Visit Vizcaya: Bus Scholarship Fund Overview

Who: Students in 4th-through 8th-grade from Title I schools in Miami-Dade County only.Maximum of 35 students per visit.

What: Free bus transportation to and from Vizcaya Museum and Gardens for guided tours of the Main House and/or gardens.Coordination for bus transportation is provided by Vizcaya Museum and Gardens based on information provided by the school. Bus transportation is provided by a M-DCPS approved vendor.

When: Visits must take place between October1, 2015and May27, 2016.

Cost: FREE ADMISSION included for approved scholarship visits before December18, 2015. After December 18, 2015admission costs will be the responsibility of each school.Picnic lunch is not included and is the responsibility of each school.

Deadlines: Applications must be received a minimum of 4 weeks in advance of requested visit date. Scholarships are on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to tour and bus availability.

Thematic tours for school audiences support local, state, and national curricular goals in Social Studies, Visual Arts, and Language Arts. Guided tours are for school students in grades 4–8 only. All school tours last one hour and are led in English. Tours do not include all areas of the Main House or gardens.

Indoor: Main House

  • Visual Vizcaya, 4th–5th grades
  • Design & Architecture, 4th–5th grades
  • A Day in the Life of Vizcaya, 4th–8th grades
  • Vizcaya & the European Classical Tradition, 6th–12th grades
  • Design & Architecture, 6th–12th grades

Outdoor: Gardens

  • Geography & Exploration, 4th–8th grades(includes portions in Main House)
  • Garden Tour: Overview, 4th–5th grades
  • Garden Tour: Overview, 6th–12th grades
  • Artists at Vizcaya, 6th-12th grades

A variety of free resources are available online to help you prepare for a visit to Vizcaya including lesson plans for each tourand a classroom lesson.

Not all areas of the Main House and gardens are accessible, or support visual or hearing impairments. To request materials in an accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any accommodation to participate in any Vizcaya-sponsored program or meeting, please contact the Group Tour Coordinator at or 305-860-8442, a minimum of five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service.)

Additional policies apply.For more information, questions or to submit completed applications contact Group Tour Coordinator, r 305-860-8442.

Complete the following electronic application.We receive many applications; please save and name the document with your school name in it. Only completed applications will be considered.

Vizcaya’s school programs are made possible with the support of The Batchelor Foundation, Inc., Carlos A. Cordeiro,the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners, the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.

Visit Vizcaya: Bus Scholarship Fund Application

Number of Students:Click here to enter text. Grade Range:Click here to enter text.

School:Click here to enter text.

Address:Click here to enter text.

City:State:Click here to enter text.Zip Code:Click here to enter text.

School Phone:Click here to enter text.

Teacher’s Name:Click here to enter text.

Teacher’s e-mail address:Click here to enter text.

TERMS: Visits cancelled with less than 72 hours notice will be charged a $100 cancellation fee. Visits cancelled the same day will be charged the full cost of bus. Picnic lunch isnot included and is the responsibility of each school. Should the need arise, school groups may change their confirmed reservation date one time only without penalty. Any additional confirmed reservation date changes will be charged $25 per instance.

Principal’s Name:Click here to enter text.Do you have approval for this visit? Yes ☐ No ☐

Principal’s e-mail address:Click here to enter text.

Group Leader’sName (Must be present on day of visit):Click here to enter text.

Group Leader’s e-mail address:Cell Phone:Click here to enter text.

Please note that Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is closed on Tuesdays.

1st Choice Date:Click here to enter a date.Time:9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

2nd Choice Date:Click here to enter a date.Time: 9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

3rdChoice Date:Click here to enter a date.Time:9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Picnic Lunch: Yes☐ No☐

Depart school by (time): Click here to enter text.Depart museum by (time):Click here to enter text.

Thematic Tour of Main House:

Thematic Tour of Gardens: Choose an item.

Special Needs:Click here to enter text.

What lesson(s) or unit will the field study support?Click here to enter text.

What will you do to prepare your students for a field study at Vizcaya?Click here to enter text.

Return completed applications to: Group Tour Coordinator,.