Julie Blakley
LME 545
Forum 1
How To: Creating Table of Contents in Word
Wordcontains very useful tools when creating a table of contents for your report or program booklet. You create a table of contents by using the heading styles located in Word.
When you build your table of contents it is a list of the headings throughout your piece that will be combined to show an overview of the piece.
How it works
When you begin to build your table of contents, Word uses those headings that were used in the piece and uses them to create the table of contents.
Internet uses
When using the writing piece on the web you can also put the table of contents into a web frame that helps you to move through the piece. The headings are displayed as hyperlinks that allows you to move directly to the topic.
Creating TOC
First thing when creating a table of contents is to create your document. Make sure that you use the heading styles from either the box to the left of the font type box or from style located under format.
Once you are finished with your writing piece and all headings are in place using the heading styles, move to the place in your document where you would like for your table of contents to appear. (At this point you may want to add a new page at the beginning of your writing piece for your table of contents.)
Go to Insert and then click on Index and Tables.
Make your table of contents the way you want. Choose the format style that suits your piece and then click ok.
Your table of contents should look similar to this:
How To: Creating Table of Contents and Indexes in Word
How it works
Internet uses
Creating TOC
Additional Pointers on viewing a Table of Contents
Additional Pointers on viewing a Table of Contents
If you are planning on using this piece on the Internet, switch to web layout view after creating the table of contents. You can also put the table of contents into a frame by going to format and clicking on frame, and then clicking on table of contents in frame.
Kenyon, C. (2004). Complex Documents in Microsoft Word. Retrieved on September 5, 2004 from