Instructions for Using the

Analysis Tools

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If you have any problems with the software, please speak to or e-mail Eric Pryde. His details are at the end of this document.For any other issues, please contact the Stress Piloteers’ Helpline on 0151 951 4981.

There are seven spreadsheets, one corresponding to each questionnaire.

They are:








Launch the corresponding spreadsheet for the questionnaire that you want to work on.

Select Enable Macros. Your system setup may not allow macros to be run. If this is the case, please speak to your System Administrator.


Select the Data Entry worksheet from the tabs at the bottom of the screen. The data entry screen for the First Pass Filter Questionnaire looks like this.

The screens for the other questionnaires are similar. For each question, click on the option button that corresponds to the answer in the questionnaire and click the Add Record button when you have finished. A message box will say Record Added showing that the record has been added successfully. Keep adding records in this way.


When you want to see a summary of the data select the Data Summary worksheet from the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the Update Data button.

The data in the summary table, chart and text above will change appropriately.

You can enter the number of questionnaires you distributed in the blue box (columnN, row7) and Excel will calculate your percentage response rate. This will change each time you ‘update data’ after adding a record(s).

The red triangular tabs in Column A of the data summary table allow you to check the text of each question. Simply place the cursor over the red tab and the question should appear.

After you have finished entering all the data and have updated the data summary worksheet, save the data by selecting Save from the File menu. You may want to save the data under a name that is familiar to you. Do this by selecting Save As from the File menu and change the file name accordingly.

The text between the percentages and the chart indicates which stressor or element of the stressor (in the case of the Second Pass Analysis Tools) maybe a potential problem in your organisation and what your organisation should do next.



There is no easy way to delete a record once it has been entered. To delete a record, you will need to select the Raw Data worksheet from the tabs at the bottom of the screen and then select the record as shown below, and press the Delete key or select Delete from the Edit menu.

If a record is deleted, remember to again click on the Update Data button on the Data Summary worksheet.


If you are collecting data on different groups within the organisation you will need to save the results for each group in a different version of the spreadsheet. You will need to save the spreadsheet under a new name. To do this, each time you open FirstPass.xls, for example, select Save As from the File menu and save the file as, for example, FirstPassAccounts.xls.


Do not change the layout on any of the screens. In the Data Summary worksheet the numbers and the advice are written in particular locations and if, for example, you insert a new row for a title then the numbers and text will be written into the wrong places. However, you may enter information, e.g. the name of the department to which the results refer, in any cell of rows 2 or 4 of the Data Summary worksheet.

Alternatively, you can give a title to the spreadsheet as follows: select Page Setup from the file menu, select Header/Footer from the tabs at the top of the dialog box and then Custom Header, and type your header/title in there. The header will show up in Print Preview and on the printout of the worksheet.


This is a first pilot version of the data analysis software. We would be grateful for your comments, in particular, suggestions for improvements and additional features.

Please give your comments to:

Eric Pryde (Tel. 0114 289 2808, e-mail ) or

Chris Kelly (Tel 0114 289 2682, e-mail ).

Please also contact Eric Pryde if you experience any difficulties with the software.

For all other issues, please contact:

Stress Piloteers’ Helpline (Tel. 0151 951 4981)