annual report
for the
south Australian athletic league inc
Tuesday 13th June 2008
Mile End Santos Stadium, 8.00pm
- Receive and confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting held since the last Annual General Meeting.
- Receive and consider the League’s Annual Report which shall contain:
- President’s Annual Report
- Secretary’s Annual Report
- Treasurer’s Annual Report
- Audited Annual Accounts
- Presentation of the audited Annual Accounts and its consideration and adoption.
- Election of Office Bearers as conducted by the appointed Presiding Officer.
The Office Bearers shall be:
- President
- Senior Vice-President
- Junior Vice-President
- Male Athletes’ Representative
- Female Athletes’ Representative
- Coaches’ Representative
- Officials’ Representative
(Please note: Athletes, Coaches and Official Representatives to be nominated and voted upon by only those registered in the sector concerned)
- Appointment of Patrons (Bruce McAvaney nominated)
and Vice-Patrons (David Grubb, Peter Noblet nominated).
- Appointment of the Auditor.
- Fix the Annual Registration Fees
- Transact any other business affecting the interest and welfare of the League, of which due notice has been given according to the Constitution.
New Rule for Chapter 15 of Constitution, proposed by Brendan Golden:
"Office Bearers will be elected and will hold office for a period oftwo years from the conclusion of the meeting at which they were elected.
Elections for President, Junior Vice President, Male Athletes' Representative and Coaches' Representativeshall occur in even dated years only.Elections forSenior Vice President, Officials' Representative and Female Athletes' Representativeshall occur in odd dated years only.
TheSenior Vice President,Officials' Representative and Female Athletes' Representative, elected in 2008, shall assume office at the end of the 2008 Annual General Meeting and, subject to the constitution, shall hold office until the end of the 2009 Annual General Meeting.”
- Address by the incoming President.
- Close of Meeting
A light supper will be available following the meeting.
Refer to item 1: Copies of 2007 Minutes will be available 30 minutes prior to commencement of meeting.
The 2007/08 SA Athletic League season continued the momentum of the development of our sport in recent years. This is especially pleasing given the challenges faced by the League over the last few years, both unique to and is shared by other not for profit sports organisations.
As I made note of at the annual dinner, over the 5 years that it has taken the League to pay the Mort Daly Running Foundation loan, prizemoney across our carnivals has increased by 28%. At the same time, the League has returned to a position of making a healthy profit on each season. These are outstanding achievement for an organisation like ours, particularly at a time when sports organisations must address ever increasing demands. It should be remembered that, tasked with the commitment to pay substantial yearly instalments on the MDRF loan, the demands on the League have been greater than most. The loan is now payed and the achievement should not go un-noticed. The League owes a debt of gratitude to the work of Colin Rowston and Cathy Thurston especially, and to the commitment of Amin Chehade and Michelle Burckhardt for returning the League to the financial position it is now in.
The gains of the last 5 years can be consolidated with a renewed focus on recruitment to the sport. In this regard, a number of initiatives for the 2008/09 season are already being planned and I look forward to seeing the League take advantage of them.
On another positive note, it was terrific to see our flagship event, the Bay Sheffield, develop further as a feature of the season and the League should be proud of it. The quality, professionalism and integrity of the event improves each year. The Bay Sheffield is now back to being the financial support to the League that it should be.
My personal thanks to the League Committee for another efficient year. An involvement is usually a thankless task and the 7.15am meetings don't help. They are however, made more tolerable by a committee that has a good vibrancy about it.
To the officials, who once again maintained the standard of excellence that each carnival enjoys, my sincere thanks. The sense of community that exists within our sport is in no small part due to the officials who present at each meeting. I hope the season was an enjoyable one for them.
I take this opportunity to formally recognise the contribution to the sport made by Brian Hart. 30 years as a starter with the League is an outstanding record on its own. What makes it an enduring one, is the number of people over the course of those 30 years who would call Brian a mate and who would readily say that their experience with the League is richer for having met him. I will proudly count myself among them.
Enjoy your winters.
Brendan Golden
It had been 6 years since I last the opportunity to report to you on the financial results of the League, and it is with much pleasure that I report that the operations of the League resulted in a surplus of $14,017.
Our nominations were down from last year as you can see from the statistics provided by the Executive Officer’s report but I am pleased to advise that the profit from the race meetings increased by $11,508 and returned a profit of $40,892, which greatly assisted in the overall results for the year. Other income increased by $1,525.
As you can see from the Operating Statement the administration expenses were $4,585 less than last year mainly due to not spending any amount on new equipment which was $2,502 last year, and other sundry item which were lower than last year.
The Honoraria was increased this year by $3,230 which included an invitation to the Presentation dinner and membership of the League for all track officials.
Office salaries increased by $4,132, part of which was the additional salary paid the Cheryl Zeuner prior to Michelle Burckhardt taking maternity leave.
The overall result this year had meant that we were able to discharge the Mort Daly Running Foundation loan together with interest, which has been ably reported on by the President, and returned us to a positive Member’s Accumulated Fund of $2,757.
It is with great anticipation that we are on the right track again, and hope that we never get into a negative position again.
