Call for Nominations - SEMI Europe Standards Awards

The SEMI Europe Standards Awards will be presented during SEMICON Europa onOctober9-11 2012in Dresden, Germany. The individuals will be recognized for their contribution to the industry and the SEMI International Standards program.Please assist us in honoring these outstanding individuals by presenting your nominations.

This is SEMI Europe’s recognition to the volunteers for their participation and contribution to the industry through the development of standards.

5 Categories have been defined for which Awards will be considered. Merit Award, Honor Award, Leadership Award, Standards Corporate Membership Award, International Collaboration Award.

Please submit your nominations before 14 September2012.

Merit Award

The Merit Award is presented to a standards member for making a major contribution to the semiconductor industry through the SEMI Standards Program. In the past, this person has taken on a very complex problem at the task force level, gained industry support, and driven the project to completion.

Honor Award

The Honor Award is presented to someone for long-standing dedication to the advancement of SEMI Standards. This award is usually given to a person who has served admirably for a number of years and is retiring. This award is usually given to a person who has been a co-chair of committee or a Regional Standards Committee member for a number of years and is retiring.

Leadership Award

The Leadership Award is given to a person for providing outstanding leadership in guiding the SEMI Standards Program. This is someone who has turned an inactive committee or task force into an excellent performer or a member who is actively developing SEMI Standards or STEP (Standards Technical Education Program).

Standards Corporate Membership Award

The Standards Corporate Membership Award is presented to an individual who is acting officially or unofficially as corporate representative from a device manufacturer for outstanding contributions to the development of SEMI Standards. The award recognizes the participation of the user community and this individual is characteristically someone who has actively fostered support for SEMI Standards within the device industry.

International Collaboration Award

The International Collaboration Award is given to a person for providing outstanding contribution in international cooperation of the SEMI Standards Program.

2012 Award Nomination Form

SEMI would like you to send in nominations for the 2012 SEMI Europe Standards Award. Nominees and their contributions will be reviewed and evaluated by the SEMI Europe Standards Award committee. The recipients will be honored during SEMICON Europa 2012 held from 9 to 11 October in Dresden, Germany

If you know of a person or a group who has made a significant contribution to the SEMI International Standards Program, please complete this form. The deadline for submissions is 14 September 2012. Return the completed nomination form(s) by email to .


Please nominate an individual or a team (you may duplicate the form if you would like to make several nominations).





Category for which the nominee should be awarded:

Merit Award

Honor Award

Leadership Award

Standards Corporate Membership Award

International Collaboration Award.


Describe below why the nominee should receive the award.



Job Title:


