HL7 Attachments Special Interest Group (ASIG)
San Antonio Working Group Meeting - ASIG Draft Agenda as of 12/11/2007
Monday (January 14, 2008) – Meet all day
- Q1 – Administrative, introductions, high-level review of high-priority items with status updates (which may include details pertinent to the rest of today's work)
- Q2 – Work sessions: prepare PIUC for CDA R2 ballot, then work on CPHS storyboarding/use cases
- Q3 – Co-chair elections (seats held by Penny and Maria), DSMO stuff, Strategic analysis/discussion of ASIG future, Work sessions continue from Q2
- Q4 – Work sessions continue from Q2/Q3; at this point we should have a PIUC ready to ballot, and enough questions to research/follow-up during Tuesday and Wednesday, before tackling the CPHS at a very detailed level on Thursday.
Tuesday (January 15) – Meet all day
- Q1 – host joint meeting with Structured Documents (SDTC) and Implementation/Conformance (ICTC); potential topics:
- Harmonizing look/feel of CDA Implementation Guides
- Improving the ASIG publishing process
- Optimizing how we create example files
- Q2 – ASIG discussion/reaction to Q1; create any needed task lists, More CPHS or other storyboarding as preparation for attending CDA tutorials Wednesday.
- Q3 – Work on whatever needs to be done for OESS and the final rule (e.g., Whitepaper, Approve the FAQs, any other details that may come up)
- Q4 – Work continues from above, achieve closure on any loose ends
Wednesday (January 16) – ASIG is NOT meeting
- ASIG members may register for and attend the CDA R2 tutorials, visit any of the 25± HL7 committee meetings, or spend the time brushing-up on the CDA R2 Standard.
Thursday (January 17) – Meet all day
- Q1 – Work sessions (all day) – preparing CPHS (and others?) for CDA R2 ballot
- Q2 – continues from above
- Q3 – continues from above
- Q4 – continues from above
Friday (January 18) – Meet half-day
- Q1 – Work sessions continue from Thursday
- Q2 – continues from above, with re-cap and adjournment
(The following will be cut before inserting the above into the all-attendee packet of agendas.)
Other topics
- AHIP/BCBSA and other PHR efforts
- FAQs – The intention is that on Tuesday Q3, we simply "sign-off" on those FAQs that have been finalized prior to the meeting. We may need to add a "work session", since interim progress has slowed.
- There are a bunch more topics; please let us know your favorites.