Honors Option Health 1760

The Honors Option in Health 1760 is designed for those students who are able to perform at an excellent level in the general Health class and have the time and interest to go more into depth and enjoy more difficult assignments. Only very strong health students, who are willing to go above and beyond the high school curriculum and pursue learning at the college level, are encouraged to attempt this option. The extra challenge of the Honors Option will not affect the student’s grade, but it will be indicated on the transcript. Any Honors Option in Health is counted as one of the required semester courses for an Honors Diploma. Understand that once one signs up, there is a two month span of time to drop the course. Students who have signed up for the honors option, but do not complete it, are able to earn a C as a maximum grade in the general health class. Therefore, all students are encouraged to think extremely carefully about this option.

Student Assignment Requirements:

1. Students must complete a minimum of FOUR assignments. One assignment requirement consists of students completing 10 hours in a COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER activity.

2. Each assignment must be selected from a different topic or unit.

3. This work is NOT extra credit for your regular grade.

4. This class can be counted as one class toward your Honors Option Diploma.

5. These assignments must be completed during the semester you are registered for Health Class.

6. Two assignments must be completed each quarter; four total in the semester.

7. All reports must be word processed. The procedure or format is identical for any English research paper. All reports should be double spaced and a minimum of 3-5 pages in length. A complete MLA bibliography, including works cited, are required in addition to the 3-5 typed pages. This includes author, title, publisher, and date and page number. Interviews must be included and listed in the bibliography using proper format: name, address, and occupation/title, place of employment, etc. A bibliography must consist of a minimum of 3 references. References must be current; no more than five years old. Documentation should be internal.

8. All volunteer work must be logged by a supervisor with a completion note verifying your work. The supervisor’s signature and a date listed are the minimum requirements along with a short statement about your quality of work performance. A word-processed daily journal of time and comments of your activity are to be turned in with this verification letter. (See page 5 of this packet)

9. Take advantage of our media center and computer labs for current information.

I. Interpersonal Health

A. “Do for Somebody” assignment. You are to visit with someone who is less capable of completing everyday activities. This person’s health must be affected physically, socially, or emotionally. You are required to write observations and reflections about your conversation with them. Ask your instructor to provide more details about this assignment. This is NOT an interview.

B. Choose one form of cancer which you wish to learn more about. Research using the library and computer to obtain college or professional level research about this specific cancer, and then contact a person who has survived this disease for 5 years or longer, or a medical person who works with the cancer patients. You are expected to word process 3-5 pages about what you learned. (See #7 on page 1.)

C. Choose a health occupation such as music therapy, occupational therapy, dentistry, nursing, laboratory technology, dietetics, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, etc. Research that occupation using a variety of resources. The minimum requirement is 3-5 pages. Some ideas to cover might be:

What is expected from you while you are on the job? What do you do on the job? Where could you work? What level of education is required? Is there any special training? What is the employment outlook in the next 3-10 years? What is the salary range? Talk to someone in the community who is employed in the occupation which interests you. Summarize in writing what you have learned. Also, quote the individual in your writing and list them in the MLA bibliography.

D. Visit with a professional of your own choosing and research an environmental issue in Rochester, MN or Olmsted County. A word-processed report is required and the format is explained in #7 on page 1. Ideas for areas to explore would be:

Minnesota: A. Department of Natural Resources

B. Pollution Control Agency

Olmsted County: Environmental Health Agencies (i.e. water analysis, licenses/permits, water sewer inspection, complaints, etc.)

City of Rochester: A. Water Reclamation Plant

B. Public Utilities (Energy)

C. Housing Authority

U.S. Government Agencies: Soil Conservation Services of Olmsted County.

Check the yellow pages in the phone book.

II. Aging and Loss

A. Study the issue of adolescent depression and suicide. Learn about the patterns and indications for each. Investigate emergency hotlines and agencies available to teens in Rochester. Include information about support groups and agencies such as First Call. Word process a 3-5 page report detailing what Rochester has done about this problem, and what you have found from your research to be an ideal program. Tell about programs developed in other communities. Make recommendations for Rochester. An interview must be included from an individual who works for an agency or hotline. Include this in the works cited. (See #7 on page 1.)

B. Read two books, one fiction and one non-fiction, on the issues surrounding death and dying. Word process a 3-5 page critique. Visit with your instructor for assistance on the expectations of a critique.

C. “Do for Somebody” who is 70 years of age or older. (See page 2, IA.)

III. Chemical Substances

A. Visit with three professionals working in the field of chemical dependency to discuss their opinions about programs used to combat drug use. Word process a 3-5 page report summarizing their views. What successes have these programs had? Failures? Statistics? Works cited must be included.

