Parish Priest
Fr. Patrick Mc Loughlin
Hardie Close, Neasden
NW10 0UH
Tel: (020) 8451 0367
Fax: (020) 8830 3022
12th February 2017 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)
Sun / 12 / th / 9:30am / Rani Anton ‘A’ / 11.30am Joe Mc Donagh RIPMon / 13 / th / 9.30am / Nora & Liam Barrett
Tue / 14 / th / 9:30pm / William Bridie 7 Pat Corcoran ‘A’
Wed / 15 / th / 9:30am / No Service
Thu / 16 / th / 9.30am / No Service
Fri / 17 / th / 9.30am / James Mahoney ‘A’
Sat / 18 / th / 6.30pm / William Lee RIP
Sun / 19 / th / 9.30am / Michael Power ‘A’ / 11.30am Flavio Caldeira ‘A’
Quite a number of our parishioners, relatives and friends, are ill at home or in hospital; Alex Fernandes, James Otaga, Anne Casey, Maura Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Power, Jean Elliot, Elizabeth Kennelly, Francis Mc Ginley, Baby Charlie Corcoran, Bridie O’Brien. Let us keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Last Sundays Collection: £510 many Thanks.
Sat 18th 6.30pm Marian O’Loughlin Edith Fernandez, Franzer Fernandez
Sun 19th 9.30am Violet D’Souza, Oliva Donkolr, Charles De Souza
11.30am Alero Orimoloye Alero Orimoloye, Chinedu Njoku.
Church Cleaning Rota: Mary Quinlivan, Waffa Milad.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony: Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 3rd June 2017 at 3pm.The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2017. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).
Parish Priest
Fr. Patrick Mc Loughlin
Hardie Close, Neasden
NW10 0UH
Tel: (020) 8451 0367
Fax: (020) 8830 3022
On this Wednesday February 15th please join us in a day of prayer and fasting for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this country. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. See for more information.”
Don’t forget you weekly gift to SUFRA our local Food Band on St Raphael’s Estate. There is a real need for this charity and the work it does in our neighbourhood. Do please keep up the good work and thanks to all who regularly give, and plead for more of us to get involved. Their web-site is worth visiting for more information
The beginning of the Parish Web-site: is now up and running, thanks to Gerogette Del Rosario and Flavian Fernandes. Hopefully it will develop and become a resource not just for ourselves but for all who may go to it. Like any good web-site it will depend on continuous updating with all the news of our parish and the wider community in which we are involved. If you would like to contribute an article or some information you have, do let Fr. Patrick know. Meanwhile go to Then go to ‘Parishes’ on top left of page and type in ‘Neasden’. Our parish will come up. Follow the link to the website. You can now go direct to the site:
Signing of Passports: There has been 100% increase in applications, mainly due to babies now having to have their own passport. The applicant or a parent must sign the form in the presence of Fr. Patrick. Pre-signed forms will not be accepted. In the past there has been no fee, even though other professions charge. This will change from today with a suggested donation of £20, which will go to parish funds.
Candles/ Votive Lights: For the past 25 odd years candle offerings has remained at 20 pence!! The cost of buying in candles has soared so much over the years we need to increase our offering to 30 pence a candle. Could we also ask that all contribute this amount; there has been a large increase of pennies in the offertory boxes!!