I cannot finish my report without thanking all of the people who have made contributions during the year to cover the costs of sashes and trophies, and in particular to Alby Donnelly, Dr.Peter Noblet AM., Jim Bradley and to all of those athletes who have contributed either directly to the League or to the various Clubs.
My final thanks must go to Michelle Burckhardt and Cheryl Zeuner for their assistance and co-operation during the year and to the President Brendan Golden and Senior Vice President Colin Rowston who do so much work for the League without which the League would just not operate.
I have audited the financial statements of the South Australian Athletic League being the Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet for the year ended 30th April 2008. I have conducted an independent audit of those financial statements in order to express an opinion of them.
My audit has been conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of misstatement. My procedure included examination on a test basis of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial statements and the evaluation of accounting policies. I report having received all the information and explanations that I required from the South Australian Athletic League. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether in all aspects, the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards so as to present a view which is consistent with my understanding of its financial position and the results of its operations.
The audit opinion expressed in the report has been formed on the above basis.
In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly in accordance with accounting standards the financial position of the South Australian Athletic League as at the 30th April 2008.
In my opinion the financial report on which this report is prepared is adequate, given the nature and scope of the activities of the South Australian Athletic League.
(15,618) / BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD / (11,260)
4,358 / SURPLUS FOR YEAR / 14,017
(11,260) / TOTAL MEMBERS FUNDS / 2,757
150 / Petty Cash Advance / 150
8,278 / Bank Accounts / 6,667
1,315 / Debtors / -
600 / Prepayments / -
10,343 / TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS / 6,817
6,263 / Creditors / 3,658
1,170 / Aust.Tax Office / 272
1,170 / Other Liabilities / 130
13,000 / Loan - Mort Daly Running Foundation / -
(11,260) / TOTAL NET ASSETS / 2,757
2007 / INCOME / 2008
29,213 / Members Registration / 27,185
29,384 / Profit from Race Meetings / 40,892
200 / Advertising / 200
223 / Donations / 110
451 / Fines & Appeals / 270
287 / Interest Received / 1,138
475 / Net Surplus on Annual Dinner / 1,167
97 / Miscellaneous Income / 2,401
60,330 / TOTAL INCOME / 73,363
18,851 / Administration Expenses / 14,266
7,230 / Honoraria / 10,460
1,746 / Track New Costs / 2,343
28,145 / Office Salaries / 32,277
55,972 / TOTAL EXPENSES / 59,346
4,358 / SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) FOR YEAR / 14,017
4,358 / Transfer to Accumulated Funds / 14,017
In the absence of Michelle Buckhardt, who is on maternity leave, I am pleased to report on Season 2007/08.
RegistrationsOur registration break-up (showing comparison of the previous seasons) is as follows:
/ 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08Associate / 13 / 6 / 9
Coach (Incl. 7 ath/coaches) / 28 / 23 / 12
Country (Incl. 1 woman & 1 self trained) / 6 / 3 / 3
First Year Athletes (Incl. 10 women) / 59 / 38 / 25
Life Members (Incl. 1 ath, 2 coaches & 7 officials) / 24 / 26 / 27
Officials (Incl. 12 volunteers) / 31 / 33 / 29
Open (Incl. 10 women) / 96 / 110 / 110
Over 35s / 13 / 23 / 23
Under 18s one day registrations / 23 / 3 / 4
Under 20s (Incl. 15 women) / 37 / 53 / 60
Women / 38 / 42 / 34
Total / 368 / 360 / 336
Although our membership for this season has decreased, there has been a growth in the Under 20s category. We plan to have another recruitment drive for the 2008/2009 season which should result in an increased athlete registration.
EventsThe Program provided for a variety of events, which included:
/ 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08Women / 44 / 44 / 43
Open / 66 / 67 / 61
Novice / 14 / 16 / 15
Under 20 / 14 / 16 / 15
Under 18 / 1 / 0 / 0
Over 35s / 21 / 24 / 21
Comparison figures of entries for seasons 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2007/2008.
Carnival / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / %
Hallett Cove / 201 / 214 / 208 / (2.80)
Reynella / 254 / 254 / 248 / (2.36)
Flinders / 225 / 285 / 269 / (5.61)
Whyalla / 216 / 155 / 229 / 47.74
Mt Gambier / 325 / 339 / 307 / (9.43)
Colley (pre Bay-Sheff) / 281 / 280 / 246 / (12.14)
Plympton / 268 / 318 / 271 / (14.77)
Bay Sheffield / 731 / 723 / 648 / (10.37)
Glenelg / 218 / 245 / 261 / 6.53
Marion / 193 / 219 / 221 / 0.91
Camden Classic / 264 / 292 / 276 / (5.47)
Tea Tree Gully / 187 / 244 / 207 / (15.16)
Loxton / 272 / 317 / 299 / (5.67)
Flagstaff / 195 / 215 / 226 / 5.11
Pultney/McKinnon / 197 / 228 / 211 / (7.45)
Total / 4262 / 4570 / 4127 / (9.69)
The program for the season went well even though numbers were down. Special thanks go the organisers at Reynella Athletic Club, Flinders Athletic Club, Brighton/Marion Athletic Club, Camden Athletic Club, Tea Tree Gully Athletic Club, Flagstaff Hill Athletic Club and McKinnon Parade Athletic Club for holding successful events this season.
