Stonewall Projects
Elkton, VA.
1.00 BIDS
1.01 You are invited to submit a Proposal described by the technical specifications and its attachments in accordance with these instructions and all drawings, specifications, data, terms and conditions contained in the Request for Proposal.
1.02 Bidders shall submit their proposals to the undersigned at on the bid due date specified herein. This shall include the following documents: Proposal Form, completed and signed, Pricing Sheet (SOV), any technical and/or commercial exceptions and a man-loaded bar chart schedule day. All blank spaces shall be filled in without exceptions, erasure or reservation. Failure to include all requested information will cause the Proposal to be considered unresponsive.
1.03 All bid envelopes shall be conspicuously marked “SEALED BID - DO NOT OPEN” and identified with the Request for Proposal Number.
1.04 Bidders are cautioned not to submit proprietary information. While Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. and Owner will endeavor to treat all submissions as confidential, no bid identified in whole or in part as proprietary will be accepted.
1.05 The Proposal shall be signed by a duly authorized officer of the company with the signatory’s name and title typed below the signature. Proposals not signed in the manner described, or unsigned proposals, shall be considered invalid.
1.06 Bidders shall assure that the sealed bids are received on or before the time and date at the locations and in the number of copies shown below:
One (1) original (clearly marked as such), two (2) priced copies and one (1) CD to:
Ellen Painter, Subcontracts Admin
Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc.
2778 South Eastside Highway
Elkton, VA 22827
(540) 298-4136
1.07 Oral or proposals received other than in the prescribed manner WILL NOT be accepted as a legitimate response in an effort to comply with the Bid Due Date. A bid is invalid if not submitted at the time and place for receipt of bids stated in these Instructions to Bidders or at such time and place which may be revised by written Supplement.
2.01 No modifications to, or deviation from, the bid specification shall be made unless authorized by written Supplement. Bids shall be submitted using all criteria specified.
2.02 BIDDER MUST BE RESPONSIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BASE BID. Alternate Bids that are not specifically called out in the Request for Proposal, or Supplements thereto, may be considered at sole option of Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. and Owner provided that the requirements for the Base Bid have first been met. FAILURE TO ADDRESS THE BASE BID REQUIREMENTS SHALL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF THE BID.
2.03 Whenever an item is specified by reference to manufacturer or supplier, trade name, catalog number, or the like, it is so specified for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality and shall be considered a Base Bid requirement. Any item manufactured by others which will meet or exceed the specified item’s design parameters may be proposed as an alternate and may be considered by Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. at its sole option. In order for an alternate to be considered, however, the Bidder must submit for review and acceptance clear and documented evidence that the alternate does in fact meet or exceed the parameters specified.
3.01 If the Bidder declines to bid, all bidding documents, including specifications and drawings, shall be returned, at the Bidder’s expense along with an explanation as to why a Bid will not be submitted.
4.01 No bid will be considered if received later than the time specified in the Request for Proposal documents unless an extension of time has been granted in writing.
5.01 Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. and Owner reserves the right to open bids privately and unannounced and to reject or accept all or any part of the bid without explanation, to waive any informalities therein, or to accept any bid where it may appear in the Owner’s or Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. interest to do so. No liability or obligation of any kind shall be attached to the Owner or Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. by reason of such action.
6.01 Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. or the Owner reserves the right to reproduce any and all drawings or prints considered necessary for engineering, construction or other purposes which are received from the Successful Bidder after award of subcontract, despite any notice to the contrary appearing on such drawings or prints.
7.01 All bids shall be valid for a period of not less than ninety (90) days.
8.01 The Bidder agrees to further itemize the Subcontract Price when requested.
9.01 It is the Bidder’s responsibility to assure that all documents referenced in the Inquiry have been included in the Bidder’s package. Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the bidding documents or should it be in doubt as to their meaning, Bidder shall at once request clarification in writing. Failure to identify discrepancies or omissions immediately shall be understood to indicate the Bidder’s acceptance and full compliance.
10.01 Technical exceptions may be grounds for rejection of the Proposal if such exceptions are interpreted as a deviation or a deletion from the requirements of the Specification, especially if the value of the Subcontract is affected. If the Bidder, with due consideration of the risk of the rejection of the Proposal believes that technical exceptions must be taken, all such exceptions must be specifically and clearly defined and listed on the Proposal Form under "Technical Exceptions".
10.02 Commercial exceptions to the terms and provisions of the Bid Documents may be grounds for rejection of the Proposal. If the Bidder, with due consideration of the risk of the rejection of the proposal, believes that exceptions must be taken, all such exceptions must be specifically and clearly defined and listed on the Proposal Form under “Commercial Exceptions”. Reference must be made to particular Article Numbers, paragraphs and page numbers in order for exceptions to be given consideration. Inclusion of Bidder’s printed Terms and Conditions are not considered specific exceptions and shall be cause for rejection.
11.01 All questions pertaining to the submission of your proposal including apparent omissions or conflicting Bid Documents, and requests for Technical and Commercial clarification shall be directed to:
Chris Jenkins (Trailer#3)
Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc.
5325 Old Oxford Rd
Durham, NC 27712
(cc: copy to )
11.02 All clarifications to the Bid Documents will be forwarded to the Bidders in writing, incorporated by written Supplement and thereafter shall become part of the Bid Documents. Any oral instruction or clarification, no matter by whom given, requiring changes in the bid documents is invalid unless confirmed in writing as described. The Owner and Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. will not be bound by any instruction or clarification not so confirmed.
12.01 In the event that the need for a meeting is identified prior to submission of Bidder’s Proposal, attendance will be mandatory; failure to attend shall be cause for rejection.
13.01 Prior to selection of successful Bidder, bid clarification meetings may be held to discuss and clarify the Bid Documents and the Proposal, including a review of Bidder’s project schedule, procedure and plans for equipment and manpower utilization and all other resources required to fulfill the Subcontract requirements.
The Owner & Jacobs are committed to providing the maximum opportunity for diversity businesses to participate in this program. Minority participation is a consideration for contract award. Bidders are strongly encouraged to utilize vendors, suppliers, and second tier subcontractors (in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia) that are certified diversity businesses. All vendors, suppliers, and second tier subcontractors must provide proof of diversity status from a federal, state or local governmental certifying agency. Second tier subcontractors are required to submit the same Jacobs prequalification application that each bidder has submitted.
A Diverse business is defined as:
a. Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) - Business entity where an African-
American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Native-American or Pacific
Islander has 51% ownership and management control of the daily business
b. Women Business Enterprises (WBE) - Business entity where a woman,
regardless of race or ethnicity has 51% ownership and management
control of the daily business operations.
c. Veteran Business Enterprises (VBE) - Business entity where a veteran has
51% ownership and management control of the daily business operations
The following agencies/municipalities can assist with locating diverse businesses in your area:
The Institute of Minority & Economic Development
Contact: Brandon Green
Phone: 919.956.8889 office
Minority/Women/Veteran Owned Business Websites:
United Stated Department of Veteran Affairs
United States Hispanic Contractors Association
Tennessee (Knox County) Minority Business Directory
DOT OSDBU (Office of Small Business Utilization)
Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise
The Carolina’s Minority Supplier Development Council
Georgia Department of Transportation
The North Carolina Department of Administration- Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses:
For additional information & questions, you may also contact:
Bonita C. Mittman
Diversity Coordinator
14.02 Each Bidder, before submitting its Bid, shall visit the site of the proposed Work and shall be held responsible for having observed and ascertained all visible conditions which may be encountered in the performance of the Work, including, location, accessibility, general conditions and terrain, existing structures and objects, the character and extent of Work, if any, then in progress, conditions with respect to adjacent properties and the nature of the neighborhood. Likewise, the Bidder, before submitting its Bid, shall familiarize itself with labor conditions which may affect the performance of the Work.
Each Bidder, by submitting its Bid, represents that:
It has read and understands the Subcontract Documents and its Bid is made in accordance therewith.
Its bid is based upon the services, materials, systems and equipment described in the Subcontract Documents without exception.
No extra charges will be allowed for ignorance of Subcontract requirements or site conditions. The inter-relationship of all Subcontract Documents must be carefully examined by Bidders.
14.03 Each Bidder shall carefully examine all documents and material bound herewith or related hereto, together with all appropriate Supplements. Such Documents shall include, these "Instructions to Bidders", the Request for Proposal, the Proposal Form, the Construction Subcontract, the General Conditions, the Special Conditions, the Drawings, the Technical Specifications, appropriate
Supplements and other documents which are identified or referenced in the Request for Proposal.
14.04 The Submission by any Bidder of a Bid shall constitute conclusive evidence that the Bidder has satisfied itself as to the conditions to be encountered, as to the character, quality and quantities of Work to be performed and materials to be furnished, and as to the requirements of the documents hereinbefore mentioned and no allowance or concession to the Subcontract Price will be made by the Owner or Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc., at any time, for lack of such information on the part of the Bidder if his proposal subsequently shall be accepted.
15.01 The Owner or Jacobs Field Services North America, Inc. will not consider, for any purpose, any claim of the Bidder of any mistake or omission in the Bid.
15.02 Negligence of the Bidder in preparing his Bid shall not confer or be deemed to confer any right of the Bidder to withdraw such Bid after the time fixed in the Bid Documents at the time for receiving, opening and reading of Bids has passed.
16.00 TAXES
16.01 Unless otherwise noted in the Bid Documents, and supported by the appropriate Tax Exemption Forms, the Proposal shall include all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes.
17.01 The Bidder shall include the following applicable documents with its Bid. Failure to include all information described on the Proposal Form will cause the Bid to be considered unresponsive.
17.1.1 A fully completed "Proposal Form", furnished to the Bidder with the Request for Proposal, consistent with the definitions shown below and duly signed by an Officer of the Bidder’s Company and properly witnessed.
a.) Man-hours - All field man-hours estimated for completion of each project component, including Subcontractor’s and Subcontractor’s man-hours.
b.) Quantities - All the necessary quantities required to complete the items as needed as described in the Specification, e.g., “Concrete Work” shall have a measurement unit of cubic yard of concrete including forms, rebar, concrete, concrete finishing, etc. If it is required to breakdown “concrete work” into the components, separate items will be shown in the Proposal Form.
c.) Labor - All field labor payroll cost for an item including bare labor, fringe benefits, payroll taxes, small tools, consumable supplies, construction equipment and Subcontractor’s overhead and profit. If it is required to breakdown “Labor” into the, components, separate items will be shown in the Proposal Form.
d.) Material - Material cost shall include the purchase price of construction material such as welding rod, grout, permanent plant-installed equipment and material furnished by Subcontractor. Cost shall include, but not be limited to, materials associated with temporary facilities, such as scaffolding, cribbing and dunnage, freight, etc. (Subcontractor’s field non-manual payroll costs, overhead, profit, engineering and other Subcontractor’s home office costs shall be included in the above Labor item).
17.1.2 Cost Plus Basis Labor Billing Rates - The Bidder shall submit a complete labor rate schedule for each craft showing the method of calculation of each applicable billing rate.
17.1.3 Unit Prices for Additional Work - All material unit prices listed shall identify the associated unit of measure and the material price per unit. The price shall be inclusive of all labor and material required for the complete installation of the units identified as well as all additional expenses such as freight, applicable taxes, insurance, dunnage, storage, etc.