PTAG Meeting Minutes


Meeting started at 9:41 a.m.

Kristen Howell recognized the board and thanked everyone for a great start to the year.

Amber Larsen pointed out that her and Suzanne Lair’s names were misspelled in April’s meeting minutes. After corrections were made Sarah Houde motioned to approve the minutes. Kerri Bowman seconded.

Elizabeth Decker spoke about yearbook and asked for volunteers to help. Email her if interested at . She also wants to partner with homeroom moms to get pictures from classes. She will be holding 1-2 meetings per month.

Liz Flake from the JPS Foundation spoke about how the foundation helps to support district with financial needs. JPS Foundation fundraiser will be held Sat. Feb 13th @ Cox Convention center, and will have a Trojan Tailgate theme again this year. Last year $28,000 was raised from auctioning foundation baskets. Save a space forms are due Sept. 28th (theme for basket). Wrap day is November 17th-19th (17th for West) in the boardroom at the Education Services Center. Baskets are due November 20th. Contact her at with any questions or Tracy Dunaway, JWE’s foundation liaison.

Stacey Butterfield invited everyone to Hometown Huddle, fundraiser event sponsored by JPS Foundation, on Friday Sept. 18th, 4-7 pm. Game starts @ 7:30. She addressed traffic concerns and thanked everyone for their patience. Informed us we are up roughly 233 students from last year, final #’s will be available Oct. 1st

Suzanne Lair expressed how great it was to have such a wonderful turnout, and introduced the building principals. She explained that they were always available by email and phone, and those were the best ways to get a response within 24 hours. She talked about the new district homework policy, and that the focus will be to promote love of reading however this fits within your family instead of focusing on set amount of time per day and keeping timed reading logs. Math lessons will be taught, and then by working with students in small groups the teachers can determine each child’s individual needs.

Katherine McCarthy previously our gifted coordinator, now IB coordinator spoke about our IB program. We are in our 3rd year of candidacy. This focuses around 6 globally significant themes and the ultimate goal is to make students more globally aware. September 14th-15th an IB consultant (former JHS grad) will be here from Texas and would like to speak with a small group of parents. Email invitations will be sent. There will be a new IB focus in the PTAG newsletter each week. Teachers want to hear about what their children are talking about at home and how they are putting IB into action at home.

Suzanne addressed questions about district collaboration days. She explained start times and that collaboration days are used for trainings, meetings, etc.

Stephanie Currington made a motion to move $25,000 to JWE’s account to use for teacher’s yearly stipend for additional supplies for their classrooms. Sarah Houde motioned to approve and Kerri Bowman seconded.

Sarah Houde spoke about PTAG memberships. We have 377 PTAG members currently, and our goal is 500. We will have drawing for PTAG members on Sept. 15th for a Rustic Cuff. Encouraged everyone to turn in volunteer forms.

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Kalissa Stimson spoke about Jog-a-Thon. Sept. 17th will be kickoff day and the actual event will be Oct. 1st. We need 45 all day volunteers, only have 21 so far. Full day volunteers will receive a t-shirt and free lunch. All volunteers need to have their t-shirt sizes to Jeanne Moyer by Sept. 15th. Bounce U donated 4 parties for classroom in each building that raises the most money, Abbey Rd. will be providing entertainment, and Reasors donated water for students. Kim Dietrich is heading up JAT corporate sponsorships and we have 28 total sponsors, totaling $12,102. Suzanne clarified all day volunteer times, 7a.m.-1p.m. and shared that design plans for the track behind Building E are being drawn up.

Amy Vargus, our PLAC rep. explained that Joy Hofmeister’s goal is funding for teacher’s raises. Funding and testing are big priorities this year. PLAC Meetings will start in November. Encouraged to join the Jenks PLAC Facebook page.

Upcoming Spirit Night will be Sept. 17th @ Chick Fil A 5-8 PM; Simple Simon’s near Walmart Oct. 6th they will give dollar for dollar up to $500

Nancy Rivers said that box tops raised over $5000 last year ($0.10 each). Our 1st contest ends October 19th, and 2nd one will end in February. Collection sheet will be available on the PTAG Facebook page. Make sure you have teacher’s name on everything.

Heather Persson and Laura Knoll talked about Project Westly. We will have a canned food drive that supports the Jenks Community Food Bank. It will be held the last 2 weeks of October. They still need Bldg. A and D coordinators and volunteers to help sort donations, etc. Allison Stephens volunteered to be Building A coordinator.

Hillary Speer gave an update on school supplies. 1012 kits were delivered to the school. Clorox wipes and reams of paper were ordered separately. Extra kits sold out this year except for 3rd and 4th grade; moving to online orders only next year. EPI donated 10 kits per grade; concern about communication with Enrollment Center about supplies and 3-year-old program.

Spirit Wear orders delivered on Friday.

Amber Larsen said that Square 1 Art information would be coming home in October.

Kathy Guenther, the district’s volunteer coordinator, spoke about online training, has to be done once a year. She is willing to work with dads for Men with Class. The enrollment center is available to those who need additional help. Encouraged everyone to record your volunteer hours!

Debbie Burnham talked about word work. Volunteers are needed for reading specialist.

Next meeting is Tues. October 20th at Noon. Bring your lunch!

Amy Steelman motioned to adjourn meeting. Heather Persson seconded.