Honors English 11 Final Exam Review Sheet
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
Which character is being described?
1.A school teacher forced to work in a bread factory by the soviets.2.A servant who became pregnant by her employer.
3.A wealthy business man who owned a cinema in Herat.
4.Walked with a limp because he wore a prosthetic leg.
5.Lived in a kolba with her mother and waited every Thursday for her father to visit.
6.An abusive husband who owned a shoe shop in Kabul.
7.Was forced to live in an orphanage for a brief time in Kabul.
8.Pulled her hair out when she learned her sons were killed at war.
9.Said his Babalooprayers every night with his father.
10.Used a flashlight to communicate with her best friend at night.
True or False
11.Jalil was married to Mariam’s mother.
12.Laila attends school as a young girl with Mariam.
13.Nana and Mariam live in a kolba.
14.The word haramimeans beloved daughter.
15.Jalil has three wives.
16.Fariba asked Hakim to marry her.
17.Mariam wants Jalil to take her to the cinema to see Pinocchio.
18.Mariam loves her husband, and is happy to marry him.
19.Rasheed intentionally lies to Laila about Tariq’s death.
20.Mariam is able to provide Rasheed with the son he wanted.
21.Mariam is welcomed into Jalil’s house when she visits him.
22.How did Rasheed know the man that came to break the news of Tariq’s death to Laila?
23.How does Laila get girl clothes for Aziza?
24.Why does Laila decide not to abort Rasheed’s baby?
25.What does it specifically state Mariam admired Laila for?
26.Why does Mariam kill Rasheed?
27.Why is Mariam a hero in the jail?
Quotation Identification: Write the name of the person who said the quote or is being described.
28.“Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam.”
29. “I’m a different breed of man,…Where I come from, one wrong look, one improper word, and blood is spilled. Where I come from, a woman’s face is her husband’s business only.”
30. “Blessed is He in Whose hand is the kingdom, and He Who has power over all things, Who created death and life that He may try you.”
31. “It’s all I have to give her, …, this knowledge, these prayers. They’re the only true possession I’ve ever had.”
32.Who is being described: “Her eyes snapped open. Then her mouth opened. She held like this, held, held, shivering the cords in her neck stretched, sweat dripping from her face, her fingers crushing Mariam’s.”
33. “You duped me. You lied to me, … You had that man sit across from me and…You knew I would leave if I thought he was alive.”
34.“May God grant you a long and prosperous life my daughter. May God give you many healthy and beautiful children. May you find the happiness, peace, and acceptance that I did not give you.”
Modernism Unit—Poetry and Short Stories
“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner
35.What emotions might a reader be expected to feel toward Emily?
36.What extreme action does Emily take after her father dies?
37.What is Homer Barron doing the last time the townspeople see him alive?
38.What does the strand of gray hair discovered at the end of the story imply?
39.What does Emily’s father do in her earlier years that influences her actions as an adult?
40.What does Homer Barron do that has the greatest effect on Emily’s actions?
“Birches” by Robert Frost
41.What image inspires the speaker of the poem?
42.What can you infer about the speaker?
43.According to the poem, what experience does a boy who swings on birches have?
44.When does the speaker dream of becoming a birch swinger once again?
“The Red Wheelbarrow,” “The Great Figure,” & “This Is Just To Say” by William Carlos Williams
45.What type of image does “The Red Wheelbarrow” depict?
46.What view of simple life does the speaker emphasize?
47.What typical poetry elements does “The Red Wheelbarrow” reject?
48.To what does the title “The Great Figure” actually refer?
49.What is the setting of “The Great Figure”?
50.What mood does “The Great Figure” create?
51.“This Is Just to Say” is both a poem and what?
52.What are the main images in “This Is Just To Say”?
53.What is “This Is Just To Say” mainly about?
54.How can Williams’ poems best be described?
55.Why are Williams’ poems considered imagist?
56.What type of language does Williams use to describe the images in “The Red Wheelbarrow”?
57.What senses do the images in “The Great Figure” appeal to?
58.What images does Williams use in “The Great Figure”?
“Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
59.How can Dexter Green best be described?
60.What happens to Dexter and Judy’s engagement?
61.What is Dexter’s eventual attitude toward Judy’s flirtations with men?
62.At the end of the story, why do tears stream down Dexter’s face?
Part IV: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
63. Before meeting Clarisse, Montag enjoyed being a fireman.
64. Montag’s father and grandfather were firemen.
65. When Montag discovers his wife has taken too many sleeping pills, he is afraid to contact the authorities.
66. Montag is angered by the indifference of the medical personnel treating his wife.
67. It is unusual in Montag’s society for an individual to attempt suicide.
68. When Clarisse holds the dandelion under Montag’s chin, it indicates that he is in love.
69. The mechanical hound kills by grabbing its prey in razor sharp jaws.
70. The police try to stop those who race in the jet cars around the edge of town at midnight.
71. According to the fireman’s rule book, the first fireman was Benjamin Franklin.
72. The residents or workers are usually present when the fire department enters building to destroy books.
73. As soon as Mildred discovers that Montag has a forbidden book, she turns him into Captain Beatty.
74. As Beatty leaves Montag’s house, he hints that he is aware of Montag’s possession of the book.
75. The women have never known of a man being killed in a war.
76. When Montag decides to read a poem to Mildred’s friends, Faber thinks this will provide a wonderful learning opportunity for all.
77. When the police cannot find Montag, they are forced to give up the search.
78. Since Montag is unable to remember a section of a book, Granger and his group will not accept him for fear he is a government spy.
79. When the city is destroyed, Montag’s first thoughts include Mildred.
Multiple Choice
80. The sentence, “The enemy ships were like bullets,” is an example of which literary device?
81. The sentence, “His smile showed the candy pinkness of his gums and the candy whiteness of his teeth,” is
an example of which literary device?
82. The sentence, “Her face was bright as snow in moonlight,” is an example of which literary device?
83. The sentence, “The train radio vomited on him,” is an example of which literary device?
84. The sentence, “The breath was a small leaf, a black feather,” is an example of which literary device?