Housing Program Policies & Procedures

Section: 16






Selection Criteria


Rental Agreements


Case Managers Responsibilities


Disputes and Tenant Issues


Risk Management Considerations


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.01:Overview

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



CMHA Huron Perth recognizes that safe and affordable housing is integral to the recovery of people with serious mental illness.

CMHA Huron Perth offers rental accommodation on a rent geared to income (RGI) basis in properties which are owned and maintained by the agency and rent supplement arrangements where units are leased from private landlords and sublet to clients/tenants. A number of spaces in owned properties in Stratford have been designated as Transitional Housing.

Transitional Housing provides short term furnished accommodation in properties owned by the agency to support a person without housing to locate and maintain permanent housing. 293 Wellington Street (upper and lower units), is designated as Transitional Housing units. The total capacity is for 5 people.

CMHA Huron Perth owns the following rental properties. Funds from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care are provided to maintain and operate these properties:

  • 82 Cobourg Street Stratford 4 one bedroom units


  • 293 Wellington Street Stratford 2 units – upper (2 bedrooms) and lower (3 bedrooms) Designated as Transitional.
  • 331 Maple Ave. Stratford 2 units – upper (2 bedrooms) and lower (2 bedrooms).
  • 373 Maple Ave. Stratford 2 units – upper (4 bedrooms) and lower (3 bedrooms).
  • 420 Main Street Listowel 3 one bedroom units.

CMHA Huron Perth also owns an office site at 92 Goderich Street in Seaforth. This building has 5 one bedroom/bachelor units which are not provided with funding from the LHIN or Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Market rents for these units are within the allowable maximum shelter allowance under the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works Program.

Rent supplement units are located in communities throughout Huron and Perth counties based on need and landlord response. The number of agreements depends on the total funding available.


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.02:Eligibility

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



Tenants in CMHA Huron Perth Housing must also be served in the agency’s Case Management Program. A tenant in one of the Seaforth office units may or may not be in the Case Management Program because these units are not covered under the government funding agreements and may be rented to any applicant.

Clients served by Case Management meet the following requirements:

  • 16 years of age or older.
  • Reside in Huron or Perth County.
  • Evidence of a serious and persistent mental illness.
  • Willing to participate in the program by setting recovery goals.

(Case Management requirements include service to special populations – court support and concurrent disorders.)

Client eligibility for housing includes the following additional criteria:

  • Provide evidence that their income permits the payment of the month rental charges which are based on income and verification of assets Appendix 35. Generally all clients whose income is derived from Ontario Works, Canada Pension Plan, or Ontario Disability Support Program will be eligible for housing.


  • Provide evidence of being a responsible tenant based on any information fromprevious landlords (no previous rental history or a negative rental experience does not preclude eligibility).
  • Have made an accepted repayment plan if money is owned to any private or Not for Profit landlord.
  • Provide information supported by the Case Manager that the individual is likelyto maintain their responsibilities as a tenant with support. Children (16 years of age or younger) will be considered only when part of a family unit led by a person over 16 years of age.

Case Management support to a client who will be considered as a tenant may also be provided by staff of another Mental Health or social service agency recognized by CMHA Huron Perth. The staff of the associated organization will provide ongoing support to the client/tenant consistent with the expectations of CMHA Huron Perth Case Managers.

Seaforth office units, because they are not part of the government funding programs, may be offered to tenants without Case Management Support. The tenant is also exempt from the Case Management Program eligibility criteria. Rents are not based on determination of income and assets. Prospective tenants will provide a rental reference and income verification. Where prospective tenants have not been identified by Case Managers or staff of associated agencies, a unit may be offered to an applicant from the general public. Preference will be given to prospective tenants with a positive rental history.


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.03:Selection Criteria

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



Rent Geared to Income (agency owned properties) and rent supplement (sublet) units will be assigned to eligible clients based on availability of units.

The following factors will be considered in selecting tenants and determination of their priority:

  • An individual who is homeless or at risk of being homeless;
  • An individual who is paying more than 50% of income to rent payments;
  • A history of being a responsible tenant; and
  • Recommendation of the Case Manager that the individual is likely able to benefit from housing as part of their recovery plan and maintain their tenant obligations withsupport.

Seaforth office units’selections arenot based on the above criteria.

In Transitional Housing, selection will also consider tenant relationships and the likelihood that the individual will accept and abide by the program rules and expectations which are more stringent than expectations for permanent housing such as not smoking, no alcohol use, no over night guests etc.



Any person seeking transition or permanent housing will first meet with CMHA Huron Perth intake staff and be assessed to enter the Case Management Program.

