From: William Wells <>
Subject: Books about the McCurdy family
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:52:36 -0700

Posted on: Buteshire Scotland Queries

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Surname: McCurdy


I believe I found the "Ancestral McCurdys" book in the

Church of Latter Day Saint's Family History Library.

You can view micro-film copies from that Library at

a nearby LDS Family History Center. Most centers will

also let you print paper copies of microfilm pages for

a fee. The "Ancestral McCurdys" book is about 42 pages


Here is list of McCurdy family books I compiled from

the California Digital Library and the US Library

of Congress catalogs, and some of the notes are for my

branch of the McCurdy family. I have not seen or hold

most of these books. I just compiled the list.

Blanchard, H. Percy. Genealogical record & biographical sketches of the

McCurdys of Nova Scotia. London: Published for F.B. McCurdy by the Covenant

Pub. Co., 1930.

Blanchard, H. Percy. The ancestral McCurdys, their origin and remote history.

London: The Covenant Pub. Co., 1930. The MacCurdy or MacReuda clan were

early inhabitants of the isles of Bute and Arran, Scotland. This book includes

family history from Chief Gilkrist Makurerdy (1420) to about 1820 and family

claims to Royal descent: a. the marriage of Donald McCurdy to Peggy Cameron,

a "great-granddaughter of King James IV of Scotland" (p. 26); b. the Stewart

of Bute lineage from Robert II, King of Scotland, to Margaret Stewart,

"a relative of James II of Scotland", daughter of Charles Stewart of Ballintoy,

Ireland, and wife of Petheric McCurdy, one of four brothers who fled from

Scotland in November 1666 (p.32); c. Prince Reuda of Ireland, founder of

the MacCurdy or MacReuda Clan, who settled a colony of Scots north of Clyde,

Scotland, about 258 (pp. 6, 8-9, 12), and d. the lineage from Heremon,

"first of the Mahol or Scots to sit on the throne of Ireland" and his wife,

"Tea Tephi, daughter of King Zedekiah, the last of the Royal line of Judah"

and a ward of the Prophet Jeremiah, to Prince Reuda (pp. 11-12). (For details

about the Stewart of Bute line, see Hewison, 1893, v. 2, p. 152ff)

Gaines, Lorene Taylor. McCurdy footprints : yesterday and today from Ireland

to South Carolina to Georgia, Texas, and Oklahoma, 1771-1990. Little Rock,

Ark. (6 Athena Court, Little Rock 72207): L.T. Gaines, 1990.

Harding, Les. McCurdy and the Silver Dart. Sydney, N.S.: University College

of Cape Breton Press, 1998.

MacCurdy, David W. McCurdy households. New York, NY (404 E. 65 St., New

York 10021): McCurdy Family Association of America, 1990.

Macurda, Donald Bradford. Early McCurdys in Maine (their antecedents and

descendants). La Mesa, Calif.: Macurda, 1979.

McCurdy, Elmer Dellwood Ellsworth. Historical geneology [sic] of the McCurdy


a concise history of the McCurdy's dating from 1489, including a record

of their ancestry to Gilkrist Makurerdy, a Scottish chief, and to Robert

II, king of Scotland. Genealogy & local history ; G4679. Dennison, Ohio:

W. D. McCurdy.

McCurdy, Dellwood Ellsworth, and William Davis McCurdy. Historical geneology

! of the McCurdy family. Dennison, Ohio,: W. D. McCurdy, 1915.

McCurdy, H. W. Genealogical history of James Winslow McCurdy and Neil

Barclay McCurdy. Seattle,: Superior Pub. Co., 1963.

McCurdy, Julius Augustus. The Stone Mountain McCurdys : the ancestors

and descendants of John Wilson McCurdy and his wife the former Sarah Jane

Carter and Philip Burford McCurdy and his wife the former Celia Ann Carter.

Atlanta, Ga.: Collegiate Press, 1979.

