Pupil Self EvaluationKeyboard
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can play the notes of the melody in the correct order in lines ......
- I can play line(s) ……… of the melody with the correct rhythm.
- I can play line(s) ...... hands together.
- I can play the right hand melody with the backing track in line(s) ......
- I can perform the entire piece hands together with the backing track.
How good are my performing skills overall
Excellent A convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance musically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient technical or
musical skill
Poor Frequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will practice line(s) ...... hands together with the backing track
- I will focus on correcting the rhythm of bar(s) ......
- I will add chords to line(s) ......
- I will add keyboard functions (eg. Intro, ending, fills. Etc) at bars ......
Concepts covered in this piece
Pupil Self EvaluationXylophone
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can play the notes of the melody in the correct order in lines ......
- I can play line(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm.
- I can play line(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and piano accompaniment with an appropriate and consistent tempo.
- I can play line(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and alternate beaters.
- I can play line(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and piano accompaniment with an appropriate and consistent tempo with alternate beaters.
- I can provide a musically convincing performance with dynamic contrast and the piano accompaniment.
How good are my performing skills overall
Excellent A convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance musically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient technical or
musical skill
Poor Frequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will practise line(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm.
- I will practise(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and piano accompaniment with an appropriate and consistent tempo.
- I will practiseline(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and alternate beaters.
- I will practiseline(s) ……… on my own with the correct rhythm and piano accompaniment with an appropriate and consistent tempo with alternate beaters.
- I will practiseproviding a musically convincing performance with dynamic contrast and the piano accompaniment.
- I will listen carefully to the piano introduction and come in on beat ...... of the bar.
Concepts covered in this piece
Pupil Self EvaluationVoice
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can accurately pitch the notes of the melody.
- I can accurately match the lyrics to the melody.
- I can perform with the piano accompaniment.
- I can perform with dynamic contrast.
- I can perform musically with good support, breath control and phrasing.
How good are my performing skills overall
Excellent A convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance musically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient technical or
musical skill
Poor Frequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will work on bars(s) ...... to improve the intonation.
- I will work on bar(s) ...... to correct the rhythm.
- I can provide a musically convincing performance with dynamic contrast and the piano accompaniment.
- I will learn the lyrics so that I can perform it from melody.
- I will work on my support, breath control and musical phrasing.
- I will listen carefully to the piano introduction and come in on beat ...... of the bar.
Concepts covered in this piece
Pupil Self Evaluation Drumkit
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can play ...... grooves without the backing track.
- I can play ...... continuous grooves without the backing track.
- I can play ...... fills individually.
- I can incorporate ...... fills into the main groove at an appropriate and consistent tempo.
- I can play lines ...... with the backing track.
- I can perform 4 way coordination.
How good are my performing skills overall
ExcellentA convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance rhythmically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient rhythmic or musical skill
PoorFrequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will learn ...... continuous grooves without the backing track.
- I will play the fills on lines ...... individually.
- I will incorporate fills into the main groove at the appropriate places, improving my 4 way coordination.
- I will play lines ...... with the backing track.
- I will provide an accurate and musically convincing performance.
Concepts covered in this piece
Pupil Self Evaluation Chordal Guitar
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can demonstrate ...... chords producing a good tone.
- I can play ...... chords using a downward strumming pattern on each beat of the bar producing a good tone.
- I can play lines ...... with an appropriate strumming pattern following the notation provided.
- I can play lines ...... at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided.
- I can incorporate solos into my performance at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided.
How good are my performing skills overall
ExcellentA convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance musically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient technical or musical skill
PoorFrequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will practise chords ………………………………………………., demonstrating the chord shape to my teacher.
- I will practise moving between chords ……………………………………………………
- I will practise moving between chords using a downward strumming pattern on each beat of the bar producing a good tone.
- I will practise using an appropriate strumming pattern following the notation provided.
- I will practise lines ...... at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided.
- I will incorporate solos into my performance at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided.
Concepts covered in this piece
Pupil Self Evaluation Melodic Guitar/Bass Guitar
How accurate am I when performing/things I am good at
- I can name the strings on the guitar and can match them to TAB notation.
- I can play the notes of the melody in the correct order in lines .. .. using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I can play line(s) ...... of the melody with the correct rhythm using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I can play line(s) ...... with the piano accompaniment or backing track using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I can play at an appropriate and consistent tempo with effective use of dynamics using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I can incorporate solos into my performance at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided using the correct fingering in the melody.
How good are my performing skills overall
ExcellentA convincing performance demonstrating excellent technique
Very GoodA secure performance musically and technically
Good A mainly accurate performance
InconsistentA performance lacking sufficient technical or musical skill
PoorFrequent inaccuracies
Things I could do better
- I will the names the strings on the guitar and demonstrate a knowledge of how to read TAB notation.
- I will practise the notes of the melody in the correct order in lines ...... using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I will practise line(s) ...... of the melody with the correct rhythm using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I will practise line(s) ...... with the piano accompaniment or backing track using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I will practise playing at an appropriate and consistent tempo with effective use of dynamics, producing a good tone using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I will practise incorporating solos into my performance at a consistent and appropriate tempo with the piano accompaniment/backing track, following the notation provided using the correct fingering in the melody.
- I will use alternative picking technique (guitar)
I will use alternating fingers in my right hand (bass only)
Concepts covered in this piece