Homework Chart for the Week of 10-23-17

Practice reading and spelling themost frequently used words:is, you, it, he, are

Practice reading the attached High Frequency Words for the fable story this week: Jack and the Wolf. Our target skill is Understanding Characters/Story Message. Our target strategy is toSummarize. We will review the spelling pattern: words with short a.

Day 4-Art
Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling: Write spelling words #1-10 including the bonus word three times each.
Math: Chapter 3 P49 & P50
**Read each night for 15 minutes and color in a pumpkin on your reading log 
Day 1-Music
Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling: Practice spelling words with short a any way you choose (whiteboard, pencil/paper, computer, play doh, etc.)
Math: Chapter 3 P51 & P52
*Carnegie Math Night Tonight at Gwyn Nor Elementary School from 6:30-8:00 PM
Day 2-Library
Parent Signature:
Spelling: Making Words—we did this in class today. Please have your child cut out the letters and make the words with short a he/she can make with the given letters. Our chant is: “Make the word, Read the word, Write the word” clap clap
Math: Chapter 3 P53 & P54
Day 3-Gym
Parent Signature: / Spelling: Practice spelling words with short a any way you choose (whiteboard, pencil/paper, computer, play doh, etc.)
Math: Chapter 3 Packet P55 & P56
*Tomorrow is Day 4. We will have Art.

First Grade News: We will begin our second reading book for the year. Our first story is this book is called, “Jack and the Wolf” and will focus our spelling on words with the short a sound this week. We are working hard to earn our whole class reward. This week is Red Ribbon Week. Our class will focus on keeping ourselves healthy by eating well and exercising. Please encourage your child to share some healthy ways we have learned to take care of ourselves this week.


  • Be sure to check your calendar for our upcoming conference date/time next week. You will get a confirmation email a couple days before as well.
  • Please help your child read the directions on his/her homework each night.
  • Last Day for Box Tops Fundraiser is Monday, 10/23


List #6

  1. an
  2. bad
  3. can
  4. had
  5. cat
  6. ran
  7. up
  8. bug
  9. big
  10. top

Bonus Word: healthy