Invitation to take part in the consultation on the Draft Housing Options and Homelessness Strategic Plan19thDecember – 30th January 2017.
The Consultation is now open and will run from 19th Decemberuntil the 30th January 2017.
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership are seeking your views about Not Just A Roof - A Housing Options and Homelessness Strategic Plan 2016 -2021.
This Strategic Plan has been developed around outcomes which people who have experienced homelessness have identified as important. It aims to enable Citizens of Dundee to be able to live a fulfilled life in their own home or homely setting.If people do become homeless, they will be able to access quality information, advice and support which will enable them to live a fulfilled life and gain and maintain their own home.
We want to hear your views to help us ensure our Plan is fit for purpose as it moves forward. What matters to you is important to us and this is your opportunity to influence the way supports to prevent and respond to homelessness are delivered. We will use different ways to engage to make sure everyone is involved and we will let people know what difference their involvement has made.
This is an opportunity for you to comment and share your thoughts on our draft Housing Options and Homelessness SupportStrategic Plan. We want to hear as many views as possible and would encourage you to provide us with your thoughts.
You can respond to the consultation in the following ways:
1) You can complete the consultation electronically at:
2) You can return this response sheet by 30thJanuary 2017 at the latest to:
Ailsa McAlister
Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership
Dundee House
50 North Lindsey Street
3) You can telephone Ailsa McAlister at 01382 434000 to provide your views over the telephone. Section1: About You
In order for us to better understand the answers we would like you to share information about yourself. If you prefer not to do this your views will still be considered.
Question 1 – Are you responding as a:
Person Who Uses Services
Strategic Planning Group
Section 2: The Draft Housing Options and Homelessness Strategic Plan
Question 2 – Do you agree with the aims of the Plan? If your answer is no please tell us why?
Aim of the Plan
This strategy has been developed around outcomes. It aims to enable Citizens of Dundee to be able to live a fulfilled life in their own home or homely setting. If people do become homeless, they will be able to access quality information, advice and support which will enable them to live a fulfilled life and gain and maintain their own home.
Question 3 – Do you agree with the strategic outcomes proposed in the plan? If your answer is no please tell us why?
Strategic Outcomes
Homelessness will be prevented where appropriate.
People who are homeless are able to easily access high quality and well-coordinated supports which enable them to gain and maintain settled accommodation.
People experiencing homelessness will be able to live an independent, fulfilled and healthy life in settled accommodation.
Question 4 – Do you agree with the themes and actions for development in the strategic plan? If your answer is no please tell us why?
The Strategy sets out the following themes
1. Individuals can access locally based income maximisation advice.
2. Individuals can access locally based support to prevent homelessness.
3. Young people and families with children are prevented from becoming homeless.
4. Our workforce has guidance and a framework for preventing homelessness and promoting positive outcomes.
5. Prevention of homelessness is promoted.
6. Individuals will be able to easily access advice and support.
7. Individuals can access quality temporary accommodation and supports.
8. Individuals feel that services are well coordinated and joined up.
9. Individuals can actively participate in shaping services.
10. Our Workforce are able to prevent and respond to homelessness.
11. Individuals can live independently.
12. Individuals can look after and improve their own health and wellbeing.
13. Individuals can achieve their personal outcomes and improve quality of their life.
14. As a partnership, we continuously improve our response to homelessness.
If you have answered “no” to the above question, please tell us here what is missing. If you are making suggestions of additional themes, please indicate which actions are required to achieve these:
Question 5 – Please give your views on how these themes might be addressed.
Question 6 – Does this Draft Housing Options and Homelessness Strategic Plan cover the most important issues for preventing and responding to homelessness in Dundee? If your answer is no please tell us why?
Question 7 – Do you agree with the underpinning belief of the plan?If your answer is no please tell us why?
Underpinning Beliefthat everyone should be able to live with human dignity and have a good quality life.
Question 8 – Please comment on how the underpinning belief of the plan might be best achieved and advise of any potential human rights or equality issues you can identify in delivering the strategic plan?
Question 9 – Have we missed anything that is really significant? If your answer is yes please tell us what we have missed and what actions you think are needed?
Yes No
Question10 –If you have any additional comments relating to the Draft Strategic Plan, please make them here:
Section 3: General information
Question 12 - Do you wish to be sent a copy of the final Plan?
Yes No
Question 13 - Do you wish to receive an acknowledgement that your comments have been received?
If you have answered yes to either Q11 or Q12 above please provide your name and contact address (email preferred) below
Name / Address/email addressIf you are submitting a formal response on behalf of an organisation/agency, please write your details here:
Name: / Agency/OrganisationJob Title:
What happens next?
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this consultation.
This phase of consultation will lead to the preparation of the final plan. The Plan will be available in March 2017.Once the Plan is approved its implementation and review will be supported by an ongoing programme of engagement.