Revised Level 3[1]

Unit 2

We the People, the Citizen andthe Constitution

2016 Edition

Government End-Of-Course Practice Activities

Revised 4.15.16

How Did the Framers Create the Constitution?

Pre-2016 standards:

Course Level Expectations: Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping constitutional democracy in the United States.

Explain the relevance and connection of constitutional principles in the following documents:

A. U.S. Constitution

B. Federalist Papers

C. Amendments to the Constitution, emphasizing Bill of Rights

D. Key Supreme Court decisions Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland,

Miranda v. Arizona, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Topeka Board of Education

American Government-Grade Level Expectations 2016

Theme 1 / Disciplinary Tools
1. History: Continuity of Change / D, E
Theme 1 / Disciplinary Tools
2. Government Systems and principals / A, B
Theme 1 / Disciplinary Tools
2. People, Groups and Cultures / A, B
Theme 2 / Key Concepts and Understanding
1. History: Continuity of Change
Historical foundations / A, B, C, D
Theme 2 / Key Concepts and Understanding
2. Government Systems and Principles
Historical foundations / A, B, C
Theme 3 / Key Concepts and Understanding
2. Government Systems and Principles
Structure of Government / A, B, C
Theme 2 / Key Concepts and Understanding
5. People, Groups and Culture
Historical foundations / A
Theme 2 / Key Concepts and Understanding
5. People, Groups and Culture
Structure of Government / A, B

Selective Response Assessment

1. Which statement best summarizes the Articles of Confederation?

A. A constitution giving total power to the federal government

B. Adopted by the First Continental Congress

C. The first constitution of the United States

D. The first constitution to give the federal government power to tax individuals

2. Which statement best describes a confederation?

A. A form of political organization in which sovereign states combine for specific purposes

B. A government with a written constitution, designed to give ultimate power to the federal


C. A form of political organization in which non-sovereign states combine for purposes of trade and


D. A government that suggests a division of power between the states

3. “What stronger evidence can be given of the want of energy in our governments than these disorders? If there exists not a power to check them, what security has a man of life, liberty or property? -George Washington

According to the statement above, what message is George Washington trying to convey?

A. Shay’s Rebellion illustrated the right to life, liberty, and property

B. The current government lacks the energy to suppress the rebellion

C. The rebellion was justified in the name of personal security

D. There is a need to strengthen the national government

4. Which statement best describes the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?

A. The writing of the U.S. Constitution

B. The ratification of the U.S. Constitution

C. Re-writing of the Articles of Confederation

D. A new constitution giving the states more power

5. “…A person who is appointed, authorized, or commissioned to act in the place of another. Transfer of authority from one to another...”

What term best reflects the above definition?

A. Federalist

B. Advisor

C. Delegate

D. Litigant

6. Select which is not a characteristic of a federal system

A. Power is divided and shared between state, and local governments

B. All power is given to the federal government

C. Sovereign states hold the power

D. Power is divided and shared between central, state, and local governments

Continue to the next page

7. Which trait is not exclusively associated with the federal government of the United States?

A. The federal government is the central political authority

B. It is comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate

C. The individual states can choose not to enforce federal laws

D. It has the power to levy and collect taxes

8. “Proportional representation is a democratic system which aims to represent the will of the population in the legislature by proportional support. The goal of proportional representation is to more accurately reflect the political inclinations of the population.”

Based on the above definition, what is the purpose of proportional representation?

A. To ensure the political will of one district is implemented

B. To better represent the political, social, and economic view in the legislature

C. To reflect the political views, and ensure passage of laws to benefit a state

D. To ensure the smaller states have equal representation

9. Identify, which phrase best describes the Great Compromise.

A. A bicameral congress, the House based on state population, the Senate, representation would be

equal for each state

B. A bicameral congress, whereby representation would be based on the state’s population

C. The will of the majority within each state determines the number of representatives and senators.

D. A bicameral congress, whereby representation within the House and Senate is determined by


10. “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Read and analyze the above quote from the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 2). What conclusion can be drawn regarding slavery?

A. When counting the population within each state, free persons and slaves were not counted as


B. When counting the population within each state, free persons and those bound to service were

not counted as equals

C. Representation and taxation will be the same within each state

D. The terms and conditions of representation and taxation can change from year to year

11. Identify the constitutional function of the Electoral College.

A. Determines who will represent each political party in a national election

B. Determines who will become president in case of a tie

C. Represents the popular vote after a presidential election

D. Votes for the president and vice president

12. Which phrase best illustrates enumerated powers within the Constitution?

A. Powers specifically listed and given to the federal government

B. Powers specifically listed and given to the federal and state governments

C. Powers specifically listed and given to the state governments

D. Powers that allow the federal government to “add” new powers

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13. What is the main purpose of the necessary and proper clause within the Constitution?

