Call for Papers
6th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2010)
For a New Regular Track on
Automation in Green Technologies
The 6th annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2010), sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), will be held on August 21-24, 2010 in Marriott Eaton Centre Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE RAS. It constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry, multidisciplinary research in automation. The goal of the conference is to provide a broad coverage and dissemination of foundational research in automation among researchers, academics, and industry practitioners.
There has been growing interest in green technologies worldwide coupled with a recent influx of funding into the area. An essential component of economic viability for many green technologies is automation. For example, in the area of solar cell manufacturing, it has been suggested that automation and robotics advances parallel to those in the semiconductor manufacturing industry are required to significantly improve viability. In an effort to increase awareness and highlight work in these areas, IEEE CASE 2010 will offer a new regular track on Automation in Green Technologies.
This call for papers is intended to advertise this new regular track and give some guidance regarding how prospective authors may interpret the title Automation in Green Technology. Automation is interpreted broadly to include thematic algorithmic and application areas (planning, scheduling, manipulation, robotics, sensing and localization, and application domains). We have a particular interest in automation as applied to the manufacturing of green technologies (solar cells, batteries, remanufacturing). However, submissions of papers that interpret Automation in Green Technology broadly are welcome. Specific examples of topics of interest in the area include, but are not limited to:
- Design of equipment/robotics/processes for green tech
- Automation in renewable energy systems/equipment
- Automation and robotics for remanufacturing
- Automated life cycle analysis methods
- Lifecycle evaluation of automation for green tech
- Manufacturing/equipment/robotics for solar technologies
- Logistics and service of green tech products
- Smart grid & green tech in the power industry
- Manufacturing/equipment/robotics for green batteries
- Factory modeling, analysis & evaluation in green mfg
- Automatic control of wind turbines
- Automated material handling systems (AMHS) for manufacturing of green tech
- Surveys/comparisons between traditional & green tech manufacturing
- Algorithms for planning, scheduling and coordination in green tech systems & manufacturing
- Advanced process control (APC) and yield enhancement for green tech
- Decision support systems (DSS) for green tech mfg
- Data mining for yield and production improvement
- Mobile and wireless applications (RFID) in green tech
- Agent based intelligent systems applied to green tech
- Engineering chains and supply chains in green tech
- Green tech factories of the future
- Green tech manufacturing software and controllers
- Benchmark and case studies
Important Dates
- Jan. 15: Special session proposal submission due
- Feb 1, 2010: Special session acceptance notification. Tutorial/Workshop proposal submission due.
- Feb 12, 2010: Paper submission deadline
- March 1, 2010: Tutorial and Workshop acceptance notification
- May 15, 2010: Paper acceptance notification
- May 30, 2010: Conf registration opens
- June 15, 2010: Final paper submission deadline
- August 21, 2010: Tutorials & Workshops
- August 22-24: Main conference events
For additional information on IEEE CASE 2010 please visit
Please address inquiries regarding the new regular track on Automation in Green Technologies at IEEE CASE 2010 via e-mail to Prof. James Morrison () or Prof. Jingshan Li ().