BOS Logan Airport Noise Abatement

Report, Including FAA ATCT Monthly

Runway Use Guidelines


December 16, 2016

Report Version 11


1.0 Introduction and History ...... 1

1A Introduction ...... 1

1B History ...... 1

Restore introductory sentence: Detailed requests for improvements in Massport noise abatement reporting began in November 2012: [with colon].

Retain email formatting with indent under the dated items—the following 5 paragraphs and the 2 paragraphs following Phase 3 Technical Kickoff Meeting.

Include detail with 1-5 to Massport Board:

1.  Runway Use (Arrivals and Departures Operations) by Runway End.

[Events. Arrivals and Departures with Subtotals and Grand Total. Including Number and % of Total. Business analysis formatting.]

2.  Noise (Exposure and Impacts) by Runway End.

[Exposure, dose: Yearly Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL). FAA primary metric.

Impacts, effects: Sound-Level Weighted Population (LWP)

= DNL x Population x % Highly Annoyed @ DNL. FAA supplemental metric.]

3.  Noise (Exposure and Impacts) by Community from Runway End.

[Including Boston Neighborhoods and Boston Community subtotal. As R33L FEA.]

4.  All aircraft (not just jets).

[Turboprops and Piston props >15% Logan operations (>18% Jets).

Cape Air piston props >10% total, with >noise on Takeoff than current Airbus and Boeing jets with >10x passengers.]

5.  Historic Baseline: 5 years before new Runway 14-32 in 2007 and since.

[With averages pre-R14-32, 2007, and post-R14-32.]

2.0 Noise Modeling ...... 76

Environmental Assessment (RNAV EA), and the recently completed 2015 Revised

Baseline Noise Analysis with updated flight procedures and expanded census tract centroids grid points (2015 Baseline, Updated and Expanded).

Yearly DNL typically measures conditions for an average-annual day (AAD). In calculating AAD inputs, data is collected to represent an entire year (typically a calendar year or another consecutive 12-month period). Data is then averaged by dividing by 365. For example, if 365,000 aircraft operations occurred in one year, the AAD would equal 1,000 operations, even though some individual days would likely have more than 1,000 operations and some days would have less.

The range of audible sound ranges from approximately 1 to 140 dB, although everyday sounds rarely rise above about 120 dB. As ratios, 3 dB = 2X, and 10 dB = 10X.

With A-weighted, note loudness is the human perception of sound, very different from measures of sound energy. 10X energy is generally perceived ~2X louder, and 2X energy is generally perceived 10-15% louder.

Other metrics used for noise analysis include Maximum Level (Lmax), Equivalent Sound Level (Leq), and Sound Exposure Level (SEL)., Equivalent Sound Level (Leq), and Maximum Level (Lmax).

[And, re-order bullet paragraphs to match, from easiest to understand to most difficult.]

[Delete Blank Page 12—for Figure2-3 and Figure 2-4 to be facing]

3.0 Level 1, Airplane Flight Operations ...... 15

3A Runway Use ...... 15

Figure 3-1 shows flight tracks for jets April 2013. Figure 3-21 graphically depicts the runways use percentages in calendar year 2015. Similarly, Figure 3-32 graphically depicts the runways use percentages in calendar year 2014 and Figure 3-43 shows 5-year average runway use from 201102 to 2015.

3B Persistence ...... 31

3C Dwell ...... 38

For this report, an hour of use is defined as an hour in which more than two operations per hour occur on the same runway or over the same geographic area. Therefore, an exceedance would occur if there were more than two operations on a runway group per hour for seven consecutive hours.

Figure 3-7 shows the number of times per month in 2015 that there was an

exceedance per the above definition of dwell for each runway group. Table 3-9

shows dwell…[similar to 3B Persistence copy the number of days of persistence in which 30 or more operations occurred over the same area for two or more consecutive days in 2015. Figure 3-7 shows the number of average daily hours per month in 2015 that there was an

exceedance per the above definition of dwell for each runway group.

4.0 Level 2, Community Noise Exposures ...... 45

This section includes a review of noise data provided by Massport to show the total

noise exposure in terms of the Yearly Day‐Night Average Sound Level (DNL) and

Nnumber of Eevents Aabove (NA) levels.

4A Noise Exposure (DNL) by Runway End and by Community ...... 45

Figure 4-1 shows the noise modeling for conditions in 2014 based on the Massport

EDR data with contour bands of DNL 65, 70, and 75 dBADNL.

Similarly, noise higher noise levels…

4B Intruding Events (N Lmax) by Community ...... 487

For this section, intruding events were defined as the Nnumber of Eevents in which the Mmaximum Nnoise Llevel(Lmax) exceeded either 70 dBA duringin the Ddaytime (7:00 a.m.AM to 9:59 p.m.PM) or 60 dBA during the Nnighttime (10:00 p.m. to 6:59 a.m.). Figure 4-3a and Figure 4-3b show the Updated 2015 Baseline noise contours with DNL bands from 45 to 75 dBA.