McCurdy, Michael L., and Solomon Portious Sharp McCurdy. A compendium

of documents pertaining to the McCurdy family of Kentucky and Utah : being

in part the genealogical and autobiographical manuscripts of Solomon P.

McCurdy (1820-1890) pertaining to the Sharp and McCurdy families : indexed.

Silver Spring, Md. (13107 Holdridge Rd., Silver Spring 20906): M.L. McCurdy,


McCurdy, Hershellene Peek, and Howard McCurdy. The McCurdy family : early

settlers of Dekalb County, Alabama : some ancestors and descendants of

Elijah McCurdy, Sr. and Ann Handy Harris McCurdy. Jacksonville, Ala.: H.P.

McCurdy, 1986.

McCurdy, J. R. Our McCurdy family : James Donald and Judy Ann Kifer McCurdy,

their ancestors and their descendents. Rev. ed. Amarillo, Tex. (6100 Calumet,

Amarillo, 79106): J.R. McCurdy, 1987.

McCurdy, Clyde W. McCurdy pioneers of North America : a genealogical history

of John McCurdy, 1700-05 to 1761 and some of his descendants with mention

of other McCurdy families. Atlanta, Ga.: Collegiate Press, 1990.

McCurdy, Ross W. Descendants of Samuel and Elizabeth (Gray) McCurdy of

Surry, New Hampshire : a work in progress to the 7th generation : with

notes on siblings John McCurdy of Lyme, Ct., Ann (McCurdy) Mootty of Co.

Antrim. 2nd ed. West Yarmouth, Mass.: R.W. McCurdy, 1997.

McCurdy-Rusak, Patricia. McCurdy's of Newark, N.J. Dover, N.J.? (47 Richard

St., Dover 07801): P. McCurdy-Rusak, 1982.

Miller, Thomas. Historical and genealogical record of the first settlers

of Colchester County. Down to the present time. Halifax, N.S.,: A. & W.

Mackinlay, 1873. Includes family history information for Samuel Archibald/Eleanor

Taylor (married about 1743) pp 53-54, Samuel Fisher/Sarah Taylor (married

about or before 1750) pp. 259-260, Mathew Archibald/Janet Fisher (married

1767) pp. 54,-55, 260, James McCurdy/Agnes Archibald (married 1788) p.

55, Edward S. Blanchard/Jean or Jane Archibald (married 1802) pp. 66, 257,

Isaac McCurdy/Nancy Blanchard (married 1828) p. 257 For an overview of

McCurdy and Archibald families of Colchester County, Canada, in this book

see "Genealogical record and biographical sketches of the McCurdys of Nova

Scotia" by Blanchard (1930), pp. 203-211,

Salisbury, Edward Elbridge. Family-memorials. A series of genealogical

and biographical monographs on the families of Salisbury, Aldworth-Elbridge,


Pyldren-Dummer, Walley, Quincy, Gookin, Wendell, Breese, Chevalier-Anderson,

and Phillips. New Haven,: Press of Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor, 1885.

Salisbury, Edward Elbridge, and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury. Family histories

and genealogies

a series of genealogical and biographical monographs on the families of

MacCurdy, Mitchell, Lord, Lynde, Digby, Newdigate, Hoo, Willoughby, Griswold,

Wolcott, Pitkin, Ogden, Johnson, Diodati, Lee and Marvin : and notes on

the families of Buchanan, Parmelee, Boardman, Lay, Locke, Cole, DeWolf,

Drake, Bond and Swayne, Dunbar and Clarke, and a notice of Chief Justice

Morrison Remick Waite : with twenty-nine pedigree-charts and two charts

of combined descents. Genealogy & local history ; G5167. S.l.: Priv. print.,


Salisbury, Edward Elbridge, and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury. Family-histories

and genealogies : ... containing a series of genealogical and biographical

monographs on the families of. New Haven: Press of Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor,


Salisbury, Edward Elbridge, and Evelyn Salisbury. Family histories and

genealogies. New Haven,: Press of Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor, 1892.