Psychology 5348

Advanced Multivariate Analysis

Instructor: M. Kathryn Bleckley / Office hours: TR 9-10
and by appointment
Office: 302 Psychology Building / Office Phone: 742-3711 ext 242
Email: / Cell phone: 806-928-2283
TA: Jason Frizzell
Office: 211A / Office hours:


Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Course Objectives: This is an advanced course in psychological statistics focusing on multivariate analyses. Topics include Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Profile Analysis (Multivariate Repeated Measures), Cannonical Correlation, Discriminant Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Multi-way Frequency Analysis, and Logistic Regression.

Exams will cover material from the lectures and from the lab. Course grades will be computed as follows:

10 homeworks, 2 points each: 20 points

4 exams, 15 points each: 60 points

Final Paper, 20 points 20 points

Total 100 points


A: 90 or more points

B: 80-89 points

C: 70-79 points

D: 60-69 points

F: 59 or fewer points

Final Paper: The final paper will be APA format method, results, and abbreviated conclusion sections for a multivariate analysis of your choice. I encourage you to use a data set with which you are familiar. All projects must be approved by me. If you need a data set, I have several that you may use. You will also turn in a print out of your SPSS / SAS program and output. All papers are due by 5pm Monday, May 3, 2004. Late papers will lose 2 points per day or partial day that they are late.

Make-up exams will be given only to those providing proper evidence of an excusable absence. Notes from your parents, guardians, children, siblings, significant others, or pets are not acceptable documentation. Notes from physicians, or from coaches for TXTECH athletic programs are acceptable. Other documentation will be assessed as needed. In the event of a scheduled absence, other arrangements to take an exam should be made in advance of the absence.

Special Arrangements: Any student who because of a disability may require special arrangements inorder to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary accommodations. Student should present appropriate verification from AccessTECH. No requirement exists that

accommodations be made prior to completion of this approved university procedure.

Academic Misconduct:As stated in the Texas Tech University Statement of Academic Integrity, “Texas Tech promotes an ethical standard that does not condone academic misconduct and strives to instill values that uphold academic integrity. … Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, and any other activity that prevents an honest representation of his or her academic performance. … Cheating and plagiarism are the most common forms of academic misconduct and are defined, in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct from the Student Affairs Handbook (Part IX, Section B.19).”

It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with Texas Tech’s Code of Student Conduct, and policies on academic integrity and academic misconduct. These materials can be found in the Student Affairs Handbook, Part IX and at the following website:

Be aware that all work assigned in this course is to be completed by the individual student. THERE ARE NO GROUP ASSIGNMENTS. However, I encourage you to form study groups and help each other with the material.

This is a list of the topics I plan to cover and the order in which I plan to cover them.

Week / Topic / Chapter
1/19 / Review of Matrix Algebra / Appendix A
1/26 / Cannonical Correlation / 6
2/9 / MANOVA / 9
2/23 / Profile Analysis (aka Multivariate Repeated Measures) /


3/8 / Cluster Analysis / 16
Spring break /
3/22 / Discriminant Analysis / 11
3/29 /
4/5 / Multi-way Frequency Analysis / 7
4/12 / Logistic Regression / 12
4/26 / GLM explains the Universe (of statistics) / 17