Home Address: 14821 Groveview Ln, Irvine CA 92604 Email:
University of Southern California
- Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, August 2010
Advisor: Penelope Trickett, Ph.D. David Lawrence Stein/Violet Goldberg Sachs
Professor of Mental Health
- M.A.,Developmental Psychology, August 2006
Thesis Title: The Role of Mother-Child and Father-Child Attachment Security on PhysiologicalReactivity to Conflict among Maltreated and Non-Maltreated Adolescents
Advisor: Penelope Trickett, Ph.D. David Lawrence Stein/Violet Goldberg Sachs
Professor of Mental Health
- GPA 3.78
- B.A. Psychology,May 2002
Thesis Title: Maternal Attachment and its Relationship to Aggression
Advisor: Steven Schandler, Ph.D.
- GPA 3.80
- Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Student Affiliate, 2007 – present
- Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Affiliate, 2007 – present
- American Psychological Association (APA) Student Affiliate, 2007 – present
- Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology 2002 – present
- Magna cum Laude with Departmental Honors 2002, Chapman University
LaBrie, J.W., Feres, N., Kenney, S., and Lac, A. (2008, August). Family History of Alcohol Abuse: A Moderator of Intervention Efficacy. Poster accepted for presentation at The American Psychological Association (APA), Boston, MA.
Feres, N., Trickett, P.K., Gordis, E.B., Negriff, S., and Blankson, N. (2008, March). The Role of Attachment Security on Physiological Reactivity to Conflict among Maltreated and Non-Maltreated Adolescents. Poster accepted for presentation at The Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Chicago, IL.
Schandler, S. L., Feres, N., Wells, N.M., and Nichola, G.C. (2001, October). Attention
Hypoarousal in nonsmokers with a family smoking history. Poster accepted for presentation at The Western Psychological Association (WPA), Irvine, CA.
LaBrie, J. W., Feres, N., Kenney, S., and Lac, A. (2009). Family history of alcohol abuse moderates effectiveness of a group motivational enhancement intervention in college women. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 415-420.
Gordis, E. B., Feres, N., Olezeski, C., Rabkin, A., and Trickett, P. K. (in press). Skin Conductance Reactivity and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia among Maltreated and Comparison Youth: Relation with Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
University of Southern California
Graduate Research Assistant August 2002 – present
The Impact of Neglect on Adolescent Development, NIH Grant Funded Project.
Principal Investigator: Penelope K. Trickett, Ph.D.
- Interview adolescents and caretakers; involves administering cognitive tests,psychophysiological procedures, and various other questionnaires in multiple domains. Total interview time per subject: 4-5 hours.
- Data entry management; conduct analyses.Utilize SPSS, Mx, Amos, Microsoft Access and Excel.
- Train new graduate assistants and supervise undergraduate research assistants.
Loyola Marymount University
Sr. Research AssistantJuly 2007 – August 2008
Heads Up Responsible Drinking Project
Principal Investigator: Joseph LaBrie, Ph.D.
- U.S. Department of Education, NIAAA Grant Funded Project (June 2007). Assist in office management, alcohol intervention facilitation, protocol evaluation, data management, data analyses and preparation of manuscripts.
- Social Norms & Skills: Motivating Campus Change, NIAAA Grant Funded Project(January 2007). Liaison between multiple research sites (Washington & Tennessee). Management of online survey construction, dispersement and data collection. Utilizing DatStat Illume survey software, Microsoft Access, Excel, and SPSS.
- Wise Up: Women, NIAAA/ NIH Grant Funded Project (September 2004). Assist inscheduling and facilitating female-specific brief motivational interventions with adjudicated students. Assist in data management, analyses and manuscript preparation.
- Other duties include: general office management, working with Sponsored Projects office on budget management of all grants; assist in writing new grants; supervision of undergraduate research assistants, assist in article reviews and IRB submissions.
Chapman University
Research Assistant/ Lab ManagerMay 2000 – May 2002
Principal Investigator: Steven Schandler, Ph.D.
- Administered questionnaires for depression, ADD, substance abuse, and a
psychophysiological eye-blink startle task.
- Maintained polygraph machine and other psychophysiological equipment
- Scheduled appointments, posted fliers, scored assessments.
- Data entry, file management, and analyses using SPSS and Microsoft Excel.
- Trained new assistants on interview protocol and psychophysiological equipment (polygraph machine, electrode placement, etc.).
University of Southern California August 2005 - May 2009
Psych 314:Research Methods Professor Miranda Barone Jan-May 2009
- Prepare lectures and teach two 2-hour lab sections/ week
- Maintenance of attendance and grade records on blackboard website
- Grade weekly lab assignments, exams and research papers for 37 students
- Assist students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email (daily)
Gender Studies 210gm: Social Issues in Gender Professor Walter Williams Aug-Dec 2008
- Prepare and teach two one-hour discussion sections
- Write exam questions and prepare exam
- Maintenance of attendance and grade records on blackboard website
- Grade exams for 54 students
- Assist students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
Psych 274: Introduction to Statistics Professor Steve Madigan Jan-May 2008
- Teach two2-hour sections of SPSS lab
- Write exam questions and prepare exam
- Maintenance of attendance and grade records on blackboard website
- Grade weekly homework assignments, labs, and 4 exams for 35 students
- Assist students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
Psych 338: Adolescent Development, Professor David Schwartz Jan-May 2007
- Substituted for lectures in professor’s absence
- Prepared and facilitated review sessions for exams
- Assisted in the preparation of lesson plans
- Managed gradebook and blackboard website for the course
- Graded short essay exams for 130 students
- Assisted students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
Psych 338: Adolescent Development Professor Kim Lindsey Aug-Dec 2006
- Created all course exams from databank & lecture notes
- Graded weekly papers for 130 students
- Graded exams and extra credit assignments
- Maintained gradebook and blackboard website for the course
- Assisted students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
Psych 200Lg: Love and Attachment Professor Denis Mitchell Jan-May 2006
- Prepared materials for and taught two 2-hr discussion sections/wk
- Graded weekly papers for 60 students, graded exams
- Contributed 50% of exam questions from lecture notes for all exams
- Assisted students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
Psych 155: Psych Perspectives on Social Issues Professor Jerry Jellison Aug-Dec 2005
- Prepared materials for and taught two discussion sections
- Graded papers for 60 students
- Contributed 1/3 of exam questions for all exams
- Graded exams
- Assisted students during office hours (2 hrs/wk) and via email
John & Sheryl L. FamilyJune-August 2009
Client: Geoff, Age 7
History: Diagnosed with global mental retardation at 18 months and ADHD at age 7.
Duties: Work with special needs child on reading, writing, and typing skills. Develop weekly 4-hour lessons in various subjects including automobiles, animals and anatomy to engage child in learning. Coordinate with parents and family’s psychologist.
Hilary P. Family May-August 2007
Client: Dylan,Age 8
History: Diagnosed with ADHD, Conduct and Bipolar DisorderChild.Adopted 2 years prior; from an abusive home. Medications include: Aderol, Prozac, and Depacote.
Duties:Work with special needs child on completing homework and reducing aggressive and antisocial behaviors with other children on the playground. Work with child 3x/week for 3-4 hours each day. Coordinate with mother, teacher and child’s psychiatrist.
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