Our thanks also go to Plympton Sport and Recreation Club for their support and the Mort Daly Running Foundation for their valuable ongoing support to the League.
Our country carnivals were again successful events this season. Special thanks to the Whyalla Gift Committee for their tireless efforts, the Mt Gambier Gift Committee for their hard work and the Loxton Gift Committee including Geoff Strutton for providing an extremely popular carnival and weekend away.
To all the hosts, congratulations for our events for 2007/2008 season and hope all athletes enjoyed the season.
As I am acting in this role until Michelle returns, I would like to say a special thank you to Michelle Burckhardt for her assistance and advice in what has been a real eye-opener re working behind the scenes and not just competing.
My thanks to Colin Rowston, Brendan Golden, Ken Potts and the committee for their help and assistance during the season.
A special thank you to the officials who turn up every carnival regardless of conditions and do such a grand job.
Thanks also to Terry McAuliffe, Mark Faulkner, Robbie Ziersch, Phil Daws, Brian Hart, Brenda Pearl and Ray Mules for helping throughout the year. To all those running stables who helped transporting the trailer and coaches and athletes who carried out their set-up duties at carnivals.
I am enjoying working in this role temporarily and look forward to the coming season, both in my present capacity (until Michelle returns) and as a competing athlete.
Cheryl Zeuner
Acting Executive Officer
The 2007/08 SA Athletic League season was full of highlights and, from a programming point of view, signalled a great deal of stability which was pleasing to see. Total prizemoney offered throughout the season was $131,550.
The following is a summary of the 15 meetings that were conducted:
HALLETT COVE – 14 October 2007
The season’s opening race meeting was once again held at Hallett Cove, with the southern suburbs football oval providing a terrific setting to kick off the summer. Hallett Cove winners have tended to become strong performers right throughout the course of the following season, with Lyall Weir (100m Open), Leanne Hodge (100m Women), Bryce Watkins (1000m Open) and Richard McMahon (400m Novice) continuing the trend in 2007. We look forward to maintaining this event on the calendar.
REYNELLA – 26 October 2007
The Reynella Gift Carnival was held at night in 2007 for the first time in many years.Duncan Tippins made an instant impact on the season by winning the 120m Open feature sprint and Leanne Hodge continued her dominating early season form in the Women’s Gift. Despite the risk of having a night meeting so early in the season, the still conditions in 2007 provided a superb setting for runners and spectators.An 800m race for women was added to the program last season and was well supported. We look forward to continuing the tradition of this meeting next season, with the date for the Reynella Gift Carnival to be late in November.
FLINDERS – 11 November 2007
With the Flinders Athletics Club being one of the biggest clubs in the state, it is fantastic that they have been able to build up a tradition for their own race meeting in the last few years. The 2007 event saw Emily Hyde take out the main race of the day, the Women’s 800m, over her sister Lauren. The final provided a remarkable moment in the history of the Flinders Athletics Club, with all eight finalists being trained by Flinders coaches Toby Scherier and Shane Thiele. The Hyde family also tasted success earlier in the day, with Peter Hyde, the brother of Emily and Lauren, easily winning the 800m Under 20s final. On a day which saw many backmarkers successful, 2003 Bay Sheffield champion Todd Bateman had a highly impressive victory in the 200m Open Bill Ross Memorial. This meeting is set to return next season in early November.
WHYALLA – 17November 2007
The League is fortunate to have the Whyalla Gift Carnival back on our calendar, thanks to the hard work of Jim Hewitson and Events Whyalla.In 2007, the running was of a high standard with some classy performances including victories from former Bay Sheffield champs Clay Watkins and Courtney Lyas as well as eventual Athlete of the Season Brian Golden. Distance athletes are extremely well catered for at Whyalla, with 800m, 1600m and 5km events on the program. The combination of the running with a Food and Wine Festival is a terrific concept, although the timing of the 2007 event was not ideal as it clashed with other local sports and Christmas parties which would have kept the crowd down. To counteract this, the date for the 2008 Whyalla Gift Carnival has been shifted to early November. With nominations increasing in 2007 compared to 2006, we look forward to continued support from athletes for this important meet which last season offeredprizemoney of $17,000.
MT GAMBIER – 1 December 2007
A very important lead up to the Bay Sheffield Carnival is the popular Mt Gambier Gift Carnival, with the winners usually starting as favourites for their respective races on December 27 and 28. The 2007 Mt Gambier Gift Carnival was dominated by Paul Young’s runners, with five sashes going to the club. These victories included the feature 70m and 120m Open sprints, taken out by Dale Woodhams, and the 120m Women’s Gift, won by Abbey Dunn.Not only does the timing and location of this event allow Victorians to compete under SA Athletic League rules before the Bay Sheffield Carnival, the track is always prepared spectacularly and this has gained a tremendous reputation Australia-wide. Next season this meeting will be held on the last weekend in November, with the new SA Athletic League Management Committee to consider if the usual Bay Sheffield non-penalty clause is to remain.