Name: ______ID #: ______

Last First Middle

The Subject Selection Form indicates your choices of classes for the next academic school year. Please select the courses carefully after discussing them with your teachers and parents. The Subject Selection Form must be returned to your school no later thanFebruary 3, 2017. Please note: If you do not return this Subject Selection Form with all the necessary signatures, you will be assigned to classes by the grade level counselor.

REQUIRED COURSES –Selected by your individual teacher. Teachers please write in the course code for your individual subject and initial.


Code ______Initial ______Code ______Initial ______

A11M/J Language Arts 1- RegularC11M/J Comprehensive Science 1 - Regular

A12 M/J Language Arts 1- Advanced C12M/J Comprehensive Science 1 - Advanced

A13M/J Language Arts -Inclusion **C13M/J Comprehensive Science 1 - Inclusion**

A14M/J Language Arts - SPED**C14M/J Comprehensive Science 1 - SPED **

A19M/J Language Arts 1- Cambridge/Gifted*C19M/J Comprehensive Science 1 -Cambridge/Gifted*

A06M/J Language Arts - ESOL


Code ______Initial ______Code______Initial ______

B11M/J Mathematics 1 -RegularD11M/J United States History - Regular

B12 M/J Mathematics 1 - Advanced D12M/J United States History- Advanced

B13M/J Mathematics 1 - Inclusion**D13M/J United States History- Inclusion**

B14M/J Mathematics 1 - SPED**D14M/J United States History- SPED**

B16M/J Mathematics 1 –iPrepAdvanced (FSA Level 3)D16M/J United States History - EFL

B19M/J Mathematics 1 – Adv. Gifted*D19M/J United States History - Gifted*

B26M/J Mathematics 2 – iPrep Advanced(FSA Level 4 & 5)

(Mathematics MUST be at the same levelor higher than the science classes.)

*Current placement in a gifted program required (EP). PHYSICAL EDUCATION

**Required Individualized Education Plan(IEP).Code______

P11/P12 M/J Physical Education – Regular

P13/P14 M/J Physical Education - SPED**

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONP15/P16M/J Physical Education - (6th Period) must have initial ___

Physical education is a requirement in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. This requirement may be waived only if a student is enrolled in a remedial course or if the student’s parent requests in writing that the student is to be enrolled in another elective for the upcoming year. It must be stated that the student is participating in physical activities outside the school equal to or in excess of the mandated requirement. This written request MUST be submitted at the same time the course selection sheet is returned and is only valid for the upcoming school year and it will not be accepted at a later time. At Highland Oaks Middle School, physical education is an annual course.

ACADEMIES: Please select four (4) choices from the elective classes listed on the reverse side of this form. Write them down in your order of preference. Your elective choices may be affected by your TEST results. All student courses are contingent on student enrollment and teacher availability.

First Choice______Second Choice______

Third Choice______Fourth Choice______

Recommendation Elective Box / Recommending Teacher Initials


Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature Date