any student or subject of a Stone Soup assignment or activity.

  1. Faculty name:
  1. School:
  1. Course:
  1. Semester:
  1. Number of students in the course:
  1. Briefly describe the Stone Soup assignment or activity (e.g., interview or focus group class). If you assigned students to conduct an interview, summarize the type of subjects and focus of the interview. If you conducted a focus group class, describe the speakers and issues discussed.
  1. What did students learn that they wouldn’t have learned without the Stone Soup assignment or activity?
  1. What worked well with the assignment or activity?
  1. What would you do differently if you do it again?
  1. What would you advise other faculty considering using a Stone Soup assignment or activity?

Please provide a copy of your assignment or other materials that would be helpful for other faculty considering participating in the Stone Soup Project.

Please return this to John Lande at .