/ This week-end 1/11/15
Sunday 9.00am Mass
/ R Rokebrand
Prayers/Psalm / Perks family
Gifts / P & G Clarke
Cleaning / G Griffin T Pahl
H Munn B Ryan
Linen / C McFarlane
Lawns / D McCann
Collection / G McDonnell


/ Next week-end 8/11/15
Sunday 11.00am Mass
Reader / C McFarlane
Prayers/Psalm / G Griffin
Gifts / D & C McCann
Ministers / S Gliddon P Clarke
Cleaning / H Munn B Ryan
Linen / C McFarlane
Lawns / D McCann
Collection / G McDonnell

St MALACHY’S PARISH (new mobile no. for Fr John: 0422 342 499)


1st November 2015 Yr B – 30th Sunday of Year

Priest: Fr John Corrigan

Casterton: Ph: 5581 1044 Mobile: 0422 342 499


Mail: Box 157 Edenhope Vic 3318

Bulletin notices to Sr Pam: 0458 999 108 or email: .

Recent Deaths: Leisa Cassidy (Stawell)

Anniversaries: William Mahoney, Tim Mahney,

Aileen Parker, Barney Clarke, Keith Rowe,

Colin Mulraney.

Collections 25/10/15

Edenhope $.00

Planned Giving $.00

To date PG Financial Year 2015-2016 $.00

Thank you for giving generously to these appeals.

Please take from Foyer :

. Minutes of the last Parish Council mtg 14.10.15 (lemon colour). Feel free to discuss any matters with Fr John or a member of the Parish Council.

. Latest Ministry roster (green colour). If you would like to be part of any of these ministries, please see Chris McCann as volunteer numbers are dwindling.

. An invitation to join St Malachy’s students for their Mission day activities (green).


Please remember the sick, burdened and frail members of our Community and their families.

This Week at St Malachy’s School

Mon: Mission Fair Day Solidarity Walk around Lake Wallace. Parishioners invited to join us; meet @ school a@ 9:00 for prayer or on track @ 9:30.Tues: – Melbourne Cup Holiday

Wed: Deputy Director of Catholic Education, John Meneely visiting the school Fri: Kinder Transition Day; 9:00 – 11:00

2016 Far East Calendars.

The 2016 Columban calendars are now available in the foyer. $8.50 per copy. Please see Chris Heenan if supplies run out.

Parish Diary.

Sun 1 Nov: 9am Mass

Mon 2 Nov: 5pm Mass at Cemetery (BYO chairs)

Sun 8 Nov: 11am Mass

Sun 15 Nov: 5pm Mass. Confirmation at E’hope.

Sun 22 Nov: 10.30am SAWC

Sun 29 Nov: 10am Ecumenical: Hosts: Lutheran

Masses at Cemeteries.

During November, Fr John will offer Mass at each of the following Cemetery. Everyone welcome. BYO chair.

Mon 2 Nov: 5pm E’hope

Wed 4 Nov: 7pm (Vic time) Minimay

Fri 6 Nov: 6pm Goroke

Thurs 12 Nov: 5pm Apsley

Liturgy of Lament and Hope.

You are welcome to attend a Liturgy of the Word as a response to the devastating revelations of the Royal Commission: an opportunity to stand in solidarity with victims of abuse. Sun 1 Nov at St Patrick’s Cathedral, 2pm followed by a cuppa in St Patrick’s Hall. A time to pray for a new beginning in the Church.

Rebuild program.

Some time ago Fr John mentioned at Mass about implementing the Rebuild program in our Parish. If you would like to learn more about what is involved, Fr Pat Mugavin has invited us to attend their Parish Assembly in Hamilton on Sun Nov 15 from 12- 2.30pm.

If you wish to attend, please let Fr Pat know (0438 621 431) before Tues 10th Nov for catering purposes. See Fr John for more information.