Fahrenheit 451 Project
Mr. J. Bilicic – Instructor
Objectives:TSWBAT (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8)
-analyze the novel Fahrenheit 451
-produce responses to the teacher guided questions for the novel in your groups
-relate research material to major concepts and themes presented by Ray Bradbury
-present researched material in written form to the instructor
-design and present an oral presentation to the class (15+ minutes)
-demonstrate proper speech techniques
-utilize laptops to develop presentations
-identify and analyze internet research materials
-teacher directed questions for review of the book
-read and analyze Fahrenheit 451 by 4/23
-research assigned topic in small groups
-design a written presentation: bulleted report… that includes a works cited page
-design an oral report for a class presentation on your assigned topic: i.e. PowerPoint, play, skit…
-reading comprehension will be based on a teacher designed test
-research, written, and oral components will be based on Graduation Project Rubrics provided prior to final presentations
- Research the Ayatollah Khomeini’s religious beliefs in regard to women and heretics. Make sure to include your opinions, effects the strictures might have on the people and how it applies to the book.
- Research Salman Rushdie’s case. Make sure to include your opinions, application to the book, and how it was handled in the media such as political cartoons.
- Research various cases and stances on censorship of school texts, song lyrics, and album covers and research various cases and stances on censorship of flag-burnings and tabloids.
- Investigate personal freedoms present here in the United States. What freedoms do you feel are necessary for you to lead a quality life? What are you willing to do to preserve/insure these freedoms? Apply these questions to ‘real-life’ cases in the U.S.
- Research the history of science fiction as a genre. Provide examples of other novels that have touched on similar topics as Fahrenheit 451 and apply these topics to any real evidence of these items occurring in society.
- Research the 18th and 20th century Utopian community experiments in the United States. Compare and contrast the reasoning for the foundation of the communities and discuss their effectiveness.
- Compare Beatty to Hitler and overall Fahrenheit 451 to Nazi Germany.
All decisions by the instructor are final. Failure to comply with any requests by the instructor will result in failure of the project. All materials are to be presented to the instructor in printed form prior to the presentation. The school policy on internet use and appropriate educational material will be strictly enforced. How is that for ironic?