Honolulu ATC Communication
Leaving HNL
Get ATIS (127.9)
Clearance (121.4)
“Honolulu Clearance, copter 123AB, south ramp air service, Redhill 1 departure with [ATIS information]”
“Copter 123AB, Honolulu Clearance, cleared out of B, Redhill 1 departure, maintain at or below 1000, departure frequency 119.1, squawk 02xx”
“Cleared out of B, Redhill 1 departure, maintain at or below 1000, departure frequency 119.1, squawk 02xx, copter 123AB”
Tower (118.1)
“Honolulu Tower, copter 123AB, south ramp air service[ (ready) for departure][ready for Redhill 1]”
“Copter 123AB, Honolulu Tower, Wind 040 at 12 gust 18, south ramp cleared for takeoff, pilots own risk (remain E of all runways)”
“South ramp cleared for takeoff, own risk, copter 123AB”
“Copter 3AB, contact departure”
“Contacting departure, copter 3AB”
Departure (119.1)
“HCF departure, copter 123AB, [altitude], (climbing 1000)”
“Copter 123AB, HCF departure, radar contact”
“Copter 3AB, leaving B airspace, squawk VFR, frequency change approved”
“Squawking VFR, frequency change approved, copter 3AB”
Get ATIS (119.8)
Tower (132.6)
“Kalaeloa Tower, copter 123AB, Harbor view, 1000, request pattern work with [ATIS information]”
“Copter 123AB, Kalaeloa Tower, report the quarry”
“Reportingthe quarry, copter 123AB”
“Tower, copter 123AB, quarry”
“Copter 3AB, enter left downwind RW 4L, report base”
“Entering left downwind RW 4L, reporting base, copter 3AB”
“Tower, copter 3AB, base”
“Copter 3AB, runway 4L, wind 040 at 15, cleared for the option”
“Runway 4L, cleared for the option, copter 3AB”
“Copter 3AB, make left closed traffic”
“Left closed traffic, copter 3AB”
“Tower, copter 3AB, request departure to the north”
“Copter 3AB, north departure approved, report exiting”
“North departure approved, reporting exiting, copter 3AB”
“Tower, copter 3AB, clear to the north”
“Copter 3AB, frequency change approved”
“Frequency change approved, copter 3AB”
Arriving HNL
Get ATIS (127.9)
Approach (119.1)
“HCF approach, copter 123AB, [harbor view] [sugar mill] [interchange], 1000, for the south ramp with [ATIS information]”
“Copter 123AB, HCF approach, squawk 02xx (and ident)”
“Squawk 02xx (and ident), copter 123AB”
“Copter 3AB, radar contact, 1 mile south of the sugar mill. Cleared into B airspace, hold at ford island at or below 1000”
“Cleared into bravo airspace, ford island, and holdat or below 1000, copter 3AB”
“Copter 3AB, contact tower”
“Contacting tower, copter 3AB”
Tower (118.1)
“Honolulu Tower, copter 123AB, [approaching] [leaving]ford island”
“Copter 123AB, Honolulu Tower, proceed to the [prison] [post office] [interisland concourse] [east / united concourse] and hold”
“Prison and hold, copter 123AB”
- “Copter 3AB, cross the runways at the intersection(above 500), landing at south ramppilots own risk”
- “Copter 3AB, cross 8L (west of L) to the tower, cross the 4s south of F, landing at south ramp pilots own risk”
- “Copter 3AB, (viaduct) lagoon drive, landing at south ramp pilots own risk”
“Crossing runways at the intersection, landing at south ramp own risk, copter 3AB”