B. Imagine that you are the head of the National Drug Control Policy Office and have chosen to outline a plan for solving any drug problem in Rochester. Once written, compare your plan with a previous federal plan. Word process a 3-5 page report with works cited.

IV. Sexuality/ Reproduction

A. Contact the Olmsted County Health Dept. or other medical facility and ask for information which will assist you in writing a position paper on mandatory AIDS testing, the use of experimental drugs before full Federal Drug Agency approval has been granted, or a position paper on the society problems/dilemmas dealing with HIV infection, AIDS, or any other controversial topic. The position paper must be 3-5 pages word processed. Include a works cited page.

B. Research the various positions dealing with the following topics:

Pro Choice and Pro Life Advocates

Stem Cell Research

Genetic Engineering


Gene Coding

Infertility – in vitro fertilization, test tube, selective reproduction

Sexual Identity Issues (continued on the next page)

Use facts as well as opinions in your paper. Write a position paper on your viewpoint. See your instructor for guideline information required when writing a position paper. This paper needs to be 3-5 word-processed pages with work cited included.

C. Learn about teen pregnancy issues in Rochester by talking with people in Social Services, the Continuing Education Program, the school district C.E.C. (continued education center) program, or other agencies. In writing, identify the three or four major issues you see confronting this community on this topic. Can you find a pattern? The paper needs to be a minimum of 3-5 pages word processed in addition to including a bibliography.

V. C.P.R.

A. Interview someone who has performed CPR, and write a short story or poem on what you learned from his/her experience. Your short story should be a minimum of 3-5 pages; the poem should be 1 page. Include a word-processed copy of the interview with each option.

B. Contact the American Red Cross and complete certification for Infant and Child CPR to supplement the Adult certification done in the health classroom.

VI. Talk with the instructor about any other idea you are interested in concerning the Health field. These topic ideas MUST be pre-approved by the instructor.


About a health professional’s work:

1. What do you do on a typical day?

2. How has this changed since you first began here (various activities, increased or decreased responsibility, etc.)?

3. Describe the best experience that occurred today or this week – something someone said or did; something you said or did; a feeling; an insight; a goal accomplished.

4. What is the most difficult aspect of your work?

5. What portion of your responsibilities(s) did you dislike most today or this week? Why?

6. Describe a person whom you find interesting or challenging to be with while performing your job responsibilities. Explain why.

7. What do you feel is your main contribution to this organization or the people you work with?

8. If a time warp placed you back at the fist day of this program, what would you do differently the second time around?

About you:

1. How do people see you here, a friend, a student, a ______? What do you feel like when you’re working?

2. What did someone say to you that surprised you? Why?

3. What compliments have been given and what did they mean to you? How did you react? What criticisms have you been given and what is your reaction to them?

4. Did you take (or avoid taking) some risk this week? What were some things you wanted to say or do but didn’t?

5. Recall several actions you performed this week that made you proud. Why?

6. What feelings or ideas about you seemed especially strong today?

7. What insights have you gained about people? What makes them happy or sad, or enable them to feel successful or like failures, pleasant, healthy or sick, etc?

8. Do you perceive yourself as others do?

9. Describe something you learned as a result of a disappointment or failure.

10. Recall a time when you felt especially happy or satisfied. What did you learn about yourself?

Do For Somebody Assignment

You are to visit a person whose health has been affected physically, socially or emotionally. Call ahead of time to set up an appropriate time and date for the visit. Your visit should last a minimum of one hour. You then will complete a paper about the experience that will be a minimum of 3-5 pages word processed. Remember, in your time spent there, this is a time to visit but also an opportunity to do something for the person that would be a valuable experience for both of you.

In your writing include:

1. The limitations this person experiences.

2. What challenges are they coping with?

3. Are they feeling lonely and helpless, or positive and determined to do better? How do you know?

4. Record your feelings before, during, and after your visit.

5. Describe the feelings you perceived your host had prior to your visit, during the visit, and after your visit.

6. Include a complete bibliography (of person involved) name, address, age, etc.

Possible areas of exploration you are encouraged to include:

1. The Pediatrics floor at St. Mary’s Hospital.

2. A visit with Methodist Hospital patients.

3. Your attendance at an “open” alcohol support group meeting.

4. A visit to a “shut- in” neighbor or relative.

5. A visit to the TMH classroom at one of Rochester’s High Schools.

6. A visit to the Dorothy Day House, Ronald McDonald, Gift of Life Transplant House, or any other support home.

7. A visit to the Senior Citizen’s Center, Charter House, Madonna Towers, or any nursing home facility sharing time with one of the residents.