Junior English CCP

Mr. Langlois

Course Description:from the Program of Studies

Junior English emphasizes American Literature by using selectionsfrom all types of writing to acquaint students with the best in ourheritage and to teach them critical evaluation skills. Furtheremphasis is placed on basic English skills and vocabulary building.Student writing emphasizes the improvement of skills such asfocus, organization, support, elaboration, sentence formation, andmechanics. The technique of writing a documented research projectis included. Supplemental outside reading is required as an aid invocabulary building and literary awareness.

Grading:Unless announced ahead of time, the weight and requirements of a given assignment will not change. Be aware that many of the due dates for assignments will be well in advance, this is to allow students the time they need to plan and produce quality work. Many assignments will be given at least week ahead of time, which should allow the student ample time to plan for and make use of a computer on school grounds. If this will still be a problem, please see me privately to discuss other options. Please keep in mind that if at any point you have an issue or concern about a grade, know that I am willing to discuss the matter with you at an appropriate time. Please see me after class, on a free period, after school, or by email. A word of caution: questions, concerns, clarification are always welcomed; complaints are not.

Grading percentages:

50%---Essays, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks


20%---Homework assignments

Note: It is a department policy, there will be no extra credit assignments. Plan accordingly.

Classroom Rules:There are only two, learn them quickly, use them well.

1)The door is always open.

2)Anything and everything is available for discussion regardless of situation or circumstance.

Understand though that these rules become cumbersome without the staples of being on time, prepared, respectful, etc. My hope is this need not be addressed further.

Electronics Policy- The student handbook is clear about is policy of electronic devices. If you so choose to disregard this, you have made a choice. Understand now that the consequence will be a pass to take the device down to the office. If you do not believe you are guilty of such an act, your argument is with the office, that is their job; mine is to teach.

Bathroom Policy- There is one bathroom pass in the front of the room with a sign out sheet. If it is available, you may take the pass, sign out and leave to use the bathroom. If you need to go anywhere else (nurse, office, guidance, etc.) you will need a signed pass from me, please ask. You will not be allowed to use the bathroom within the first or last five minutes of a lesson(the reason being is most of the directions for the class will be given in the opening of the class and the last few minutes, we will be reviewing upcoming assignments, please respect this). If I feel you are abusing the ability to use the bathroom, I reserve the right to take the privilege away as I see fit.

Late Work Policy:All work must be turned in on time. Many assignments are given with enough advanced notice where students should be able to make use of school computers and printers to type work that need be typed.You will not be given access to the classroom computer/printer to print assignments, nor will students be given time during class to print work in the library. Work will be collected at the beginning of class, please come prepared with assignments completed, Beyond the designated collection time for assignments, work will be marked late. Homework grades will receive a maximum of half their initial point value if late. Quiz and test-grade assignments that do not carry their own established late policies will also follow this format. Handing assignments in early is always welcomed, encouraged, and prudent.

If you are absent, all work is expected the day the student returns to class. Absence will not serve as an excuse from pre-planned tests, quizzes, or weekly homework assignments. This includes field trips. Please plan accordingly.

Extra Help:Students are welcome and encouraged to come see me for extra help on any of my free periods or to make an appointment with me after school (except Tuesday). Please make use of these whenever you feel it is necessary, whether it be for five minutes to clarify an assignment or two hours to improve a college essay. My job is to be here for you as a resource, I suggest you make use of it as often as you wish.

Keep in mind that there is a Writing Lab during the school day where an English teacher is always present if you ever need more help.

Plagiarism: Simply, if you use someone else’s work, you owe them the proper credit. If you need more of a deterrent, consider this: Assignments are not just to be graded, they are designed to allow you to express your individual opinion and perspective on something that every creature in existence needs to wrestle with and have a working answer for. By plagiarizing, you are sacrificing your voice and freedom of thought for something you stole from another individual working to settle the very same problems you are. There is no greater sin than thievery (The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini).

Friendly Advice: One of the largest differences between Junior English and all the years previous is this heavy emphasis on your ability to analyze and effectively communicate that analysis with clear evidence from the materials we are working with. To be frank, there will not be a tremendous amount of notes compared to other classes, though there will be a heavy emphasis on the process through practice. It is highly recommendedthat you take notes as you see fit to best hone and craft this skill

Personal Philosophy:

Above all, the student comes first.

Education is not a spectator event. I will do my best to present information and materials that are engaging and fruitful. However, the teacher cannot do the work (or the learning) for you. Be willing to be an active participant in your education. After all, it is yours. You are more than welcome to disagree, make suggestions, or talk to me about what we are covering in class as long as you do so in a respectable manner. It is as much your classroom as anyone else’s.

Purpose: The purpose of this class is to begin to prepare you for life beyond the six walls of the classroom (this includes the floor and ceiling for those of you that are keeping score). Individuality requires the individual, a personal investment of your personality. Your job here is the job you’ve had for the past 10 years of your education: learn. The task has not changed, but the necessity is greater than it may ever have been in the past. So again, I say to you, take notes when notes need to be taken, ask the questions that need to be asked, and learn what is absolutely essential. No, these terms will not be defined, that job lies with the student.

This course will center around the value and impact of American Literature as it has helped to shape the culture and society of our nation. We will be looking at not only novels, but short stories, poems, plays, music, art, images, and even cartoons to strengthen your ability to think critically and analyze effectively the works and world around us.

Be aware, there will be reading, there will be writing, there will be thinking, there will be discussion, all of which is dependent upon you as an individual student. Do not shy away from challenges, and do not be afraid of mistakes. Take chances and take risks, your education is your own, treat it as such.