Veritas Classical Schools

High School Assignment Sheet #26

Shelby -- Due Tuesday, 3/29/11 Mr. Marr, Instructor

Fayette – Due Thursday, 3/31/11

o  Literature: Read chapters 7-9 in The Great Gatsby and answer the following questions:

1.  Who is Pammy? How does Gatsby react when he sees her? How does her existence complicate Gatsby’s dream?

2.  How does Tom suddenly come to realize that Daisy loves Gatsby? How does he react?

3.  Why was Myrtle running towards Gatsby’s car? Who was driving the car that hit Myrtle Wilson? Who does Tom think was driving? How does the accident seem to affect Jordan?

4.  What has changed about Gatsby’s house? What might this change symbolize or foreshadow?

5.  Why do you think Fitzgerald refers to Daisy as “the golden girl?” What does Gatsby say Daisy’s voice is full of? What does this comparison suggest about what really attracts men to her?

6.  By the end of this chapter, what has happened to both Gatsby and Wilson?

7.  At the end of chapter 8, Nick says Gatsby “must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream.” What was this price? What do you think Fitzgerald is saying about holding on to a single dream?

8.  In Mark 8:36, Jesus says, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” How does Gatsby’s life reflect the truth in this statement?

9.  What is concluded about Wilson’s motive for killing Gatsby?

10.  Why wasn’t Nick able to contact the Buchanans about Gatsby’s death?

11.  Why do you think Henry Gatz took such pride in his son?

12.  Why might it be significant that “Owl-eyes” was the only person from all of Gatsby’s many parties to attend the funeral?

13.  Look at the last four paragraphs of the novel. What dream do you think Nick is talking about? What is Nick saying about the ability to achieve one’s dreams?

14.  Read Romans 5:1-5, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, and Hebrews 10:23, 11:1. What is the “hope” described in these verses? Why should we have this hope? How is the hope described in these verses different from worldly hopes and dreams?

o  History:

§  Read chapter 22 in United States History thoroughly.

§  Complete Chapter 22 Activities 2 and 3. These will be turned in for a grade!

§  Using your textbook, complete Tests 19-21 in your U.S. History Tests booklet. Please bring them to class to make sure they are correct. You will once again use these as a study guide for your exam.

o  Grammar:

§  Read 12.1-12.3 in Grammar for Writing Level Gold.

§  Complete Exercises 1, 4, and 6 and 7.

o  Vocabulary: Complete Lesson 13 in Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop G text.

o  Bible:

§  Read chapter twenty-seven and twenty-eight in “Encountering the Old Testament” thoroughly.

§  Complete the Study Questions on pages 391 and 404 as you read. We will use these as points of discussion during our class, so please bring them with you.

I have reviewed my student’s work, and all assignments are complete as outlined on this assignment sheet.


Student Signature Parent’s Signature

Grades 9-12

IEW Composition

Unit VII: Creative Writing

Assignment Week 26

This week, each student will write an essay using “notes from the brain.” We will go over this concept in class, so most of the notes from fact-gathering and at least a partial key word outline should come home with your student. Our topic is toothbrushes.

The goal of this exercise is to take information we already have—usually common knowledge or personal experience—and organize it into a standard, five-paragraph essay format. Each essay should include at least one of each dress-up and sentence opener. Students should avoid all banned adjectives and verbs!

You will find two Resource pages attached this week, so be sure to print and save them. Your student will need them for reference in future assignments.

IEW Composition Resource 9

IEW Composition

Unit VII: Creative Writing Resource 10