October 2, 2017 Minutes
High Mountain School All Purpose Room
Call to Order: 7:12pm
Flag Salute
PTO President Welcome: Heather LaCognata: Welcome back and happy October. We have a month of school down and all is going well. This is my second year in the President position. New this year, two teachers have been invited to join the executive board meetings each month to further facilitate communication between the parents and teachers in this organization. If there are ever questions or comments, please do not resort to using social media, call, email or text a Board member. The Executive Board was introduced.
Ms. Mazzola – High Mountain School
- Opening Day at High Mountain ran very smoothly and the students have had an amazing first few weeks. Thank you to all the teachers for your heard work and preparations.
- School security Drills & Fire Drills– complete and ongoing - All were completed successfully with the assistance of the North Haledon Police Department.
- School Pictures took place on Friday. The Rain Date is October 16, 2017.
- Student Council essays were read in Social Studies classes and the representatives for each grade level were voted on and chosen by the classes. It was a very difficult decision in many cases, as all of the students put a tremendous amount of time and energy into their essay. Congratulations to all the new members of student council. Elections for officers will be held on Tuesday, October 10th.
- Back to School Night is schedule for tomorrow at High Mountain School. Remember that there will be a 12:49 dismissal. We will have a bagel sale for the students as well. Families will report directly to their child’s first period class. I look forward to seeing you!
- High Mountain School will be observing the Week of Respect the week of October 2nd – October 76h. To recognize the importance of character education, school districts are required to observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on demonstrating respect for themselves, others and the environment. We will have a door decorating contest on Friday. Please remember to send in pictures, drawings, or write ups to your child’s homeroom teacher. Students will be participating in activities and lessons throughout the week that will focus on the Week of Respect as well. Thank you to Ms. Conover for organizing.
- Thank you to the PTO for the welcome back first day breakfast. Much enjoyed and much appreciated!
- Little Ivy STEM Academy is set to launch its Fall programs at HMS. We are looking forward to bringing this enrichment program to our students as an after school activity. There is still time to register if interested. They will be at Back to School Night with more information.
- Upcoming event at HMS: Grade 6 field trip to Buehler Science Center on October 24th and 25th.
- Thank you to all the parents for their support. Thank you to the PTO in advance for all you do.
Mrs. Tait – Memorial School
- Great Opening Day and week! Thank you to all teachers for your hard work and preparations and to parents for cooperation.
- School security Drills & Fire Drills– complete and ongoing - All were completed successfully with the assistance of the North Haledon Police Department.
- School Pictures took place on Friday. The Rain Date is October 16, 2017.
- Back to School Night is scheduled for October 4th. Remember that there will be a 12:59 dismissal. Please also stop by the Meet & Greet in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you!
- Memorial School will be observing the Week of Respect the week of October 2nd – October 76h. To recognize the importance of character education, school districts are required to observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on demonstrating respect for themselves, others and the environment. Students will be participating in various activities and lessons throughout the week that will focus on the Week of Respect. Thank you to Ms. Conover for organizing.
- Thank you to the PTO for the welcome back first day breakfast. Much enjoyed and much appreciated!
- Thank you to all the parents for their support. Thank you to the PTO in advance for all you do.
- Makerspace – Introduction of Mrs. Vander Pyl and presentation.
Minutes of June 5, 2017 Meeting: Please review for approval.
Approved: Heather Davidson
Second: Cecelia Love
PTO Treasurer’s Report: Angela Bua: The June 1 operating starting balance was $56,490.92. The end balance from June 30, 2017 was $24,870.87. The games of chance account had an end balance of $65,443.50. The total amount available without savings was $$90,314.37 and with savings was $100,787.12. From July 1 to September 30, 2017 the beginning operating balance was $24,870.87. The end operating balance was
$25,477.44. The games of chance account had an end balance of $65,443.50. The total amount available without savings was $90,920.94 and with savings was $101,393.69.
Approved: Melissa Daniels
Second: Elisabeth House
8th Grade Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Antropow: The end balance from June through September was $2,873
Correspondence Report: Giselle Micchio: Several thank you notes were received from the Reading Challenge and from the teachers Welcome Back Breakfast.
Web Coordinator: Tawnya Stojakovic
- NHPTO website: Please go to the website and update your email, cell phone carrier, and child/children’s information. If you are new to the district, please create your account. We ask that you input your cell provider. This will enable you to receive emails and text blasts from NHPTO. You can find the calendar of events and forms on the website as well as volunteer for various PTO committees.
- Online credit card purchases: New this year, we are now able to accept credit card purchases online through our website for things such as NHPTO Membership, Family Directory and more items to come.
