Early Support Plan
Date of birth:
Date of TAC meeting / current plan completed:
Plan written up by:
Next planned review
My Lead Professional is:
My name is:
I like to be known as:
Information about me and my family
Full name: / Parent or carer names: / (indicate parental responsibility)Date of birth: / Person ID: / Telephone:
In the event of an emergency please contact
Contact number:
Relationship to child: / Email:
Early Years Setting / School/ College/ work details
(if appropriate)
Contact address: / Language used at home
Main communication method
Detail any language interpretation or communication support needed
The following people discussed and wrote this plan:
Name / Role / Responsibility / Contact details(address, telephone, email) / Sent report / Attended / Apologies / Invite to the next meeting?
Is child sexual exploitation suspected for this child/young person?
Where are we now?Include what is working well for you and your child or what does not work so well for you or your child.
Is this child on a part time timetable?
If yes please describe how many hours they are in School and the reasons why they are on a part time timetable.
Access to the community:
Friendships and support:
What is important to me and my family now?
(This may include education, health, relationships, employment, independent living, housing community, inclusion)
About Me
What is importantto me
Things I don’t like/worry about
What I am good at
How you can help me
Review of my previous Early Support Plan
Previous Actions(including targets and
desired outcomes) / What was the outcome?
(if not met, add to “My Plan")
Options:(please tick an option)
No further actions needed Early Support Plan to stop(complete the form on the back of the plan)
Continue with the Early Support Plan
What is an outcome?
- An outcome describes what is expected to be achieved by a child or young person after provision has been put in place
- This must be time limited
- All outcomes, objectives and targets are SMART(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
My Plan
Outcomes to be achieved / Support needed(actions and provision) / Who is responsible? / When?
The child / young person / family consents to this plan being shared with the additional following people or for them to be invited to the next meeting:
Name / Role / Contact Details / Share report or invite to the next meeting?Lead Professional comments
Is this TAC meeting effectively coordinating theneeds of the child/young person and their family?
Yes: / No: (please comment)
If no, would you like to be contacted by the Early Support Coordinator?
Yes / NoPlease remember to provide details of the lead professional and set a date / time / venue for the next meeting and record this on the front page if TAC meetings continue.
Early Support Plan to be completed and returned to Locality Business Support within ten days of this meeting.
Reason for Early Support ClosureWithdrawal of consent - Parent / Carer / Young Person (please circle)
No longer a need for a coordinated approach
No additional services over and above universal
Single agency response only
Transfer to specialist services
Please state service:
Moving out of County
Closed for other reasons
Please give reasons here: