Promises (Year 3) Level 2

Me / Success criteria / Teacher
I can retell the story of the Baptism of Jesus. AT1(i)
I can describe of the actions and symbols used at Baptism. AT1(ii)
I can describe some ways in which Christians ‘live out’ their Baptismal promises. AT1(iii)
I can talk about my own and others’ experiences of and feelings about Baptism. AT2(i)
I can say what I wonder about why it is people make/keep promises. AT2(ii)
What I did well
Target - what I want to improve

Promises (Year 3) Level 3

Me / Success criteria / Teacher
I can make links between the story of the Baptism of Jesus and the promises we make at Baptism. AT1(i)
I can give some reasons for the promises made at Baptism. AT1(ii)
I can give some reasons for the promises made at Baptism AT1(iii)
I can make links between their actions and the promises made by Christians at Baptism. AT2(i)
I can talk with my friends about some questions that are difficult to answer linked to making/keeping promises AT2(ii)
What I did well
Target - what I want to improve