This Part I of the text for the Interactive…


President Nursultan Nazarbayev


· The Family

· Old Guard

· Regionalists

· Foreign Faction


Names & titles within the factions

POP-UP 2……text coming soon

Assets, strengths & weaknesses of named people


THE FAMILY – Uses connections and assets for political means

· Dariga Nazarbayeva, eldest daughter of President Nazarbayev

o Influence/Assets

§ Law enforcement structures (National Security Committee, Tax Police, Customs Committee)

§ Mass media (television channels Khabar, NTK and KTK; newspapers Caravan and Novoye Pokolenia)

o Weaknesses

§ Dariga’s ex-husband, Rikhat Aliyev, who reportedly attempted a powershift against Nazarbayev

· Timur Kulibayev, son-in-law of President Nazarbayev

o Influence/Assets

§ Energy firms (KazMunaiGaz, Kazenergy, KEGOK, Alautransgas)

§ Communications (Kazakhtelecom)

§ Finance (Shymkentnefteorgsintez, NSBK-Group, KazAgroFinance, Narodny Bank of Kazakhstan)

§ Media (KazTAG News Agency, 7 Channel, CentralAsia Monitor newspaper)

§ Closest strategic ally is Premier Karim Massimov

o Weaknesses

§ Kulibayev holds many enemies in the country, including most of the Old Guard, the Regional leaders, and even Dariga Nazarbayeva herself.

§ Poor ties within Kazakhstan’s ruling party, Nur Otan

· Karait Satybaldy, nephew and ward of President Nazarbayev

o Influence/Assets

§ Major-General rank on the National Security Committee

§ Secretary of Nur Otan Party

§ Coordinator of Nur Otan’s military and patriotic youth organization

§ Links into Astana Akin, Kazakhoil, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Railways,

o Weaknesses

§ Despite experience in many industrial fields, Satybaldy has no or little knowledge or training in Kazakhstan’s industry


· Aliya Nazarbayeva, youngest daughter of President Nazarbayev

· Bolat Nazarbayev, brother of President Nazarbayev

· Grigory Marchenko, Chief of National Bank of Kazakhstan

· Karim Massimov, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan

OLD GUARD – Uses connections and assets for political means

· Bulat Utemuratov, businessman and former Presidential Affairs Chief

o Influence/Assets

§ Industrial (Kazzinc Metals, Kazphosphate Chemicals, Merkur Automotive, Vasilkovskoe Gold)

§ Media (Megapolice newspaper, Tan television, Icon internet, RBC Central Asia magazine)

§ Financial (Kassa Nova Bank, Metrocombank)

§ Telecommunications (Kar-Tel, Beeline-Kazakhstan)

§ Utemuratov is worth $1-2 billion

o Weaknesses

§ Though Utemuratov held many political offices and is close to the President, his support inside the political realm is limited, leaving him with little protection for his assets.

· Nurtai Abykayv, Chairman of National Security Committee

o Influence/Assets

§ Childhood friend of President Nazarbayev

§ Unofficially heads Presidential Administration staff

§ Close ties to the Kremlin

o Weaknesses

§ Caught in a series of scandals, including selling weapons to North Korea, and murdering opposition leader Altynbek Sarsenbayev

· Marat Tazhin, Secretary of Security Council

o Influence/Assets

§ Official advisor to President Nazarbayev

§ Organizes presidential strategy groups on political stability, national security, and foreign policy

§ Controls internal presidential group on distributing propaganda

o Weaknesses

§ An academic with no actual political power

· Southern Alliance, senior members of government from Kazakhstan’s southern regions

o Influence/Assets

§ Influence and control in the powerful southern Kazakh regions

§ Currently made up of

· Sarybai Kalmurzayev, Presidential Affairs Manager

· Umirzak Shukeyev, First Vice-Premier

· Sat Tokpakbayev, Deputy of Mazhilis

· Kairat Mami, General Prosecutor

· Kozykorpesh Karbuzov, Chairman of Cusoms Committee

o Weaknesses

§ Very few actual assets

§ Declared political rivals of Timur Kulibayev’s faction

· Kairat Kelimbetov, Chairman of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund

o Influence/Assets

§ One of the most respected and powerful loyalists in the country, making him one of the closest advisors to the President

§ Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund influences and controls nearly 60 percent of Kazakhstan’s economy