If the individual has not been assigned a Case Manager, intake staff will assume roles and responsibilities of the Case Manager with respect to housing and the request process until an alternate Case Manager is assigned.

Staff from an associate mental health and addiction program or social service agency recognized by CMHA Huron Perth may assume the responsibility of Case Manager and the responsibility for support to a client/tenant which is consistent with the expectations of CMHA Huron Perth Case Managers.

Transitional Housing

Case Manager (or Intake Case Manager) will provide information to the Transitional Housing Coordinator (Case Manager) requesting accommodation in a Transitional Housing unit. There is no application form. In addition to verbal information shared about the client’s background, needs, risk factors and current situation the following information will be provided in written form:

  • Name and contact information;
  • Age; and
  • Information about hospital stays, diagnosis, risk factors, treatment plan, motivation to seek permanent housing.

(This information may be contained in the assessment report.)


Transitional Housing Coordinator will determine if the individual can be accommodated with consideration of availability and mix of tenants in the units.

Program Supervisor has final authority to confirm or decline a request for Transitional Housing.

There will be written communication to the Case Manager (or staff acting as case manager from an associate agency) providing reasons for declining the request to provide space in Transitional Housing.

When the person is accepted for Transitional Housing, the Transitional Housing Coordinator with the Case Manager will meet with the person to complete the occupancy agreement.

Permanent Housing (Owned and Sublet Properties)

Case Manager (or Intake Case Manager) will provide a written request to the Director of Operations for a permanent rental unit.

There is no application form. The request for housing will provide information about the person’s situation in reference to the eligibility and selection criteria. The information will include a recommendation that the person would be likely to be able to meet their tenant obligations with support.

Rental references, income and asset information are not required or verified until a unit is assigned.

The Director of Operations will maintain a current list of permanent housing requests.


When vacancies are available, a selection of clients on the request list will be made in reference to eligibility and selection criteria. This decision will normally take place at a regular meeting of the Case Management Team.

The Executive Director will have final authority to determine which client will be assigned a unit when there is not agreement on who should be assigned to this unit.

Once approval is given the Case Manager (upon confirmation by the Executive Director) may advise the client of the conditional approval of a rental unit.

The Case Manager will assist the client in a review of financial eligibility with the Finance Coordinator. This will involve a review and verification of income, assets, bank information, direct deposit of rent forms, any arrears owed to past landlords and status of any repayment plan. A rental reference may also be requested.

The Finance Coordinator will confirm financial eligibility and a monthly rental payment. If it is determined that the person does not meet the financial eligibility then the Case Manager and Director of Operations will be advised. The Case Manager will advise the client that we may not proceed with the rental of a unit.

When the client has been confirmed to be financially eligible for a housing unit, the Operations Director will advise the Case Manager of the move in date details for owned properties.

When the client has been confirmed to be financially eligible for a sublet unit the Case Manager will support the client with a search for a rental unit within


the current program rental limits. A rental unit search may not be required if this is a vacancy in a unit which already has a sublet agreement in place.

The Case Manager may assist the client in the search for a rental unit and provide information about the sublet program to the prospective landlord. The Executive Director may also be requested to speak with a landlord if necessary.


SECTION 16: Housing Program

POLICY 16.04:Rental Agreements

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



There will be standardized occupancy agreement Appendix 19 between the tenant and CMHA Huron Perth for any rental unit.

There will be a standardized rental agreement between CMHA Huron Perth and the landlord of a sublet rental unit. Appendix 30


Transitional Housing

Case Manager and Transitional Housing Coordinator will prepare and sign the Transitional Housing Occupancy Agreement in the prescribed format. The agreement will be reviewed with the Transitional Housing Coordinator and signed by the tenant. A copy of the signed occupancy agreement will be provided to the Financial Coordinator.

Permanent Housing CMHA Owned Properties and Sublet Properties Finance Coordinator will prepare the Housing Occupancy Agreementfor the Executive Director’s signature. The Case Manager will review the occupancy agreement with the tenant and obtain the tenant’s signature. A copy of theoccupancy agreement will be provided to the Financial Coordinator after it has been signed.


Seaforth Units (no Case Management involvement)

Director of Operations prepares the occupancy agreement, reviews with tenant. Copy of the occupancy agreement will be provided to the Financial Coordinator after it is signed.

