GFS Application Form Guidance Notes
The application form provides the only information used to decide who to invite for an interview. We need specific information to judge your suitability for the post and these notes are designed to help. Please carefully read all the information sent to you, particularly the job description and person specification
What about qualifications
Not all jobs at GFS need qualifications. The job description/person specification will tell you what is required for this job.
Give us examples
If the job description requires a particular skill, please give examples that illustrate this. If a job needs organisational skills, explain where you have had to use them to carry out a task. If management experience is necessary, you could tell us about the most difficult management situation that you have had to handle. Where possible give us information that links to each area of the person specification.
Tell us about your experience
Many of us work in teams but we are interested in your personal responsibilities and achievement. Tell us what you did, not what the team did.
Your experience is in a different area of work
People develop similar skills from very different experiences. If your experience is in a different field of work tell us why and how you think you can apply your skills to this job.
You have not worked for a number of years
For a variety of reasons, people may have little experience of paid work or have gaps in their employment. The only thing that is important to us is that you have the skills and knowledge detailed in the person specification. We are interested in what you can do, not what you can’t do.
What about interests and voluntary work?
We only need to know about your hobbies or voluntary work if it is relevant to the job.
How much information should I provide?
We need brief but relevant information. If your skills and experience sheet is more than two sides of A4, it might include more detail than we need.
Can I include my CV?
GFS refers to the information contained in the application form when shortlisting particularly skills and experience. CV’s will therefore not be accepted.
Please contact Human Resources for general queries
0207 520 1793
GFS Application Form
Please return the completed application form to
Post applied for: / Candidate Number (Office use only):Location: / Ref Number (from job ad or cover letter):
How did you hear of this vacancy (i.e. name of newspaper /website or other contact)?
First Name: / Address 1:
Surname: / Address 2:
Email / Road/street:
Tel (Home): / Town/City:
Tel (Mobile): / Post code:
Please give details of your work experience starting with your present or most recent employer and working backwards, accounting for all gaps in employment. If you have never worked or have been out of work for some time, please use the Skills & Experience section to tell us how you have gained the necessary experience. Please also include any voluntary positions that you have held.
Employer / Dates / Job Title and Summary of Responsibilities / Salary & Reasons for leaving
From / To
Please state all your qualifications, such as degree, NVQ, 'A' Level, GCSE, ‘O’ Level etc., and any further formal training.
School/College/ University / Dates / Course Name and Subject/Topics covered / Qualification/Grade Achieved & Results
From / To
Other Relevant training
Name of Provider / Dates / Course Name and Subject/Topics covered / Qualification/Grade Achieved & Results
From / To
If you are a member of a professional body, please state details below:
SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE (please refer to the job description and person specification)
Please provide information about your skills and experience related to the job description and person specification where relevant. Please refer to the notes that accompany this form before you complete this section. Please ensure that you submit no more than two A4 pages.
1. Have you ever worked for the organisation before? YES/NO
If yes, please provide full details below:
2. Have you ever applied for employment with the organisation before? YES/NO
If yes, please provide details below:
3. Are you related to any employee or GFS Board member? YES/NO
If Yes, please give full details below:
4. Are you involved with any activity paid or unpaid that might conflict with the requirements of this role, or which might limit your availability to work or limit your ability to undertake the stipulated working hours e.g. local government? YES/NO
If Yes, please give full details below:
5. Are you able to work occasional overtime or weekends if required? YES/NO
6. How much notice are you required to give to your current employer?
Please Note: As required by the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act (2006), documentary proof of your immigration status and your right to work in the UK will be required before an offer of employment can be confirmed. GFS does not have a sponsor licence and therefore cannot sponsor individuals from outside of the European Economic Area
7. Do you have the right to work in the UK? YES/NO
For many positions within GFS a criminal record check i.e. Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) disclosure is required before you are permitted to start work. GFS may require you to have a satisfactory Enhanced Adult & Children DBS certificate.
8. Do you have a DBS certificate undertaken in the last 12 months? YES/NO
If Yes, please bring the original copy to your interview.
9.Are you a member of the Update Service YES/NO
I confirm that the information in this application is accurate, and if any part is found to be false, GFS may immediately dismiss me.
I understand that any offer of employment will be subject to pre-employment checks including receipt of satisfactory references, documentary evidence of my eligibility to work within the United Kingdom, a pre-employment medical questionnaire and possibly a satisfactory Enhanced Child and Adult DBS disclosure.
All offers of employment are subject to satisfactory references. We will need at least two, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer. References should cover the last five years.
Nature of Relationship:
When may we take up the reference: / Name:
Nature of Relationship:
When may we take up the reference:
Dates not available for interview:
Submission by email will serve as electronic signature
Please return the completed application form to
Consent to processing of personal data
The Data Protection Act 1998
Under Schedule 2 of The Data Protection Act 1998 GFS requires your consent to process the personal data submitted on your completed application form.
By signing and returning this application form, you are also giving your consent to GFS:
· keeping, using and producing information relating to your application for a job with GFS in order to consider whether to offer you a position within the organisation, consider the terms in which to make such an offer, to answer any reasonable queries about the application and to monitor GFS' recruitment process;
· processing information about disability or ethnic origin in order to consider whether you require any reasonable adjustments to be made during the application process or, if offered a job, to assist in the performance of your duties;
· monitoring gender and ethnic origin to assess the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities policy.
GFS is required to pass equalities information to both regulatory and funding bodies. This is in order to assess the effectiveness of our Equality & Diversity Policy. All information passed to Regulatory and Funding bodies is collated anonymously. Any other personal information you provide will be held in strict confidence and will only be made available with your express consent.
Rehabilitation of Offender’s Act 1974 (exceptions) order 1975 (amendment) England & Wales Order 2013
In view of current legislation we are obliged to ask the following question. The information you give us will be kept in confidence.
Normally ex-offenders are able to state, following a period of time that is offence free, they have no criminal record. The Act does, however, make certain exemptions, one of which applies to the work you may undertake for GFS. As the work will involve ‘access to the young…’ it is our policy, fully in accordance with the Act, to ask you to reveal all offences - including those that in other circumstances would be considered spent.
GFS aims to treat applicants who have a criminal record in a fair manner, and will not discriminate against them because of a conviction or other information revealed. GFS Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders is available to applicants on request.
Do you have you a criminal record? YES/NO
If yes, please give brief details below:
This information will not be used for the purpose of short-listing.
Please return with the application form
Equality & Diversity Monitoring Form
We aim to give all applicants an equal chance and we select staff solely on merit. In order to monitor how effective we are in doing this, it would be helpful if you could supply the following information. This form will be separated from your application and will not be seen by the selector.
Post applied for: / Job Ref:How would you describe your ethnic origin? Please tick ()
White British / White Irish
White Other / Mixed: white & black Caribbean
Mixed: white & black African / Mixed: white & Asian
Mixed: other / Asian/Asian British: Indian
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani / Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi
Asian/Asian British: other / Black/black British: Caribbean
Black/black British: African / Black/black British: other
Chinese / Not Known
Do not wish to declare / Other
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? (Please delete) / Yes / No
Are you registered disabled? (Please delete) / Yes / No
Do not wish to declare / Yes / No
Are you…? Please tick ()
Male / Female
Transgender / Do not wish to declare
Are you? Please tick ()
16 - 24 years / 55 - 60 years
25 - 34 years / 60 - 65 years
35 - 44 years / 65 + years
45 – 54 years / Do not wish to declare
Are you? Please tick ()
Heterosexual / Gay/LesbianBisexual / Do not wish to answer
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