A. To increase the legislative power of each state

B. To create laws which apply only to the federal government

C. To add to the enumerated powers of Congress

D. To allow Congress the power to expand it’s enumerated powers

14. Choose the statement that best identifies the importance of separation of powers.

A. The federal and state governments are given equal power

B. It incorporates checks and balances between the branches of government

C. It grants specific powers to the executive and judicial branches

D. It grants specific powers to the state governments

15. The state of Missouri feels that the federal government should help pay for the renovations to interstate 70. Which term best describes this political philosophy

A. Executive order

B. Delegate power

C. Shared power

D. Eminent domain

16. Identify the best example of an ex post facto law.

A. The new 55 mph speed limit on interstate highways goes into effect on Wednesday. Fred Fern

was given a speeding ticket the preceding Tuesday.

B. The new 55 mph speed limit on interstate highways goes into effect on Wednesday. Fred Fern

was given a speeding ticket on the following Thursday.

C. The new 55 mph speed limit law must be posted for seven months before a ticket may be issued.

D. The new 55 mph speed limit on interstate highways allows each person to be given one warning

before issuing a ticket.

17. Choose the best example of a bill of attainder.

A. The president signed a bill that would make entering this country illegally a federal crime,

and all individuals caught would be sent to prison without a trial.

B. The president signed a bill that would make entering this country illegally a federal crime,

and all individuals caught would be tried and sent to prison.

C. Congress passed a bill that would make entering this country illegally a federal crime, and all

individuals caught would be sent to prison without a trial.

D. The president has asked Congress to pass a bill that would make entering this country

illegally a federal crime, and all individuals caught would be sent to prison without a trial.

18. Which term best illustrates South Carolina’s actions toward the union before the Civil War?

A. Non-sovereign

B. Discontinuance

C. Secede

D. Successor

19. What statement best describes the impact of the supremacy clause?

A. Allows the Supreme Court to rule that state laws may take precedent over federal laws

B. Allows Congress the authority to create state laws

C. Allows the president and Congress to create state laws

D. Places federal law above individual state laws

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20. Identify the statement that best defines a tariff.

A. A tax on goods moving between states

B. A tax or duty on imported or exported goods

C. A tax placed on goods manufactured within the states by the federal government

D. A tax used by the states against foreign governments to protect goods manufactured within their


21. “If you make the citizens of this country agree to become the subjects of one great consolidated empire of America, your government will not have sufficient energy to keep them together.”

Select the political philosophy thatbest fits the above quote by Patrick Henry.

A. Federalists

B. Natural rights

C. Anti-Federalists

D. Strict Constructionists

22. Which statement best describes the Bill of Rights?

A. A list of basic rights that the federal government my not interfere with and must protect

B. A list of basic rights that state governments may not interfere with and must protect

C. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which determines what laws each state may


D. A list of basic rights that neither the federal government nor states may amend

23. Identify the effect of ratification of the U.S. Constitution upon the states.

A. All states were required to adhere to each provision of the Constitution

B. All states may choose to ignore those provisions they felt placed a burden uponits citizens

C. Every ten years all states would have the opportunity to re-vote on ratification

D. All states would have to re-write their constitutions to endorse every provision of the U.S.


“A number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

24. Which political term best describes Madison’s quote?

A. Federalists

B. Factions

C. Anti-Federalists

D. Locke

25. Which sentence best identifies the Federalists philosophy?

A. Urged ratification of the U.S. Constitution and a weak central government

B. Urged ratification of the U.S. Constitution because it allowed the states to keep their power

C. Urged ratification of the U.S. Constitution and a strong central government

D. Were opposed to ratification of the U.S. Constitution because it allowed for a strong central


This concludes the exam

Teacher Answer Sheet:

Item Correct Answer CLE ReferenceDOK level

1 / C / 1-A / 2
2 / A / 1-A / 2
3 / D / 1-A / 2
4 / A / 1-B / 2
5 / C / 1-B / 1
6 / B / 1-B / 1
7 / C / 1-B / 1
8 / B / 1-B / 3
9 / A / 1-B / 2
10 / A / 1-B / 3
11 / D / 1-B / 2
12 / A / 1-B / 2
13 / D / 1-B / 1
14 / B / 1-B / 2
15 / C / 1-B / 2
16 / A / 1-B / 2
17 / A / 1-B / 1
18 / C / 1-B / 2
19 / D / 1-B / 1
20 / B / 1-B / 2
21 / C / 1-B / 1
22 / A / 1-B / 2
23 / A / 1-B / 2
24 / B / 1-B / 2
25 / C / 1-B / 2


[1]Alignment based upon DESE standards, adopted April 2016