As part of the key-tasks flowing from Memorandum of Understanding for the year 2011-12, India Government Mint, Hyderabad continued untiringly to organize various Training Programmes for the Supervisors of SPMCIL.
Sequel to this, the unit organized 6 days Training Programme on “Developing SPMCIL Supervisors to enhance Operational Efficiency” from 19th – 24th September, 2011. The programme was conducted as unit based programme by National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai which is a premier Institute under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The programme was designed by Dr. (Ms) Mani K Madala, Dean and Professor, NIIE and Dr. Prasad, Associate Professor, NIIE, Mumbai.
The programme was inaugurated on 19th September, 2011 by Sri Ajai Kumar Srivastav, General Manager, IG Mint, Hyderabad. In his welcome address he thanked Hon’ble CMD and Director(HR) in making IG Mint, Hyderabad which is located at the outskirt of Hyderabad in lush green and serene campus of 82 acres, a centre of excellence in the field of Training and Development of Supervisors of SPMCIL. The programme was inaugurated by lighting a lamp and invocation. The programme was coordinated by Sri G.Krishna Mohan, AM(P&W) and Sri Surya Prakash, AD(OL).
In all 26 Supervisors from across all the nine units attended the programme. The participants were very much happy with the contents of the course and the way the faculty of NIIE conducted the programme. Lecture on Yoga and Meditation as conducted by Dr. Bharat S.Acharya on 22nd September, 2011 was highly receptive by the candidates. Participants also visited the Cherlapally Plant and were very happy to learn the quality production and the Silver refining activity being carried out by India Government Mint, Hyderabad.
The following topics were covered as part of their training programme.
Day & Date / Session / TopicMonday
19.9.2011 / Forenoon / Inauguration & Introduction to course changing Paradigm of Business-emerging challenge.
Afternoon / Effective Communication Skills
20.9.2011 / Forenoon / Creativity and Innovation in everyday Business
Afternoon / Motivating Employees
21.9.2011 / Forenoon / Leadership Skills
Afternoon / Managing Stress and time, Yoga and Meditation.
22.9.2011 / Forenoon / Building Team Spirit/Developing Subordinates
Afternoon / Entre/Intra Preneur as a Leader
23.9.2011 / Forenoon / Change Management
Afternoon / Emotional Intelligence
24.9.2011 / Forenoon / Interpersonal Communication
Afternoon / Action Plan for Building Teams in your organization.
Summation & Valediction.
Sl.No. / Name S/Shri / Unit1 / A. Suresh Kumar / Supervisor(Tech), IG Mint, Mumbai
2 / Raja Kiran / Supervisor(Tech), IG Mint, Mumbai
3 / Yugandhar Vadisetty / Supervisor(Tech), IG Mint, Mumbai
4 / A. Jananagrajan / Supervisor, ISP, Nashik.
5 / Tarun Deshmukh / Dy.Works Engineer, ISP, Nashik.
6 / R.P. Gaidhani / Inspector Control, ISP, Nashik.
7 / D.K. Srivastav / Dy.Tech Officer, BNP, Dewas
8 / A.R. Rathore / Canteen Manager, BNP, Dewas
9 / Vishvambharan, / Stenographer, BNP, Dewas
10 / R.N. Dixit, / Engineer, IG Mint, Noida
11 / Rajesh Urugonda / Supervisor, IG Mint, Noida
12 / M.R. Karmodiya / Foreman(Elect), SPM, Hos’bad
13 / Rubin Raj / Supervisor(Prodn), SPM, Hos’bad
14 / Munesh Kumar / Supervisor(Mech), SPM, Hos’bad
15 / C.P. Mishra / Dy.Control Officer, CNP, Nashik
16 / K.M.Kharde / Works Engineer, CNP, Nashik
17 / R.S. Barge / Supervisor, CNP, Nashik
18 / P.K. Mandal / Engineer(SG), IG Mint, Kolkata
19 / A.K. Haoladar / Engineer(SG), IG Mint, Kolkata
20 / Ganesh Chandra Mondal / Engineer, IG Mint, Kolkata
21 / A. Tirumala Ajai / Engineer, IG Mint, Hyderabad
22 / T. Ram Gopal / Engineer, IG Mint, Hyderabad
23 / D.Siva Subramanyam Yadav / Engineer, IG Mint, Hyderabad
24 / G. Madhusudan Rao / Engineer, IG Mint, Hyderabad
25 / G.V. Somasekhar / Dy.Tech Officer, SPP, Hyderabad
26 / K.John Suvarna Raj / Asst.Tech Officer, SPP, Hyderabad.