Admin Task Force Conference Call

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

1:30 – 3:00 PM

Telephone number:877-620-6892


In attendance: Allison Hardt (co-chair), Steve Pepin (co-chair), Michael Bufalino,Ron Curb, Cynthia Jones, Chris Hedges, Rod Montney, Carolyn Morehouse, Skip Paul, Dale Peabody, Elisha Wright-Kehner, Amy Schutzbach, James Watkins.

Decision and action items are underscored.

  1. Additions to Agenda – Allison


  1. Meeting Notes from Administration TF meeting on April 2015 – Allison

A MOTION (JONES/BUFALINO) to accept the meeting notes was APPROVED.

  1. Existing Business

a)“Ahead of the Curve” Updates – Cynthia

Regions have identified participants for the pilot course in Portland. Will meals be provided for the participants? Cynthia has discussed this with Michael Buffalino; meals will likely be reimbursed to the state reps. Cynthia will discuss further with James Bryant and clarify the lunch arrangements.

b)Website Subcommittee – Michael

The subcommittee has completed the Contacts page and is now moving through the Research Programs section. Next steps will involve review of the Task Force pages; and putting together the agenda for the breakfast meeting in Portland. Cynthia noted that since July 2013 there have been only one set of meeting notes posted for the Administration Task Force. Chris will send the missing notes to Natassja for posting. Michael will make sure the other task forces know how to get their notes posted and keep them up to date. Meeting notes should be posted once they are approved at the following meeting.

c)Your role in RAC

  • James Watkins volunteeredto coordinate and moderate the session. Chris will take meeting notes.
  • Best Practices for Obtaining Quality Research Reports, Cynthia Jones, Ohio DOT
  1. RPPM- What are the benefits and who should use it? Sue Sillick, Montana DOT
  1. Best Practices for implementing NCHRP products – Camille Crichton-Sumners, New Jersey DOT
  1. Successful Implementation of State Transportation Innovation Councils – Binh Bui, Georgia DOT

d)Guidance document for hosting National RAC Meeting

No Additional Comments Received

e)RAC Task Force Membership Spreadsheet Update – Allison

Updates are pending; Allison will be making revisions in the next week.

  1. New Business – All

a)Administration Task Force Meeting in Portland –Allison

Neither Allison nor Steve will attend the Portland conference, but Cynthia agreed to organize and chair the meeting.

  1. Items for RAC Leadership (next call June 11th)– All
  1. Next Admin TF Meeting – June 30th, 2015 at 1:30PM EST (TO BE CONFIRMED)

RAC Leadership Conference Call –May 26, 20151