ETL111 Educators as Effective Communicators Learning resource design & development
Student name: / Grade: / Resource focus:Mark / Execution of Learning Resource (20 marks) / Report (20 marks)
Communication Design / Technical competence (5) / Report content (15) / Writing style, textual features references (5)
(85-100%) / Document is very easy to read – colour; font, spacing all enhance readability
Layout appropriate to resource audience purpose ; no visual clutter, images/diagrams/sound used well to support/communicate message
Design principles: contrast, repetition, alignment proximity applied skilfully / 15 / Displays mastery of the software tool through the use of master layout tools (slide master; styles)
Uses a wide range of options that the software enables
A range of multimedia elements are incorporated where appropriate
Distributes software appropriately (file size; packaging)
Appropriate choice of software / 5 / Comprehensive report that contains all required aspects: context; audience purpose; software justification; design, communication issues; resource evaluation; reflections; checklist; references
Very thorough checklist that shows mastery of content applied to the resources
Thoughtful discussion on design decisions and design evaluation
Insightful reflections on process and product / 15 / Spelling punctuation & grammar is accurate - no errors
Writing is easy to read, well structured with clear meanings
A range of sources are used to support the communication design evaluation & checklist
Referencing style, in –text & list is accurate with no errors / 5
14 / 14 / 4
13 / 13
(75-84%) / Document is easy to read – colour; font, spacing used well
Layout appropriate to resource; uncluttered, with some images used to support/communicate message
Design principles: contrast, repetition, alignment proximity applied / 12 / Uses of master layout tools (slide master; styles)
Uses a range of options that the software enables
Some multimedia elements incorporated where appropriate
File size and pathways managed
Appropriate use of software / 3.5 / Good report that contains all required aspects: context; audience purpose; software justification; design, communication issues; resource evaluation; reflections; checklist; references
Thorough checklist that shows understanding of design issues applied to the resources
Good discussion on design decisions and design evaluation
Reflections on process and product included / 12 / Minor issues with spelling, punctuation or grammar
Writing is easy to read, well structured with clear meanings with minor errors
Some sources are used to support the communication design evaluation & checklist
Referencing style, in –text & list is accurate with minor errors / 3.5
11 / 11
(60-74%) / Readability of document is generally quite good
Layout clean, some issues
Some design principles: contrast, repetition, alignment proximity applied
Audience purpose is considered / 10 / Uses some of the options that the software enables
At least one multimedia element is incorporated
Images compressed where appropriate
Software use o k / 3 / Report that contains most required aspects: context; audience purpose; software justification; design, communication issues; resource evaluation; reflections; checklist; references
Checklist shows some understanding of design issues applied to the resources
Design decisions and design evaluation included
Some reflections on process and product included / 10 / Some issues with spelling, punctuation or grammar
Writing is ok to read, some structure evident, sometimes awkwardly phrased
A few sources are used to support the communication design evaluation & checklist
Referencing style, in –text & list used but there are errors in detail / 3
9 / 9
(50-59%) / Readability of document is ok
Layout could be more appropriate to audience/purpose
Design principles need work / 8 / No master layout tools used (slide master; styles)
no multimedia elements are incorporated
File size of resources not considered / 2.5 / Report does not contain all required elements
Basic checklist that may or may not be applied to resources
Few design decisions & design evaluation included
Little or no reflections on process & product i / 8 / Issues with spelling, punctuation or grammar
Writing is sometimes difficult to understand and not well structured
A few references used with errors in use / 2.5
(0-49%) / . poor readability, layout and design / 7
0-4 / Very basic use of software / 0 – 2.5 / Report is very basic – lots of elements not included
Weak or no checklist, reflections or evaluation / 7
0- 4 / Too brief or too long
Work needs to be thoroughly edited
No references