§ Other power circles consider Kelimbetov a balancer in the country between competing forces

o Weaknesses

§ Direct rival to Timur Kulibayev’s group, especially in regards to its asset of Premier Massimov’s position in the government


· Nurlan Balgimbayev, ex-premier, head of energy circle “Oilmen”

REGIONALISTS – Uses connections for commercial gains

· Imangali Tasmagambetov, Akim of Astana

o Influence/Assets

§ Akim includes the capital of the country, which also control many central-western regions

§ Gained the position because is close to President Nazarbayev

§ Heavily tied into the UK government and royals, and European investment circles

o Weaknesses

§ Power among the regional elite is limited due to a strong unitary state under President Nazarbayev; every regional leader is therefore appointed and not elected by the population

§ Internal clans inside each region are not necessarily loyal to the Akim

§ Assets are also vertically under the President, so are a weak advantage if any

· Akhmetzhan Yessimov, Akim of Almaty

o Influence/Assets

§ Akim includes the most powerful city in Kazakhstan

o Weaknesses

§ Yessimov has never admitted actual loyalty to President Nazarbayev, leaving many to not trust him

§ Power among the regional elite is limited due to a strong unitary state under President Nazarbayev; every regional leader is therefore appointed and not elected by the population

§ Internal clans inside each region are not necessarily loyal to the Akim

§ Assets are also vertically under the President, so are a weak advantage if any

· Bergei Ryskaliyev, Akim of Atyrau

o Influence/Assets

§ Akim of one of the richer oil regions

§ Links into the Presidential Administration and the Old Guard

§ Reportedly connected into Kazakhstan’s main organized crime groups

o Weaknesses

§ Power among the regional elite is limited due to a strong unitary state under President Nazarbayev; every regional leader is therefore appointed and not elected by the population

§ Internal clans inside each region are not necessarily loyal to the Akim

§ Assets are also vertically under the President, so are a weak advantage if any

· Krymbek Kusherbayev, Akim of Mangystau

o Influence/Assets

§ Akim of one of the oil and resource rich regions, Mangystau, which is called the “treasure of Kazakhstan”

§ No ties into other major politicians outside of President Nazarbayev, making him relatively neutral

o Weaknesses

§ Power among the regional elite is limited due to a strong unitary state under President Nazarbayev; every regional leader is therefore appointed and not elected by the population

§ Internal clans inside each region are not necessarily loyal to the Akim

§ Assets are also vertically under the President, so are a weak advantage if any


· Nurzhan Subhanberdin, chief of Kazkommerts investment group

· Margulan Seisenbaev, former chief of Seimar Al’yans Financial Corp.

· Raimbek Batalov, founder of Forum of Kazakhstan’s Businessmen

· Bakhytbek Baiseitov, President of Banking Association of Kazakhstan

FOREIGN FACTION – Uses connections and assets for financial gains

· Korean Group, Korean Diaspora and influential foreign businessmen

o Influence/Assets

§ Main members:

· Vladimir Kim,

o Shareholder of Kazakhmys Copper

o Fortune of $4.7 billion

· Eduard Ogai, Chairman Kazakhmys Copper

· Yuri Tashai, President of Kazakhstan’s Korean Association

o Parliamentary senator

o Shareholder of JSC Caspy Bank

§ Tied into South Korea and its foreign investment circles

o Weaknesses

§ Being foreign diminishes any power push in Kazakhstan, as well as delegitimizes the group in the population’s eyes.

§ Presidential Administration has undercut corporations with Kazakh loyalists inside the company

§ Group’s previous leader, Vladimir Ni, who was close friends with President Nazarbayev died in 2010

· Eurasian Group, foreign oligarchs within the Eurasian industrial and energy complex

o Influence/Assets

§ Members:

· Alexander Mashkevich

· Patokh (Fatakh) Shodiyev

· Alidzhan Ibragimov

§ Oversees or influences

· Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky Mining, JSC Eurasia Energy Corporation, Aluminum of Kazakhstan, KazChrome, Shubarkol Komir Coal, Mugoteks Coal, Zhairemsky Mining

· Eurasia Bank, which umbrellas ten other banks in Kazakhstan

· Express K newspaper

o Weaknesses

§ Being foreign diminishes any power push in Kazakhstan, as well as delegitimizes the group in the population’s eyes.

§ Presence in the country is dependent on another power circle