HGovt – 4.2 The National Govt and the 50 States
*The Constitution requires:
1. nat’l govt to promise states certain things
2. makes it possible for the fed to do certain things for the states
The Nation’s Obligations
Art IV – where you can find obligations nat’l govt owes to the states
Republican form of govt
- Generally interpreted as representative govt
- Sup Crt says Exec and leg decide what representative govt means; weird
- A/f Civ War, congress would not re-admit states til they ratified Amends 13-15
- Nat’l govts will protect states form invasion, like it was a federal problem when 9/11 happened in Manhattan
- Today that is a given, back in the day, not so much. So each state demanded that guarantee before it would give up its military.
- Most “riots” would be controlled by state, but when things get out of hand we’ve got the Nat’l guard, to protect all from “domestic violence”
- 1967 – Johnson, at behest of Romney (yes, that guys dad) sent in the army when police and nat’l guard overwhelmed; again in Balt and Chicago when MLK killed
- 1992 – GHW w/ Rodney King
- POTUS can order in troops w/out request of the state (Cleveland and Pullman Strike of 1894
Respect for Territorial Integrity
- Fed must recognize boundaries and existence of the states
- Art V - no state can be deprived of its equal representation in the US Senate without its own consent
Admitting New State
- Under AOC, congress of the Confederation passed the NW Ord of 1787, most important measure passed during 8yr existence of the AOC
- Any state in N or Ohio R. & W of colonies could apply for statehood if they had 60K
- 1785 – created townships responsible for public schooling (this is cool b/c it proves that the govt accounts for and values education?)
- Once Const adopted, so to was the Ord & it set up how other states would be formed and admitted to the Union
Congress and the New States