Sublet Landlord Agreements

Under the sublet program a private landlord agrees to rent an apartment unit which is sublet to a specific client. The landlord is obligated to continue the rental agreement after a tenant vacates a unit unless CMHA Huron Perth or the landlord gives notice not to continue to sublet agreement. A new tenant may be assigned by CMHA Huron Perth to fill a vacancy in a unit covered by a rent supplement agreement.

The current maximum rent allowable for a sublet unit is $759 monthly inclusive of heat and hydro.

The landlord and CMHA Huron Perth agree on a rental amount for the unit. CMHA Huron Perth in turn enters into an occupancy agreement with the tenant who will pay a reduced rent based on their income. The tenant pays rent to CMHA Huron Perth;CMHA Huron Perth in turn pays rents to the landlord.

A standard lease agreement Appendix 13 is used between CMHA Huron Perth and participating landlords. The lease agreement is signed by the Executive Director. Case Managers will prepare new lease agreements, meet with landlords and obtain signatures of the landlord and Executive Director on the document. Specific questions about the financial, legal or other aspects of the sublet agreement should be directed to the Finance Coordinator or Executive Director.


If for any reason a Case Manager has reason to recommend that an agreement with a landlord should not be continued this should be discussed

with the Executive Director so that adequate notice can be provided to end this agreement.


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.05:Case Manager Responsibilities

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



Case Managers are expected to support clients in their obligations as good tenants. Case Managers will also assist tenants in the resolution of financial, maintenance or other matters which affect the tenant’s enjoyment of their living unit.

The housing program involves a number of CMHA Huron Perth staff roles and the Case Manager’s role is as equally important within the agency as in the community to coordinate partners in the support of a client/tenant.

Case Managers will encourage their clients to first resolve any concerns with the designated CMHA Huron Perth staff responsible or with their landlord in a sublet agreement.

When issues are not resolved in a timely manner it is important to direct the concern to the appropriate person on behalf of the tenant.

Landlords participating in the sublet program generally are very supportive and responsive to the needs of our clients. The agency also expects a level of maintenance and upkeep of units consistent with community standards.



Tenants will be provided information so that they know who to contact in the event of any concern about their accommodation.

Case Managers will assist clients when appropriate to address any landlord concerns.

Case Managers will bring to the attention of the Executive Director any unresolved issues related to any rental agreement in which CMHA Huron Perth is the landlord (including sublet agreements).


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.06:Disputes and Tenant Issues

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



Tenants in Transitional units are exempt from the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act. Immediate termination of the occupancy agreement may be initiated when required by the Transitional Housing Coordinator with the support of the Program Supervisor. Reasons for termination are outlined in the occupancy agreement.

All other occupancy agreements are covered by the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act. Tenants may be evicted for reasons including non payment of rent, criminal activities and other behaviours that affect the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants.

Case Managers will support tenants in meeting their responsibilities and work with other CMHA Huron Perth staff and sublet landlords to resolve issues as they arise. In most instances, matters will be resolved without further action being required.

The Financial Coordinator will provide timely reports to Case Managers of any rent arrears issues. Case Managers will be expected to follow-up on late rent payments to encourage the tenant to avoid more formal actions or possible evictions.


Case Managers may become involved in a situation where a tenant does not comply with support expectations such as missed appointments or permitting entry to their living units. The monthly safety inspection Appendix 17 is an important protection for the safety of clients and risk management for the agency. Clients should be advised that failure to continue their support agreements with the Case Manager may result in action to terminate the occupancy agreement and or the rental subsidy.

Case Managers may need to assist clients to provide necessary financial information to support their initial and ongoing eligibility for housing.


Case Managers will attempt to resolve issues which involve concerns about a tenant or client/tenant concerns about their occupancy agreement.

The Executive Director is designated to attempt to address any matter which cannot be resolved following the intervention of the Case Manager.

The Executive Director will determine when a matter may require formal action such as a Tribunal Action under the Residential Tenancies Act.

Where a formal action is to be initiated, the Case Manager will be advised of this and provide support to their client in this process. It may be expected that the Case Manager may be in opposition to the position taken by the agency’s management on such an issue. There will be no repercussions upon any Case Manager for their role in supporting a client in challenging the actions of the agency.


The agency will obtain legal representation in any matter which involves an action under the Residential Tenancies Act or participation in a Tribunal hearing.


SECTION 16:Housing Program

POLICY 16.07:Risk Management Considerations

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009



CMHA Huron Perthhas a Risk Management plan which was developed to prevent risks and harm to clients/tenants and agency staff.

All agency staff has an obligation and responsibility to identify and bring attention to any health or safety risk situation.

CMHA Huron Perth will also conduct regular procedures to identify and correct health and safety concerns.