Performance-Based Leadership Certification

2013-14 Supervisor Recommendation Form

This form must be submitted confidentially for the candidate from their current supervisor. Performance-based leadership certification candidates may not see this completed form. Please complete the form, print out, sign, scan and send electronically to Human Resources – Centers of Expertise to Catalina Sibilsky at . Completed forms must be received by one the following dates:Cycle 1: November 8th, Cycle 2: December 13thor Cycle 3: March 7th.

If you have any questions regarding Performance-Based Leadership Certification, please contact Catalina Sibilsky at .


Supervisor Name: ______

Position/Title: ______

Work Site location: ______

APS email address: ______

Phone Number:______

This document is being submitted in support of:

______as a candidate for

(Name of Candidate)

sponsorship in a Performance-Based Leadership Certification Program. I have

supervisedthe candidate for ____ year/s.

Performance-Based Leadership Certification Supervisor Recommendation Form

Please check one for each category using the following key:
1- Learning 2 - Practicing 3 - Proficient 4 – Mastery

Performance Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Sets and demonstrates through daily actions high expectations for all students to learn higher-level content

• Seeks to develop and/or supports a school organization where faculty and staff work collaboratively on behalf of higher student achievement

• Stays abreast of effective practices by continuously learning from new research, proven practices, and colleagues

• Models professional excellence by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner

Instructional Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Creates and/or supports a school mission focused on improving student achievement and a vision of

school/classroom curriculum and instructional practices that sustains a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations for all students

• Recognizes and utilizes standards-based instructional practices that motivate students and increase their achievement

• Engages in cooperative planning with teachers to align curriculum across grade levels and between subject areas and to ensure agreement on core content and required student performances that are comprehensive, rigorous and coherent

Data Analysis Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Uses data to initiate and continue to improve school and classroom practices that monitor student progress and support higher student achievement

• Utilizes logical systems and appropriate technology for the collection and analysis of data from multiple sources

• Can move systematically from the use of data to identify improvement needs, to the determination of root causes for those needs, to the identification and implementation of a course of action, to the monitoring and evaluation of those actions for progress and plan revision

Facilitative Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Understands and utilizes facilitative leadership skills, strategies, and tools to maximize the involvement of faculty and staff members in the continuous and sustained improvement of the school

• Seeks out and embraces the diverse thinking and opinions of colleagues to ensure broad participation

• Maximizes the use of time in meetings and professional development through the use of effective meeting planning strategies.

Change Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Understands the change process and uses leadership and facilitation skills to manage change effectively

• Understands the process of creating action plans that provide a level of detail that ensure the effective

implementation of change

• Seeks to create a collegial environment that focuses on continuous improvement and supports staff and students in meeting high standards

Operations Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Uses and organizes time and resources to meet the goals and objectives of the school improvement plan

• Maximizes resources by using them wisely

• Supports a safe, orderly, and engaging learning environment in his/her classroom and across the school.

Learning & Development Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Understands adult learning theory and utilizes that theory in the delivery of quality, sustained professional development that leads to improved staff performance and increased student achievement

• Models continuous learning by developing and implementing a personal plan for self-improvement

• Utilizes techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of meetings and professional development to ensure effective use of time and resources

Relationship Leader 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____

• Creates a caring environment where students, parents, faculty, and staff feel that they count

• Embraces the community’s diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources and utilizes them to advance the learning of all students

• Keeps parents and other constituencies focused on their roles in supporting higher student achievement

• Involves parents as partners in their children’s education and creates systems for their involvement

• Develops professional relationships across the school, community, and district in support of the school

improvement agenda

I understand that support for this candidate will require district resources and that providing an accurate recommendation is critical to selecting appropriate candidates.

Please check one:

______I support this candidate 100% for sponsorship.

______This candidate has potential, but it may be too early to determine their leadership


______I have reservations about sponsoring this candidate.

______I cannot sponsor this candidate.

Please write a few comments about this applicant. Focus on their leadership potential as a possible future leader in the Atlanta Public Schools.

Signature: ______Date: ______