RFP-16-802: Questions and Answers

Technical Section

  1. The RFP specifies that all delivered datasets be provided in SAS and Excel. It also notes that all related SAS code and programs be provided. We are happy to provide SAS datasets, but some of the analyses required by the RFP are better suited to other programs or programming languages. Can we use these other programs as long as we provide code and documentation of the work? We would still deliver SAS datasets along with any other formats the CCM desires.

[Answer] Bidders may use any programming languages desired, but SAS is the preferred software of the Energy Commission’s Demand Analysis Office (DAO). The Energy Commission would appreciate the study results being provided as SAS datasets if other software is used. But keep in mind that all code and programs related to the analysis is a deliverable because the Energy Commission wants the option of engaging in further analysis, and this would be more easily performed if the code is provided in SAS format.

  1. Is SAS the preferred programming language?

[Answer] The Energy Commission’s preference is to use SAS. Please also see the answer to question 1 above.

  1. Should bidders’ proposals reflect the assumption that the full $2.8 million will be available or should bidders’ proposals be designed to meet the entire RFP requirements with the $1.5 million that is immediately available?

[Answer] Bidders should develop proposals with the assumption that the full $2.8 million will be available for the project.

  1. Could the Energy Commission please expand on the specific elements of data collection and data analysis methods and processes that it considers most important for maintaining consistency with previous RASS studies?

[Answer] The sample design should bestratified toachieve a 90% confidence level. Adequate non-response work will be necessary in order to approach the achievement of that goal. A conditional demand analysis (CDA) will be necessary in order to estimate appliance consumption estimates. The Energy Commission is aware of possible variations in a CDA, but a general idea of what is expected is explained in this document:

  1. Page 7 of the RFP states that the RASS will cover the service areas of PG&E, SMUD, SDG&E, SCE, LADWP, and SCG. However, page 11 (Task 4) indicates that the sample should be stratified by the 20 forecast zones shown in Table 4-1.
  2. Can the Energy Commission confirm that the RASS will not be fielded in forecast zones 14 (Turlock), 15 (rest of BANC), 18 (Burbank/Glendale), 19 (Imperial), and 20 (Valley Electric)?
  3. Similarly, can the Energy Commission confirm that the development of UECs, saturations, and load shapes for forecasting zones 14, 15, and 18-20 are not in the scope of this RFP?

[Answer] The RASS will sample the electricity customers of the utilities mentioned and therefore climate zones 14, 15, and 18-20 are outside the scope of the RASS.

  1. LADWP does not currently have AMI meters installed for all residential customer populations and is unlikely to have complete AMI data for those customers by the end of this project. Can the Energy Commission confirm that producing residential end-use load shapes for LADWP customers is not in the scope of this RFP?

[Answer] The assumption is that AMI data will be available to perform the work described in this RFPPage 23 (third to last paragraph) says that “…the contractor shall develop and host a web-based interactive database….” However, the deliverable for this sub-task is listed(on page 24) as an “Electronic File Containing Web-Capable Format of Third-Generation Interactive Database.”

  • Can the Energy Commission please clarify the expected deliverable for this sub-task?
  • Does the deliverable include hosting the web site or just delivery of the “web-capable” database?
  • If the deliverable includes hosting, how long should bidders assume hosting will be required?

[Answer] The contractor can either propose to host the database, including the length of time the contractor proposes to host the database, or provide a fully functioning platform to the Energy Commission so that it might host the database.Please note that the database developed for the 2003 RASS is still hosted by the contractor which performed the survey.

  1. Do the utilities maintain a database that is separate from their CIS that has the customer’s email address, especially if the customer has signed up for an online portal or audit? If so, will the project have access to these data?

[Answer] It is incumbent on the selected contractor to obtain all information necessary to complete the work under the contract.

Administrative Section – Questions and Answers

  1. Can we propose any changes to your contract terms, such as limits on liability or alternate insurance coverage? If a bidder does submit changes, will that disadvantage the proposal?

[Answer] The contract resulting from this solicitation will include terms and conditions that set forth the Contractor’s rights and responsibilities. Private sector entities must agree to use the standard terms and conditions attached to the Application Manual (Attachment 8). The University of California or U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories must use either the standard or the pre-negotiated terms and conditions at the following website: ( The Energy Commission will not award agreements to non-complying entities. The Energy Commission reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions prior to executing agreements.Please note that your signature on Attachment 1, the Contractor Status Form, indicates your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Any statement or other indication that the Recipient will not abide by the Terms and Conditions may result in rejection of the entire application package for failure to comply with the administrative requirements of the solicitation.

  1. Are the proposal requirements in Slide #11 of the pre-bid conference presentation different from those in the RFP?

[Answer] Please use the contents in the RFP to guide your response.

  1. We are a small business interested in partnering with other contractors. How do we do that?

[Answer] We will post the pre-bid conference attendee list to the Energy Commission website. You can contact other contractors on that list.

  1. Page 28 of the RFP stipulates that electronic files of the proposal must be in Microsoft Word 2007 (.doc format) and Excel Office Suite formats. Please confirm that this includes Word files saved as Word 97-2003 documents (*.doc) and Excel files saved as Excel 97-2003 workbooks (*.xls).

[Answer] Yes, confirmation is provided.

  1. Does the Word version need to be submitted as a single Word document or can it be submitted as multiple Word documents?

[Answer] Please submit a single word document since all the attachments should be submitted separately.

  1. Page 29 of the RFP states that current resumes should be provided for all team members listed. Does this include administrative staff?

[Answer] This includes all individualswho will be working on the project.

  1. Would it be acceptable to include resumes in an appendix to Section 2 instead of within the “Relevant Experience and Qualifications” subsection of Section 2?

[Answer] As stated in the Application Manual on page 27 they should be submitted within the “Relevant Experience and Qualifications” subsection of Section 2.

  1. Page 30 of the RFP states that bidders must provide a list of at least four clients or employers for Client References, and that one customer reference form must be completed for each company.
  2. Are at least four clients or employers required per team, or per firm on the team?

[Answer] We would like a total of 4 client references from different companies. There is no required number of employees per team.

  1. Does the requirement that one form be completed for each company mean that one form must be completed for each company in the bidder’s team, or that one form must be completed for each company being listed as a reference?

[Answer] One form must be completed for each company listed as a reference.

  1. Are subcontractors required to complete and sign any of the following attachments, or are these attachments only required from the Prime Bidder?
  2. Attachment 2, Darfur Contracting Act Form
  3. Attachment 5, Contractor Certification Clauses
  4. Attachment 9, Iran Contracting Act Form
  5. Attachment 10, California Civil Rights Laws Certification

[Answer] These forms are only required by the Prime Bidder, and the prime recipient would be responsible for ensuring that all relevant terms flow down to subcontractors.

  1. The RFP states that state agencies must use the Office of State Publishing for printing services. Therefore, bidders should not include printing services in the proposal and DBVEs cannot perform printing services. Does printing of the survey booklets qualify as a printing service that must be performed by the Office of State Publishing? For RASS studies like this one, a single firm usually prints, mails, and scans the survey booklets. Would this requirement mean the State Office must print and we must assemble the mailing and scanning of booklets as a separate function?

[Answer] This is only applicable to a state agency so if you’re a private company this wouldn’t apply.

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