- Shopping through the website: There are several websites that you can shop at through our NHPTO website. This is a quick and easy way for money to come back to the PTO. Amazon, K-Mart, Kohl’s, Macy’s Microsoft, WalMart are just some of the sites you can shop.
- School Directory: Membership and Family Directory forms are due as soon as possible so the committee can begin work on inputting the data for the Family Directory.
- Paperless PTO App: The paperless PTO app can be purchased for $3.00 on the website.
- Stop n Shop: Register your Stop & Shop card for their school rewards program at and choose Memorial Elementary School so we can receive credit.
- Shoparoo: This is a free app that can be downloaded. Choose Memorial Elementary School as the school you support – this is for the whole district. You then snap pictures of store receipts through the app which will translate to points or tickets. Earn points for grocery related receipts. Points translate to money back for the PTO that is received in October from the previous school year. Earn ticket entries by snapping pictures of non-grocery receipts such as restaurants, department stores and other retailers. Tickets are entered into a monthly drawing the first week of the month, where the winner will receive $1000 for their school.
NHEF Report: Heather Davidson: The NHEF sold out again this year of Taco in a Bag at North Haledon Day. Thank you so much to all those who came out and supported NHEF. Our team meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm here at High Mountain School. We are always looking for new members to join us. The summer Box Top contest went very well. Meyers Karate has donated a portion of money back to NHEF. WE will be having an Alex and Ani fundraiser soon. The store is located in Ridgewood. Casino Night, one of our largest fundraisers, will be held on December 9. Breakfast with Santa will be held on December 16.
Board of Education: Heather LaCognata: Mr. Griffo, the Board of Education President, was introduced.
- Mr. Griffo: Thank you from the Board for the assistance with the purchasing of the Chrome Books for the students of High Mountain School. Mr. Griffo was interested in the Shoparoo app and suggested sending a letter to the Mayor about the possibility of making this not just a PTO effort but a town effort.
- Cafeteria Food Committee: Mr. Griffo reported hearing several complaints about the school lunches. At the end of the year, he went to have lunch at school and found that there was a lot of food in the trash. About 1/3 of the students are purchasing lunch. I am proposing that a committee be set up consisting of 3 parents, the 2 principals and a few teachers to see what if anything can be changed or give recommendations.
- Kim Checinski commented that this was done several years ago and recommendations were made. Some changes occurred, but not enough.
- Jessica Matos suggested that a parent with a dietician or nutritionist background be on the committee.
Mr. Griffo asked for volunteers. Lauren Realmonte, Tammy Longo, Michele Dockray and Heather Davidson all volunteered. Thanks were provided.
Wrap Ups
- PTO Audit: Angela Bua: The annual PTO budget audit was held on July 6. All balanced out.
- Class of 2017 - 8th Grade audit: Heather LaCognata for Michele Manning: All balanced out. The accounting was transferred over to the new 8th grade treasurer.
- Framework Yoga: Elise Djecki for Heather Grella: Despite some conflicts with other events, there was a good turnout for this last minute event. There was a profit of $200. Framework Yoga is looking to do another night for patents. This will be planned out soon.
- 5th Grade Ice Cream Social: Jessica Matos & Ro Nativo: Jessica spoke. The event went well. Thank you to Marzy Design for the donation of the banner for the children to sign. The Ice Cream truck came and the children enjoyed it.
- North Haledon Day: Heather LaCognata: Thank you to all those who came out to support the PTO at North Haledon Day. We held a pie in the face game where the kids had chances to toss whipped cream pies at teachers. Thank you so much to our teacher volunteers; we could not have done this activity without you. There was more of a line for the middle school teachers, but overall all the children had fun.
- Hospitality: Elisabeth House: Thank you for all of the donations for the upcoming Back to School Nights. As a reminder, we voted last year to no longer have hospitality at our PTO meetings.
- Membership: Angela Bua: Currently, our membership is at 243. Thank you to all those who have joined PTO. We are still accepting memberships.
- School Coordinators:
- HMS: Jackie Roscio: We will be meeting here immediately following the PTO meeting for the Class Parent, Class Captain, Committee Chair meeting. We will be reviewing all the class captain / class parent rules. As a reminder, to be eligible to be a class parent you are required as per the PTO by laws, to be a paid member in good standing, have volunteered the previous year on two committees and have attended a minimum of 3 PTO meetings. If someone is interested in being a class parent without these expectations being met, and there are no other eligible individuals have volunteered, exception may be made.
- Memorial: Giselle Micchio:
- Review of the Class Captain, Class Parent and Committee Chair guidelines.