5.0 Level 3, Population Noise Impacts ...... 67

This section adds Population and Level-Weighting to the Noise Exposures on Communities from the previous section, for Noise Impacts on Population.

5A Noise Impacts (LWP) by Runway End and by Community...... 67

This section presents total noise levels and noise by runway end and community.

Figure 5-1 shows the calculated LWP for each runway end based on noise modeling for conditions in 2014. Table 5-1 shows noise impacts (measured by LWP) by Runway End and Community (in alphabetical order) based on 2014 data from the Massport EDR. Table 5-2 shows noise impacts by Runway Endthe same data with communities ranked from highest to lowest total LWP. Figure 5-1 shows the calculated LWP for each runway end based on noise modeling for conditions in 2014. Table 5-3 by Runway End and Community 2014…. Table 5-4 2015 Baseline…

5B Intruding Events, Population and Level Weighted by Community .... 77

Table 5-5 shows Intruding Events (NA 70 dBA Day + 60 dBA Night) with Population and Noise Exposure Level-Weighting by Community –2015 Baseline, Updated and Expanded .the level weighted population by community by the number of noise events over 70dB during the daytime (7:00 am to 9:59 pm) and/or 60 dB during the nighttime (10:00 pm to 6:59 am). For example, if an area was exposed to 15 events above 70 dB during the day and five events above 60 dB during the night, total exposure using this method would be reported as 20 events.

6.0 Runway Configurations ...... 81

6Aa Runway Configurations ...... 81

6Bb Wind ...... 843

7.0 FAA ATCT Monthly Runway Use Program Guidelines ...... 87

7Aa Runway Use ...... 87

7Bb Persistence ...... ,... 88

[Tables and Figures are listed together below to show need for consistency in Titles and for ordering Table page before accompanying Figure.]


Figure 1-1, BLANS Phase 3 Study Area Map...... 5

Figure 1-2, - Population Density in the Boston Logan Airport Vicinity ...... 65

Figure 2-1, - Massport EDR Study Area for Noise Modeling ...... 10

Figure 2-2, - BLANS Phase 3 Study Area for Noise Modeling, Updated 2015 Baseline. Updated Procedures and Expanded Grid Points ...... 110

Figure 2-3, Reproduction of FAA Runway 33L RNAV EA Figure 3-4 Existing (2009) Noise Exposure at Population Centroids – Study Area ...... 13

Figure 2-4, Reproduction of FAA Runway 33L RNAV EA Figure 3-5 Existing (2009) Noise Exposure at Population Centroids – Logan Airport Vicinity ... 143

Table 3-1, BOS Runway Use, Annual, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End -– 2015 EDR...... 15

Reconcile 2015: 185,929 + 181,820 = 367,749. EDR 186,410 + 186,520 = 372.930. (5,181=1.4%)

Daytime (7:00 a.m.-9:59 p.m.) Nighttime (10:00 p.m.-6:59 a.m.)

[Departures] 33L + 3322R

Italicize Night-Weighted Percent column.

Figure 3-1a, BOS Flight Tracks, Arrivals, Jets, Air Carrier (April 2014) ...... 16

Figure 3-1b, BOS Flight Tracks, Departures, Jets, Air Carrier (April 2014)...... 176

Figure 3-2, BOS Runway Use, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End – 2015 EDR ...... 187

Revise North 16% to 17% to match Table 3-1. Northwest 15% + 0% = 15%

Improve the Runway Use Figures with small, <5%; medium, 5-15%; and larger, >15% arrows.

Improve the Runway Use Figures with better relative scale Combined areas (~34, 24, 16, 12, 8, 6).

Figure 3-3, BOS Runway Use, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End – 2014 EDR ...... 198

Table 3-2a, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End – Prior 12 Months ...... 21

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-2b, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures Percentages by Runway End – Prior 12 Months ...... 21

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-3a, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End -– 2015 EDR .... 22

Reconcile 2015: 185,929 + 181,820 = 367,749. EDR 186,410 + 186,520 = 372.930. (5,181=1.4%)

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-3b, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures Percentages by Runway End - 2015 EDR ...... 22

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-4a, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End -– 2014 EDR ..... 23

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-4b, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures Percentages by Runway End - 2014 EDR...... 23

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-5a, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End - 2013 EDR ...... 24

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-5b, BOS Runway Use, Monthly, Arrivals and Departures Percentages by Runway End - 2013 EDR ...... 24

Italicize Night-Weighted column.

Table 3-6a, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End (Events) – 2002-2015 EDR...... 25

Reconcile 2015: 185,929 + 181,820 = 367,749. EDR 186,410 + 186520 = 372.930. (5,181=1.4%)

Revise Average 2007-2015 to 2007-2011 (5 years post R14-32) [with 2002-2006, 5 years pre-R14-32, and 2011-2015, recent 5 years].

