Kippax Parish Council

Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting

9th March 2017

Cllrs Morley, Bate, Kelly, Hardwick, Lonsdale, Eyre. Purcell, Gaitley, Parker, Woolnough, Spivey. Mr Jon Crossley from Groundwork / Absent. Cllr. Bentley
Key Issues / Updates and Actions
1. To accept apologies / Cllr’s Shaw, Montague,McEwan & Laycock. / Clerk
2. Declaration of interests / None. / All
3. Public Forum / A resident of ascot Road pointed out his concerns regarding anti social behaviour.
4 To consider dispensation requests / No requests were received.
5 To note condition 3 approval / It was noted that this was discharged on the 21st Feb , / All
6 To note schedule of tenders / It was noted that tenders were all received by the deadline of February 20th / All
7 To note that Veolia is satisfied with tender process / It was noted that Veolia are satisfied with the tender process , and subject to a written account Violia Environmental Trust is satisfied with the tender returns / All
8 Tender evaluation sheet / The stage 1 ( technical assessment) sheet and stage 2 (presentation to user group) tender evaluation sheet Duly noted / All
9 presentation to user group / A report was issued from the meeting with the user group / Cllrs Morley & Montague
10 Cost funding breakdown / A funding breakdown for options A & B was presented for consideration / All
11 To note the balance remaining / It was noted that a balance of £64.350 remains from the original March 2015 approved amount / All
12 Additional funds required / To approve either £9500 (option A) or £22.500 (option B)
The sum of £22.500 was approved by a unanimous vote / All
13 Third party funding / The £5000 third party funding be paid to Veolia when instructedwas approved by a majority vote / All
14 To determine which option groundwork should deliver / Option B was selected by a vote of 10 to nil. An e mail is to be sent in confirmation . / All
15 To issue purchase order to Groundwork / Approval was given by a majority vote to issue a purchase order to Groundwork in the sum of £81.850 for delivery of the skatepark option B this being the Parish Council contribution.
16 to issue a purchase order to Groundwork for the grants approved / Approval was given to issue a purchase order to groundwork in the sum of £52.000, this being grants received for the delivery of the Skatepark option B This was approved unanimously
17 Contingency fund / It was noted that the contingency will be fully funded by the Parish Council , any unexpended contingency will represent a saving to the Parish Council
18 Appointment of provider / It was approved that Groundwork Leeds will appoint the chosen supplier once the groundwork support fund has been signed off for release and the Veolia environmental trust funding is in place .
19 Start date / It was noted that the start date will be mid May 2017 with a possible end date of Mid July .
20 Date of next meeting / To be arranged as required

Chairman’s Signature & Date
Signed …......

Dated …......