- The PTO Committee Chair and Class Captain/Parent Kick Off Meeting will be held immediately following this meeting here in this room.
- Fall Fundraiser: Janessa DeJesus & Jessica Tomasi: Jessica spoke. The packets went out to students the other week. Payments are due no later than October 10. Items will be delivered on November 15. Orders can be picked up between 3-6pm.
- Halloween Trunk or Treat: Debbie Salerno & Colleen Faasse: We are in need to volunteers to decorate trunks. Trunk or treat will be held on October 21. Thank you for the candy donations. The winner of the raffle will now be announced. Congratulations to Stacey Canova.
- 8th Grade Activities: Kim Checinski, Gini Panzera, Heather Venezia: Kim spoke. Our first meeting will be held immediately following this meeting in the Library. Subsequent meetings will be held after PTO meetings in the Library as well. Our 50/50 raffle ticket sales have begun already. We switched from the Kids Stuff books to the Save Around books this year. The draw for the Save Around books was the convenience of there being an app that can be downloaded to your phone. This way if you forget the book at home, you can simply use the app. Additionally, often new coupons are added throughout the year and applied to the app.
- Sunshine:
- HMS: Gini Panzera: There was one sunshine this month.
- Memorial: Gini Panzera for Mona Cacciola: Nothing to report for Memorial.
- Book Fair: Jen Percelli & Michele Dockray: Jen Spoke. Thank you to Michele for co-chairing this event with me. The Book Fair at Memorial family night is scheduled for Monday, October 16 from
6-8pm. We are currently looking for volunteers to assist with the family night. The theme for this year is the Wild West. Children will go to the Book Fair Tuesday – Thursday, with Friday being the day for missed opportunities.
- Tricky Tray: Allison Winkler & Jen Percelli: The trick tray will also have a Wild West theme this year. The date is April 17, 2018, a Tuesday evening, and will be held at the Tides again. Parking was much improved last year. Also, the successes of the early ticket pick up and the opportunity to drop your tickets in the afternoon will have us do this again this coming year.
- Dining Out: Heather LaCognata for Carly Saal: Nothing is currently scheduled.
- Spirit Wear: Angela Bua: We are looking for a Chair and co-chair for this committee. Currently, we are beginning to work on the idea of having class t-shirts. Papers will be coming home soon. Nadia Esposito and Cherie Van Zile volunteered to chair and co-chair this committee. Thank you so much.
- TREP$: Jessica Tomasi: A Chair and Co-chair needed for this committee as well. TREP$ marketplace will be held on December 8.The notice containing the information will be coming home shortly. Nadyne Averso volunteered to Chair the committee. Thank you so much Nadyne.
- Sports Club: Jessica Tomasi: The beginning of the first session of Sports Club will be held in October. This will be for grades 5-8 at HMS.
- 2017-2018 PTO Budget: Angela Bua & Heather LaCognata: As a reminder as to how the budget works – the monies raised last year fund this year’s budget. So the money you see if each line item is the money that is there, no more than that. All fundraising that occurs this school year goes towards the budget for the 2018-2019 school year.
- A question was asked regarding the notation of “no food” at the 4th Grade Move Up. This means there will not be food at that event. Food prices have continued to increase making it harder to afford this with monies allotted. Additionally, all foods need to be approved which takes about 2 weeks to do. Eliminating food at events will not only save money but reduce allergy issues.
- School Kidz: Heather LaCognata: This is the first year we have had difficulties with the kits that were ordered. We were not the only school affected. Many thanks to the administration, teachers and secretaries for your helpfulness. The customer service was not helpful at all in trying to resolve our issues. This service will be discontinued.
- Question: Tammy Longo – Is there another company that could be utilized?
- Answer: there may be, but a very bad taste was left after this most recent experience.
- High Mountain Proposal: Heather LaCognata for Mrs. Mazzola: Mrs. Mazzola proposed asking for a $500 budget for a Be Kind program at HMS. There would be a reward at the end of each marking period to recognize children that have gone above and beyond with kindness. The reward may be a pizza lunch for example.
- 2017-2018 Budget
- All in favor: all
- All opposed: none
- Mrs. Mazzola’s proposal
- All in favor: all
- All opposed: none
- Comment: Jo-Ann Angelucci commented that the easy ways to raise money for the PTO such as Shoparoo and shopping through the website are so often overlooked. Please make an effort to participate; it is essentially free money to the PTO.
Thank you for attending this PTO meeting.
Monday, November 6, 2017 at HMS in the All Purpose Room
Meeting adjourned: 8:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Puskas
Recording Secretary