Table 3-6b, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual, Arrivals and Departures Percentages by Runway End (Percentages) – 2002-2015 EDR...... 26

Figure 3-4, BOS Runway Use, Arrivals and Departures by Runway End – 201102-2015 EDR Average ...... 2719

Revise from 2012-2015 to 2011-2015, recent 5 years, match Table 3-6b.

Figure 3-5ab, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual Arrivals by Runway End – 1990-2015 EDR - All Aircraft ...... 28

Figure 3-5bc, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual Departures by Runway End – 1990-2015 EDR - All Aircraft ...... 29

Figure 3-5ca, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual Operations – Arrivals +and Departures by Runway End – 1990-2015 EDR- All Aircraft ...... 3027

Figure 3-5d, BOS Runway Use, Historic Annual Arrivals by Runway End – 2002-2015 – Jet Only Compared to All Aircraft Data ...... 30

Table 3-7, BOS Persistence, Monthly Days, Consecutive Days, and Consecutive Days-Weighted by Runway End – Previous 12 Months. September 2016 ...... 33

Move 12-Month Average left, next to row titles for immediate reading—like year emphasis in Runway Use Tables 3-2.

Minimize column widths and delete vertical gridlines within month to print larger, more legibly.

Table 3-8, BOS Persistence, Monthly Days, Consecutive Days, and Consecutive Days-Weighted by Runway End – 2015 EDR...... 33

Move 12-Month Average left, next to row titles for immediate reading—like year emphasis in Runway Use Tables 3-2.

Minimize column widths and delete vertical gridlines within month to print larger, more legibly.

Figure 3-6a, BOS Persistence, Monthly Days by Runway End – 2015 EDR...... 35

Figure 3-6b, BOS Persistence, Monthly Consecutive Days by Runway End – 2015 EDR ...... 36

Figure 3-6c, BOS Persistence, Monthly Consecutive Days Weighted by Runway End – 2015 EDR .. 37

Table 3-9, BOS Dwell, Monthly Average Daily Hours, Hours Night-Weighted, and Periods >7 Hours by Runway End - Prior 12 Months, September 2016 Yearto-Date-2015 ...... 39

Re-order columns: Average Daily Hours, Average Daily Periods >7 Hours, Average Daily Hours Night Weighted, Average Daily Periods >7 Hours

Note: Dwell hour is defined as an hour day in which a runway direction was used for more than seven consecutive hours. Use of a runway is defined aswith more than two operations (arrivals and/or departures) on a given runway or group of runways.

Move 12-Month Average column left, next to row titles for immediate reading—like year emphasis in Runway Use Tables 3-2.

Minimize column widths and delete vertical gridlines within month to print larger, more legibly.

Table 3-10, BOS Dwell, Monthly Average Daily Hours, Hours Night-Weighted, and Periods >7 Hours by Runway End – Calendar Year 2015 EDR...... 39

Re-order columns: Average Daily Hours, Average Daily Periods >7 Hours, Average Daily Hours Night Weighted, Average Daily Periods >7 Hours

Note: Dwell hour is defined as an hour day in which a runway direction was used for more than seven consecutive hours. Use of a runway is defined aswith more than two operations (arrivals and/or departures) on a given runway or group of runways.

Note: Dwell is defined as a day in which a runway direction was used for more than seven consecutive hours. Use of a runway is defined as more than two operations (arrivals or departures) on a given runway or group of runways.

Move 12-Month Average column left, next to row titles for immediate reading—like year emphasis in year use Tables 3-2.

Minimize column widths and delete vertical gridlines within month to print larger, more legibly.

Figure 3-7a, BOS Dwell, Monthly Average Daily Hours by Runway End – 2015 EDR ...... 41

Figure 3-7bc, BOS Dwell, Monthly Average Daily Hours Night-Weighted by Runway End – 2015 EDR ...... 423

Figure 3-7cb, BOS Dwell, Monthly Average Daily Periods >7 Hours by Runway End–2015 EDR ..... 432

Table 4-1, BOS Noise Exposures (DNL), Population by Level and Community – 2014 EDR …………. 4756

Correct: Community, rather than Neighborhood first column header.

Figure 4-1, BOS Noise Exposures (DNL 60-75 dBA) Contours (using INM 7.0d) – 2014 EDR ...... 4846

Table 4-2, BOS Noise (Exposure and Impacts) (DNL) by Runway End – 2014 EDR...... 4957

Figure 4-2,- BOS Noise Exposures (DNL) Annual by Runway End – 2014 EDR...... 5047

Reconcile with Table 4-2: Most match, but a number of relatively small differences

Table 4-3a, BOS Noise Exposure (DNL), Arrivals and Departures by Runway(s), Runway End, and Community – 2014 EDR ...... 539

Table 4-3b, BOS Noise Exposure (DNL), Arrivals and Departures by Runway(s), Runway End, and Community Ranking – 2014 EDR ...... 5561